Georg Wohrle

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Georg Wöhrle (born March 11, 1953 in Würzburg ) is a German classical philologist and medical historian .


Wöhrle studied from 1974 to 1983 at the University of Freiburg with Wolfgang Kullmann , Karl Büchner , Eckard Lefèvre and Hermann Strasburger classical philology and ancient history. In 1983 he received his doctorate with Wolfgang Kullmann in the subject of Greek studies with his dissertation "Theophrast's method in his botanical writings". In 1988 his habilitation followed at the University of Bamberg with the text "Studies on the theory of ancient health theory". He then received a Heisenberg grant from the German Research Foundation and represented the chairs in Würzburg and Mainz .

In 1994 he followed a call to the University of Trier as a full professor of classical philology with a special focus on Greek. From 2007 to 2010 Wöhrle was deputy head of the DFG graduate college for slavery - bondage and compulsory labor - forced labor. Non-free forms of work and life from antiquity to the 20th century and from 2002 to 2004 Vice President of the University of Trier for research, teaching and foreign relations. He is a member of the board of trustees of the Karl and Gertrud Abel Foundation in the Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft . He retired in October 2018.

Research priorities

Wöhrle deals with archaic Greek literature, pre-Socratic philosophy and especially with the history of medicine and natural sciences in antiquity. Together with Jochen Althoff and Sabine Föllinger, he is the editor of the series Ancient Science and Its Reception (AKAN). Together with Barbara Feichtinger , Therese Fuhrer and Christine Walde , he also publishes the iphis series - Gender Studies in Classical Studies .

As part of an international project, he is currently working on a large-scale new edition of the Greek, Latin and Arabic testimonies to the pre-Socratic philosophers . The focus of this new edition lies in the special consideration of the traditional contexts of the corresponding testimonies. Three volumes (on Thales or Anaximander and Anaximenes von Milet and - together with Benedikt Strobel - on Xenophanes ) have already been published in the course of the project in the "Traditio Praesocratica" series by Verlag de Gruyter . The series "Studia Praesocratica" co-edited by Wöhrle is also published in this context.

As a freelancer for the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung , Wöhrle has published several articles in the Frankfurter Anthologie (editor Marcel Reich-Ranicki ).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b professorship. Retrieved September 11, 2019 .
  2. Traditio Praesocratica. January 1, 2012, accessed September 11, 2019 .
  3. Studia Praesocratica. January 1, 2012, accessed September 11, 2019 .
  4. ^ Georg Wöhrle: poem, interpretation, reading: "Odysseus" by Christoph Meckel . ISSN  0174-4909 ( [accessed September 11, 2019]).