Georg Wosegin

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Georg Wosegin (born November 9, 1624 in Königsberg (Prussia) ; † September 21, 1705 ibid) was a German mathematician and physician.


The son of the citizen in Löbenicht, roller maker and head of the large hospital Johann Wosegin and his wife Katharina Knobloch had initially attended the school in Löbenicht. In 1640 he moved to the University of Königsberg and found accommodation with Professor of Logic and Metaphysics Michael Eifler . He also attended the mathematics lectures given by Albrecht Linemann and the medical lectures given by Daniel Beckher the Elder , Christoph Tinctorius and Johann Löselius (1607–1655). After he had defended his medical disputation de arthritide three years later , he traveled via Lübeck to the University of Rostock .

Here he heard mathematics with Stephan Scultetus (also Schultetus, Schulz, * 1602 Osterburg, † April 20, 1654 in Rostock), history with Josua Arnd , and he completed medical lectures with Joachim Stockmann . In June 1646 he traveled to the University of Leiden in Holland . Here he completed oriental language studies and had attended mathematical and medical lectures. He had also looked at the local hospitals and botanical gardens. After visiting the universities of Groningen, Franeker, Utrecht and Leuven, he had visited Amsterdam and had come into contact with well-known personalities.

Upon his return to Leiden, he disputed in the presence of the Elector Friedrich Wilhelm of Brandenburg , under the chairmanship of his compatriot Albert Kyper (-1,655) in 1651 with the Inauguraldisputation de pleuritide and thereafter became the MD PhD . He traveled back to his homeland via Friesland and Westphalia. Here he took up an extraordinary professorship in medicine at the University of Königsberg on June 6, 1652. In 1653 he became an adjunct of the medical faculty and on October 2, 1670 he acquired the master's degree in philosophy. In 1681 he became a full third professor at the medical faculty, rose to the second professorship in 1690 and became the first full professor at the medical faculty in 1701.

In 1667 he was also given the professorship of mathematics at the philosophical faculty, which he resigned in 1690. In addition, he was appointed royal Prussian court doctor and appointed physicist at Kneiphof. He also took part in the organizational tasks of the Königsberg University. He was rector of the Alma Mater in the summer semesters 1672, 1680 and 1688, as well as in the winter semesters 1691/92, 1695/96 and 1699/1700 . In the winter semester 1703/04 he was Vice Rector. On 10 December he sent by royal rescript emeritus , but the university as a senior was preserved. The collection of natural materials that he created was transferred to the holdings of the university collections in the Saturgs cabinet.


On February 8, 1655, Wosegin married Regina († April 23, 1704), daughter of the pastor of the old town, Mag. Martin Wolder. Children from marriage come from these:

  • Sophia Wosegin († 1700) married. January 14, 1698 with the councilor of the old town Christoph Horck (* October 7, 1650; † June 9, 1714)
  • Anna Katharina Wosegin (born March 21, 1556 - † November 17, 1723) married. April 17, 1679 with the professor medicine Dr. Georg Rast (March 16, 1651 - January 14, 1729)
  • Theodor Wosegin (born October 31, 1660 - † January 4, 1662)
  • Ludovika Wosegin (February 16, 1667 - July 24, 1668)
  • Anna Dorothea Wosegin married February 10, 1687 with Johann Melchior von Hahn on Feldhoff and Aahoff (Courland)
  • Johann Heinrich Wosegin (November 2, 1670 - September 24, 1677)
  • Ernst Theodor Wosegin (* February 22, 1672 - † May 1, 1673)
  • Daughter NN. Wosegin m. with Sigismund Pattone on Bossen and Runau
  • Daughter NN. Wosegin m. Reinhold Freyling on ribs
  • Daughter Johanna Wosegin married with the Prussian captain Bernhard Kagel (ball) on left and Littauschdorf, II. marriage with Jean Paul de L'Estocq, son Johann Ludwig L'Estocq
  • Georg Christoph Wosegin (lived 1687, dead 1705) disputed several times in Königsberg
  • Anna Elisabeth Wosegin 1705 unmoored.


  • Dissertatio de sanguinis in adultis motu naturali. Koenigsberg 1681
  • Disputatio anatomica de cordis structura ejusdemque usu.Königsberg 1667
  • Conclusionum medicarum disquisitio prima. Koenigsberg 1652
  • Disputatio medica de ictero. Koenigsberg 1652
  • Disp. De partibus abdominis.


  • Daniel Heinrich Arnoldt : Detailed and documented history of the Königsberg University. Johann Heinrich Hartung, Königsberg in Prussia, 1746, 2nd part, pp. 305, 311, 315, 322, 326, 378, line 56
  • Friedrich Johann Buck: Biographies of the deceased mathematicians in general and of the great Prussian mathematician P. Christian Otters, who died more than a hundred years ago, credibly promoted to print, especially in two departments. Hartung & Zeise, Königsberg and Leipzig, 1764, p. 98 ff. ( Online )
  • Georg Christoph Pisanski: Draft of a Prussian literary history in four books. Verlag Hartung, Königsberg, 1886, pp. 309, 371,
  • Christian Gottlieb Jöcher : General Scholar Lexicon, Darinne the scholars of all classes, both male and female, who lived from the beginning of the world to the present day, and made themselves known to the learned world, After their birth, life, remarkable stories, Withdrawals and writings from the most credible scribes are described in alphabetical order. Volume 4, Verlag Johann Friedrich Gleditsch, Leipzig, 1751, Sp. 2077
  • Wosegin, George. In: Johann Heinrich Zedler : Large complete universal lexicon of all sciences and arts . Volume 59, Leipzig 1749, column 554.
  • Johannes Gallandi : Königsberg city families. In: Rudolf Reinicke, Ernst Wichert: Old Prussian monthly new series. Ferdinand Beyer, Königsberg in Pr. 1883, p. 643

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