Gerhard Fulda

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Gerhard Fulda (2018)

Gerhard Fulda (* 1939 in Hamburg ) is a German lawyer , former diplomat - most recently as ambassador to Indonesia and East Timor until 2004 - and a publicist .



Fulda studied law in Hamburg and Freiburg and, from 1964, for a year and a half in Cairo . There he prepared his doctorate for Dr. jur. with a dissertation on the published 1969 by Gamal Abdel Nasser driven social reforms in Egypt before.

Diplomatic career

In 1970, Fulda began working in the Foreign Office . He worked as a diplomat in Morocco and Saudi Arabia for a total of five years . From 1986 to 1988 he was head of the political department and at the same time deputy to the ambassador of the German embassy in Cairo . In 1997, as representative of Germany, he took over the rotating presidency of the Central Commission for Navigation on the Rhine and was spokesman for the European delegation in the negotiations on the international space station . Meanwhile with the rank of ministerial director , he became a member of the 44-member Senate of the German Aerospace Center (DLR) in 1999 for the state side . He was ambassador to Indonesia from 2000 to 2004 and from there he was the first German ambassador to East Timor from 2002 to 2004 through multiple accreditation . In 2004 he was retired because he had reached the age limit .

Commitment in retirement

After his retirement, the Orient and Islam specialist Fulda worked as a dealer for old art from Islamic countries for a few years from 2005 and ran a gallery in Berlin , where he also gave lectures on Islamic aesthetics, architecture, ceramics and calligraphy .

Fulda is one of eight vice-presidents of the German-Arab Society , a member of the Advisory Board of the German-Palestinian Society , and co-founder of the Alliance to End the Israeli Occupation. V.

In lectures, articles and interviews, he repeatedly took a stand on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and criticized Chancellor Angela Merkel for declaring herself in the Knesset in 2008 about Germany's historical responsibility for Israel's security as part of its raison d'etre .

In 2011 he was one of the co-authors and signatories of an open letter from 32 former German ambassadors and consuls general to the federal government at the time, in which they asked for support for the Palestinians' efforts to be recognized by the United Nations as an independent state of Palestine . They described the approval as "a command of humanity to end an unworthy occupation policy."


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Alliance to End the Israeli Occupation (BIB) : short biography of Gerhard Fulda, one of the founding members
  2. Contemporary witness of Middle East politics , Badische Zeitung of June 8, 2011, accessed on May 28, 2018
  3. Michael Zajonz: Living in Luxury , Der Tagesspiegel from November 7, 2011, accessed on May 28, 2018
  4. club tab VR 24174 B of the district court Charlottenburg
  5. Advisory Board, website of the German-Palestinian Society, accessed on June 4, 2018
  6. Gerhard Fulda: Völkerrecht oder Staatsräson in: zenith-Zeitschrift für den Orient , September / October 2012 (now offline there, but also published on the DAG website: [1] )
  7. ^ "Yes to Palestine in the UN": Appeal of former diplomats to Merkel and Westerwelle, In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung of July 8, 2011, accessed on May 28, 2018
predecessor Office successor
Heinrich Seemann German ambassador to Indonesia
Joachim Broudré-Gröger
- German ambassador to East Timor
Joachim Broudré-Gröger