Gerhard Gäde

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2016 lecture in Munich St. Ludwig

Gerhard Gäde (born January 16, 1950 in Bremen ) is a German-Italian Roman Catholic theologian and university professor . He is a priest of the Diocese of Osnabrück and an associate professor for dogmatics at Kath-Theol. Faculty of the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich .


As the son of a German and an Italian, Gäde grew up bilingual. In 1969 he graduated from high school in Bremen. From 1969 to 1974 he studied philosophy and theology at the Philosophical-Theological University Sankt Georgen in Frankfurt am Main and at the Leopold-Franzens-University in Innsbruck. He finished his studies in Frankfurt in 1974 as a graduate theologian.

In 1975 Gäde was ordained a priest in Osnabrück and was then in the pastoral service of the Diocese of Osnabrück until 1983 : 1976 to 1979 as a chaplain in Oldenburg / Holstein and religion teacher at the grammar school there; 1979 to 1983 as pastor in Liebenau / Krs. Nienburg (Weser). In 1981 he obtained a degree in theology. In 1984 he took a doctoral degree at the Phil.-Theol. Hochschule Sankt Georgen in Frankfurt am Main and was a research assistant at the pastoral theological institute of Ludwig Bertsch SJ . In 1987 he was with a dissertation on the doctrine of salvation Anselm of Canterbury Dr. theol. PhD ( PhD supervisor : Peter Knauer SJ). From 1988 to 1998 he headed the Catholic University Community in Osnabrück as a student pastor and was a lecturer in theology at the Catholic University of Applied Sciences in North Germany in Osnabrück.

He completed his habilitation in 1997 in dogmatics at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich with a habilitation thesis on the pluralistic theology of religion by John Hicks under Gerhard Ludwig Müller . From 1998 to 2008 he was Professor of Dogmatics at the Pontifical College S. Anselmo in Rome . There were also visiting professorships at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome (2000–2007), at the Facoltà Teologica di Sicilia in Palermo (2002–2008) and at the Theological Faculty of Lugano (2007–08).

From 2009 to 2020 he lived in Munich and initially taught as a private lecturer at Kath.-Theol. Faculty of the Ludwig Maximilians University (LMU) in Munich. In 2012 he was appointed associate professor by the LMU. In addition, from 2010 to October 2019 he was also active as a pastor in the parishes of St. Maximilian and Heilig Geist, then until the end of April 2020 as a pastor in the Munich parish of St. Maria-Thalkirchen. In May 2020 he relocated to his home diocese in Osnabrück and has been pastor in the parish of St. Johann in Osnabrück since June 1, 2020.

main emphasis

For many years, Gäde has dealt intensively with the theology of religions , which is the focus of his work and his publications. As a student of Peter Knauer and on the basis of important basic principles of his fundamental theology , he represents and develops interiorism as an alternative to the traditional religious theological classification models of exclusivism , inclusivism and religious theological pluralism . It is about determining the relationship between the Christian faith and the truth claims of non-Christian religions, in which the truth of other religions can be recognized by the Christian side without having to even begin to withdraw the Christian truth claim. In dealing with the pluralistic theology of religion, Gäde has methodologically and epistemologically secured this approach in numerous scientific articles , as well as thought it through in christological , ecclesiological and canon theological terms. He also applied interiorism to the relationship to Islam in his own monograph . Anselm von Canterbury and the doctrine of God are also focal points .


  • We are invited. A book on first communion. Echter, Würzburg 1987, 51 pp.
  • Another mercy. To Understand the Doctrine of Redemption Anselm of Canterbury. Echter, Würzburg 1989, 324 p;
    • 2nd, updated and expanded edition, Peter Lang, Berlin 2018, 376 pp.
  • Many religions - one word of God. Objection to John Hicks pluralistic theology of religion. Gütersloher Verlagshaus, Gütersloh 1998, 404 pp.
  • See the word of God! Christmas theological meditations. Eos, St. Ottilien 2002, ISBN 3-8306-0815-2 .
  • Battesimo e confermazione. Teologia dell'iniziazione cristiana , Lussografica, Palermo-Caltanissetta 2002, ISBN 88-8243-088-X , 163 pp.
  • Christ in the Religions The Christian faith and the truth of the religions. Schöningh, Paderborn 2003; 2 2010, 196 p., ISBN 978-3-506-70111-4 (Italian edition: Cristo nelle religioni. La fede cristiana e la verità delle religioni. Borla, Roma 2004, 220 p., ISBN 88-263-1515 -9 ).
  • (Ed.), Hear-Believe-Think. Festschrift for Peter Knauer SJ on the completion of his 70th year. Lit, Münster 2005, 414 pages, ISBN 3-8258-7142-8
  • Islam from a Christian perspective. Understand the Muslim Faith. Schöningh, Paderborn 2009, ISBN 978-3-506-76740-0 , 300 pages (Italian edition: “Adorano con noi il Dio unico” [Lumen gentium 16]. Per una comprensione cristiana della fede islamica. Borla, Roma 2008 , 323 pp., ISBN 978-88-263-1674-1 ).
  • ed. together with Stephan Ernst : Responsibility for faith in theology, pastoral care and ethics. For Peter Knauer SJ. Herder, Freiburg 2015, ISBN 978-3-451-31332-5 , 622 pp.


  • Zbigniew Slaczka: Revelation and Salvation in Non-Christian Religions? A study on W. Pannenberg, HR Schlette and G. Gäde. Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main et al. 2001, ISBN 3-631-38013-5 ( European university publications . Series 23: Theologie 718), (At the same time: Freiburg / B., Univ., Diss.)
  • Rosario Pistone: Ancora su "Primo" o "Antico" Testamento . In: Ho Theológos . 19 (2001), pp. 401-413.
  • Denisa Červenková: Gädeho problematizace konceptu yjeveni jako epistemologického kritéria teologie náboženství (Gäde's Problematization of the Concept of Revelation as an Epistemological Criterion of the Theology of Religions). In: Studia Theologica. 30 (2007), pp. 14-23.
  • Maurice Borrmans: Come along with the libro di Gerhard Gäde “Adorano con noi il Dio unico”? In: Ho Theológos. 26 (2008) ZDB -ID 606988-5 , pp. 127-139.
  • Paolo Gamberini SJ: Adorano con noi il Dio unico. In: Ho Theológos . 26 (2008), pp. 141-148.

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