Gerhard Kaske

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Gerhard Kaske (born November 7, 1925 in Parchwitz , Liegnitz district , Lower Silesia ; † beginning of January 2019 ) was a German chemist , physicist and local researcher .


Kaske came from a long-established Silesian family. In Parchwitz he first attended elementary school and then moved to the Johanneum in Liegnitz . In 1943, at the age of 18, he was drafted into military service in World War II. After participating in the war, he subsequently made his Abitur in Riesa ( Saxony ). He then studied physics , chemistry and mathematics at the Free University of Berlin from 1951 to 1957 and graduated as a physicist.


In 1957 he began his professional career as a plant manager at the " Chemical Works Hüls " in Marl ( North Rhine-Westphalia ). In 1964 he was at the Technische Hochschule Hannover Dr. Ing. PhD . His dissertation on February 25, 1964 was entitled Enthalpy and Equilibrium of Liquid and Vapor of Real Multimaterial Mixtures (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Technical University, 1964).

Kaske made a career at Chemische Werken Hüls: In 1971 he became director of the “ Basic Chemicals ” division, later of the “ Basic Materials / Inorganica” division. From 1989 to 1990 he was director of the “ Quality Management ” division. In addition, he was the managing director of the “Houdry-Hüls GmbH catalyst works” in Marl. Based on his knowledge, he sat on several technical advisory boards and participated in scientific societies.

After German reunification, Kaske took care of the privatization of industrial chemicals and agrochemical companies in the Treuhandanstalt in Berlin . He also headed the “ Economy and Ecology ” working group within large-scale chemistry. In 1991 Kaske worked on the re-establishment of " Simson Fahrzeugwerke GmbH " in Suhl ( Thuringia ). In 1992 he founded "KMS Formbau GmbH quality tools for plastics processing" as a managing partner in Bad Muskau . In 1993 he became a member of the advisory board, later of the management of the " Kurt Schwabe Foundation" in Meinsberg ( Saxony ). In 1996 Kaske became a member of the advisory board, later of the board of directors of the "Support Association for the Mold Making and Tool Technology Center Zittau".

Private life

Kaske married in Bonn on 14 April 1966, the business graduate and secondary school teacher Jutta von Hinüber , the daughter of the Court of Appeal Council Dr. jur. Harald von Hinüber (1898– ??) and Ingeborg von Hagen (1904–1996).

As a private person, Kaske remained connected to his Silesian homeland and was the home district representative for the Liegnitz district from 1974 to 1984. In 1974 he became a member of the "Bundesgruppe Liegnitz - Stadt und Land eV" in Wuppertal and in 1976 its first chairman. In this office he tried to keep the former inhabitants of the city and district of Liegnitz together. To preserve the cultural traditions, the local museum " Liegnitzer Sammlung Wuppertal " was founded on Kaske's initiative . The “Liegnitzer Archive” was able to be transferred from the town hall to the “Liegnitzer Collection” through Kaskes financing, whose working group he led as first chairman.

From 1983 to 1997 Kaske was a member of the Presidium, from 1985 to 1997 Vice-President of the Silesian District, Town and Local Council. From 1990 to 1994 he was treasurer of the Silesian Landsmannschaft in Königswinter .

Most recently Kaske lived in Marl again. He collected documents on the industrial history of Silesia.

Publications (selection)

In his scientific work Kaske concentrated on coal refinement, the production of hydrogen and the production of acetylene . Several scientific articles were devoted to the subject of hydrogen as an energy carrier .

He also published:

  • Liegnitz - Pictures from the history of a city , with OH Paetzold, in: Contributions of the Liegnitz history , Volume 9, Historical Society Liegnitz, Verlag G. Weber, Lorch 1979, ISBN 3878880391
  • The Liegnitz landscape and its people , in: Contributions of the Liegnitzer Geschichte , Volume 9, Historische Gesellschaft Liegnitz, Lorch 1979
  • Liegnitz - The Silesian garden city , with Horst Hiller, in: Ostdeutsche Städtebilder , Westkreuz-Verlag Berlin / Bonn, Bad Münstereifel 1992, new edition 1997, ISBN 3-922131-80-8
  • 300 years of the Liegnitz Knight Academy , with Hubert Unverricht , in: Contributions to the Liegnitz History , Volume 39, Verlag Henske-Neumann, Hofheim (Taunus) 2009, ISBN 978-3-9813078-0-1


  • 1st Lower Silesian Entrepreneur Award (1998)
  • Federal Cross of Merit on ribbon
  • Silver and gold badge of honor of the Liegnitz Federal Group of the Silesian Landsmannschaft
  • Schlesierkreuz


  • Short biography on his 85th birthday, in: Schlesischer Kulturspiegel , issue 45, page 81, Stiftung Kulturwerk Schlesien, Würzburg 2010, ISSN  1437-5095
  • Walter Habel: Who is who? das Deutsche who's who , Volume 42, Page 696, Verlag Schmidt-Römhild, 2003, ISBN 3795020360

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Genealogisches Handbuch des Adels , Adelige Häuser B Volume XII, Page 165, Volume 64 of the complete series, CA Starke Verlag, Limburg (Lahn) 1977.