Gerhard Naschberger

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Gerhard Naschberger (born April 13, 1955 in Klagenfurt , Austria ; † October 5, 2014 in Lima , Peru ) was a German painter of the New Wilds .

life and work

Portrait of Michael Hoymann 1983

Naschberger studied from 1974 to 1979 at the Städelschule in Frankfurt am Main with Raimer Jochims and Thomas Bayrle . In 1979 he received a scholarship from Hans Haacke at the Cooper Union in New York . In his motifs he took up art-historical themes and worked with figures that were dissolving. Two or more interpenetrating motifs were blended over one another. The resulting complex image structure served the artist as a painterly enigma in which the visible was hidden and relationships with the image levels established through the non-present. The Bernese museum director Jean-Christophe Ammann wrote in 1982: “I think his ultimate goal is to bring a banal motif into a state of ecstatic enlightenment. [...] What Naschberger strives for is to give the inconspicuous the glow of the irrevocable. "

In 1980, together with Jiří Georg Dokoupil , Walter Dahn , Hans Peter Adamski and Peter Bömmels, he founded the artist group Mülheimer Freiheit , which was named after the joint studio in Cologne's "Mülheimer Freiheit No. 110". His painting Fighting Deer , reminiscent of prehistoric wall paintings, was bought by the Museum Boymans van Beuningen , Rotterdam.

In 1983 he realized the set for Dadazuerich in Cologne, then in 1985 for “Frankfurt Feste” in the Alte Oper Frankfurt , a. a. together with Franz-Josef Heumannskämper . With Heumannskämper he made 3 more stage productions a. a. Nietzsche Live in Concert 1987 for the Cologne Opera. In 1985 the jointly written book Der Mensch, der UFA-Palast was published .

In the mid-1980s he worked as an actor in films by the Cologne director Jürgen Heiter.

In the early 1990s, Naschberger withdrew from the art business and temporarily moved to New York. In 2003/2004 his works were represented in the exhibition Obsessive Painting - A Review of the New Wild at the Center for Art and Media Technology in Karlsruhe.

Works in public collections


  • Gerhard Naschberger, Franz-Josef Heumannskämper: The human being, the UFA palace ,

Cologne 1985 ISBN 3-923167-05-9


  • Mülheim freedom. Seafaring and death. , Catalog for the exhibitions: Kunsthalle Wilhelmshaven (1981), Kunstverein Wolfsburg (1982)
  • Wolfgang Max Faust, Paul Maenz : De nieuwe Duitse art: Mülheimer freedom. HP Adamski. Peter Bömmels. Walter Dahn. Georg Jiri Dokoupil. Gerard Kever. Gerhard Naschberger , catalog for the exhibition in the Groninger Museum, Groningen, 1982
  • Zdenek Felix (Red.): 10 Ten young artists from Germany . Catalog for the exhibition at Museum Folkwang, Essen, 1982

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Wolfgang Max Faust , Gerd de Vries: Hunger nach Bilder , DuMont, 1982, ISBN 3-7701-1442-6 , p. 166 ff.
  2. ^ Jean-Christophe Ammann, in: 12 Artists from Germany, Catalog Kunsthalle Basel, 1982, unpaginated