Engelrod court

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The court Engelrod (also: Amt Engelrod ) was an office of the rule Riedesel .


In the early modern period , offices were a level between the municipalities and the sovereignty . They could also have historical names such as “tithe” or “court”. The functions of administration and jurisdiction were not separated here. The office was headed by a bailiff (or centgrave ) who was appointed by the rulers.


The Engelrod court was part of a fiefdom that the Lords of Riedesel had received from the Landgraves of Hesse . The feudal lordship and later sovereignty changed with the corresponding inheritance divisions and changes in the landgraviate:

  • until 1567: Landgraviate of Hesse. After the death of Landgrave Philip I of Hesse , the landgraviate was divided between his four surviving sons from his legitimate first marriage. His second-born son Ludwig IV received
  • from 1567 the Landgraviate of Hessen-Marburg and sovereignty over the Riedesel fiefdom. When Ludwig IV died without a male heir, the Riedesel fiefdom was subject
  • from 1604, after the legacy of Ludwig IV had been divided between his two nephews, the Landgraves of Hesse-Kassel and Hesse-Darmstadt , Hesse-Darmstadt and ultimately remained there even after the decades-long dispute over the inheritance.

In 1803, the Landgraviate of Hessen-Darmstadt consolidated its ancestral territories and those acquired with the Reichsdeputationshauptschluss , which lay north of the Main , in a newly created principality of Upper Hesse (from 1816: Province of Upper Hesse ). With the dissolution of the Old Reich and joining the Rhine Confederation in 1806, the Landgraviate received the status of a Grand Duchy but also state sovereignty over the entire Riedesel region. This state sovereignty did not go far here, because the sovereign rights of the Lords of Riedesel, now rulers , remained. Their rights were also protected by the federal act . In the administrative reform of 1821, the state succeeded in integrating the Engelrod court into its own structure: It was dissolved, the administration previously performed there was assigned to the newly established Herbstein district , and jurisdiction was assigned to the Lauterbach regional court .


The following places belonged to the Engelrod court :


In the area of ​​the Engelrod court, the Riedesel's ordinances , which overlay the common law , were considered to be particular law . Since there was never a legal standardization in the Grand Duchy of Hesse, this situation was only replaced on January 1, 1900 by the Civil Code , which was uniformly applicable throughout the German Empire .


  • L. Ewald: Contributions to regional studies . In: Grand Ducal Central Office for State Statistics (ed.): Contributions to the statistics of the Grand Duchy of Hesse . Jonghaus, Darmstadt 1862.
  • Arthur Benno Schmidt : The historical foundations of civil law in the Grand Duchy of Hesse . Curt von Münchow, Giessen 1893.

Individual evidence

  1. Engelrod, Vogelsbergkreis . In: LAGIS : Historical local dictionary ; As of April 17, 2018.
  2. Ewald, p. 53f.
  3. Art. 24 Rhine Confederation Act .
  4. Art. 14 Federal Act .
  5. ^ Ordinance on the division of the country into districts and district courts of July 14, 1821 . In: Hessisches Regierungsblatt of July 20, 1821, p. 403 (414).
  6. Ewald, p. 54; Schmidt, p. 9, note 23.
  7. ^ Schmidt, p. 103.