Gertrud Bindernagel

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Gertrud Bindernagel (born January 11, 1894 in Magdeburg , † November 3, 1932 in Berlin ) was a German opera singer ( soprano ).


After studying at the Magdeburg Conservatory, she became a volunteer at the Magdeburg City Theater at the age of 17 . From 1913 to 1917 she received further training at the Berlin Music Academy . From 1917 to 1919 she sang at the Opera House in Breslau and from 1919 to 1920 at the Regensburg City Theater . In 1920 she received an engagement at the Berlin State Opera , to which she belonged until 1927.

She gained particular reputation as a Wagner singer and appeared in guest performances in Barcelona , Madrid , Antwerp , Munich , Hamburg and Mannheim . From 1927 to 1931 she was part of the ensemble of the Mannheim National Theater . In 1926, 1927, 1931 and 1932 she sang at the Sopot Festival . In 1930 she gave a guest performance at the Vienna State Opera . In 1931 she became a member of the Städtische Oper Berlin , where she had performed frequently since 1927.

Important roles in Bindernagels were Lady Macbeth in Macbeth , Isolde in Tristan and Isolde , Elisabeth and Venus in Tannhäuser , Ortrud in Lohengrin , Leonore in Fidelio , Donna Anna in Don Giovanni , Martha in Tiefland , Marschallin in Der Rosenkavalier , Ariadne in Ariadne on Naxos , Countess in Figaro's wedding , the title character in Aida , Amelia in A Masked Ball , Santuzza in Cavalleria rusticana , Tosca in Tosca , Fata Morgana in The Love of the Three Oranges and Els in The Treasure Trove .

Bindernagel had her last appearance on October 23, 1932, when she sang Brünnhilde in a Sunday performance of Siegfried at the Städtische Oper Berlin. When she wanted to leave the opera house, she suddenly found herself confronted by her husband, the indebted banker Wilhelm Hintze, from whom she had been separated for a few days and against whom she had filed for divorce. After a brief exchange of words about the whereabouts of their eight-year-old daughter, Hintze pulled a revolver from his pocket, shot his wife and then fled, but was soon caught. The singer was admitted to the Westend hospital with serious internal injuries. The attack on Bindernagel's life caused a sensation in Berlin.

After the doctors had already noted significant progress in their healing, Bindernagel died suddenly on November 3, 1932 in the Westend hospital after a pulmonary embolism had occurred. She was only 38 years old. The burial took place at the Heerstrasse cemetery . The grave of Gertrud Bindernagel has not been preserved.

Her sister Alice Bindernagel became a successful actress.


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Individual evidence

  1. The singer Bindernagel seriously injured. Shot by her husband . In: Vossische Zeitung . Monday, October 24, 1932, evening edition. P. 4.
  2. Gertrud Bindernagel † . In: Vossische Zeitung . Friday November 4, 1932, morning edition. P. 12.
  3. ^ Hans-Jürgen Mende : Lexicon of Berlin burial places . Pharus-Plan, Berlin 2018, ISBN 978-3-86514-206-1 . P. 484.