Goldmann's science fiction

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Goldmann's science fiction was in Wilhelm Goldmann Verlag published in Munich 1960 to 1967 science fiction - book series .

Herbert W. Franke was formally the editor of the series, but actually had little influence on the selection of titles and essentially acted as a scientific advisor. Since "Science Fiction" was not yet considered to be a common genre term in Germany in 1960 , the term "Zukunftsroman" was chosen, although a considerable number of the titles were not novels, but rather collections of short stories. The titles were published both as bound editions and as paperback editions, the bound edition being DM 2.80 more expensive each .

In the series appeared from the then still wide range of untranslated Anglo-Saxon science fiction novels and short stories by Poul Anderson , James Blish , John Brunner , Arthur C. Clarke , Daniel F. Galouye , Robert A. Heinlein , Clifford D. Simak and as representatives of German science fiction six volumes by Herbert W. Franke. Originally, a significant part of the editions was sold to city , company and lending libraries , but with the advent of the paperback series, the series became unprofitable, so that from number 51 onwards only hardcover editions of titles published in Goldmanns Weltraum paperbacks were produced. In 1967 the series was then discontinued.

Translators in the series were among others:

44 titles in the series alone were translated by Tony Westermayr.

List of titles in the series:

No. Author (s) German title year Original title year translator
1 Isaac Asimov The feverish planet 1960 The currents of space 1952 Iris and Rolf H. Foerster
2 Isaac Asimov Stars like dust 1960 The Stars Like Dust 1951 Else embroider
3 Alfred Bester Storm on the universe 1960 The Demolished Man 1953 Heinz Otto
4th Herbert W. Franke The green comet (short stories) 1960
5 Jeffery Lloyd Castle Space station E 1 1960 Satellite E One 1954 Tony Westermayr
6th James Blish City between planets 1960 Earthman, come home 1955 Tony Westermay
7th Isaac Asimov Radioactive ...! 1960 Pebble in the Sky 1950 Iris and Rolf H. Foerster
8th Isaac Asimov Water for mars (stories) 1960 The Martian Way 1955 Iris and Rolf H. Foerster
9 Jeffery Lloyd Castle Spaceship Omega 1960 Vanguard to Venus 1957
10 Arthur C. Clarke Banished to the future (stories) 1960 Expedition to Earth 1954 Tony Westermayr
11 Louis Charbonneau Escape to the Stars 1960 No place on earth 1958 Iris and Rolf H. Foerster
12 James Blish They are human too 1960 The Seedling Stars 1957 Tony Westermayr
13 Arthur C. Clarke The seven suns 1960 The City and the Stars 1956 Tony Westermayr
14th John Wyndham The cobalt flower (stories) 1960 The Seeds of Time 1956 Tony Westermayr
15th John Wyndham Who does the earth belong to? 1961 The Chrysalids 1955 Tony Westermayr
16 Herbert W. Franke The thought network 1961
17th Charles Eric Maine Two - one - zero 1961 Countdown 1959 Tony Westermayr
18th Mark Clifton The mountain made of quartz 1961 Eight Keys to Eden 1960 Tony Westermayr
19th John Wyndham Colony in the sea? 1961 The Kraken Wakes 1953 Lothar Heinecke
20th Clifford Simak The gateway to the other world (stories) 1961 The Worlds of Clifford Simak 1960 Tony Westermayr
21st Poul Anderson Guardian of the times 1961 Guardians of Time 1960 Heinz Bingenheimer
22nd Charles Eric Maine Homesickness for the earth 1961 The Man Who Owned the World 1960 Bingenheimer
23 Poul Anderson Humanity seeks asylum 1961 Twilight World 1961 Tony Westermayr
24 Herbert W. Franke The orchid cage 1961
25th Arthur C. Clarke The Other Side of Heaven (Tales) 1961 The Other Side of the Sky 1961 Heinz Bingenheimer
26th Zenna Henderson Where is our world 1961 Pilgrimage - The Book of the People 1961 Heinz Bingenheimer
27 Mordecai Roshwald The ultimatum 1962 Level 7 1959 Heinz Bingenheimer
28 Eric Frank Russell Distant stars (stories) 1962 Far stars 1961 Heinz Bingenheimer
29 Arthur C. Clarke Sunk in the moondust 1962 A Fall of Moondust 1961 Tony Westermayr
30th José van den Esch January 2000 1962 Janvier, An 2000 1962 Elisabeth Simon
31 Clifford Simak The invisible barrier 1962 Time is the simplest thing 1961 Tony Westermayr
32 Herbert W. Franke The glass trap 1962
33 Mark Clifton MacKenzie's experiment (short stories) 1962 Tony Westermayr
34 Poul Anderson The fall of the earth 1962 After doomsday 1961 Tony Westermayr
35 Laurence Schoonover The red rain 1962 Central passage 1962 Heinz Bingenheimer
36 Clifford Simak The lonely robot (stories) 1962 All the Traps of Earth 1962 Tony Westermayr
37 Daniel F. Galouye Dark universe 1962 Dark Universe 1961 Tony Westermayr
38 Herbert W. Franke The steel desert 1962
39 Robert Sheckley The divided me (stories) 1963 Store of Infinity 1960 Tony Westermayr
40 Howard Fast The new people (stories) 1963 The Edge of Tomorrow 1961 Tony Westermayr
41 Randall Garrett The electronic genius 1963 Unwise Child 1962 Tony Westermayr
42 AE van Vogt The thinking machine 1963 The Mind Cage 1957 Tony Westermayr
43 John Brunner Request to Pluto (short stories) 1963 No future in it 1962 Tony Westermayr
44 James Blish The sign of lightning 1963 The Star Dwellers 1961 Tony Westermayr
45 Darrel T. Langart The foreign power 1963 Anything you can do ... 1963 Tony Westermayr
46 Robert Sheckley Utopia with small flaws (stories) 1963 Citizen in Space 1955 Tony Westermayr
47 Arthur C. Clarke Under the clouds of Venus (stories) 1963 Tales of Ten Worlds 1962 Tony Westermayr
48 Robert A. Heinlein Door to the future 1963 The Door into Summer 1956 Tony Westermayr
49 Walter Tevis Spy from space 1963 The Man who fell to Earth 1963 Tony Westermayr
50 Robert A. Heinlein The outcasts of the earth 1963 Methuselah's Children 1941 Tony Westermayr
51 Harry Harrison The robots rebel (narratives) 1964 Was with the robots 1962 Tony Westermayr
52 Robert A. Heinlein Citizen of Mars 1964 Podkayne of Mars 1963 Tony Westermayr
53 Robert A. Heinlein Revolt in 2100 (short stories) 1964 Revolt in 2100 1954 Tony Westermayr
54 Clifford Simak Space station on earth 1964 Way station 1963 Tony Westermayr
55 Robert A. Heinlein The green hills of the earth (stories) 1964 The Green Hills of Earth 1951 Tony Westermayr
56 Clifford Simak When there were still people 1964 City 1952 Tony Westermayr
57 James Gunn The gamma fabric 1964 The Immortals 1962 Tony Westermayr
58 Arthur Sellings Stranger on earth (stories) 1964 Time transfer 1956 Hans-Ulrich Nichau
59 Lloyd Biggle, Jr. Forbidden to people 1964 All the Colors of Darkness 1963 Tony Westermayr
60 Herbert W. Franke The ivory tower 1965
61 Dean McLaughlin In the shadow of Venus 1965 The Fury from Earth 1963 Hans-Ulrich Nichau
62 Daniel F. Galouye The trapped earth 1965 Lords of the Psychon 1963 Tony Westermayr
63 Algis Budrys The Gentle Invasion (Tales) 1965 The furious future 1963 Tony Westermayr
64 Daniel F. Galouye world on wire 1965 Simulacron-3 1964 Tony Westermayr
65 Pierre Boulle The planet of the apes 1965 La Planète des Singes 1963 Alexandra and Gerhard Baumrucker
66 Louis Charbonneau The wonder drug 1966 Psychedelic 40 1965 Hans-Ulrich Nichau
67 John Brunner Ruler of dreams 1966 Telepathist 1965 Tony Westermayr
68 Rex Gordon The time factor 1966 The time factor 1962 Hans-Ulrich Nichau
69 Clifford Simak Flowers from another world 1966 All Flesh is Grass 1965 Hans-Ulrich Nichau
70 John Christopher Island without a sea 1966 A wrinkle in the skin 1965 Hans-Ulrich Nichau
71 Rick Raphael Rays from the water (stories) 1966 The Thirst Quenchers 1965 Hans-Ulrich Nichau
72 Charles Eric Maine Dr. Gilley's wonder being 1967 BEAST 1966 Tony Westermayr
73 Louis Charbonneau Death of a robot 1967 Down to Earth 1967 Tony Westermayr
74 John Brunner Message from space 1967 The Long Result 1965 Hans-Ulrich Nichau
75 John Brunner Transit into space 1967 The Day of the Star Cities 1965 Tony Westermayr
76 Kate Wilhelm Life without death 1967 The Nevermore Affair 1966 Norbert Wölfl
77 Gertrude Friedberg Call from space 1967 The Revolving Boy 1966 Hans-Ulrich Nichau


Web links

  • Goldmann's science fiction in the Internet Speculative Fiction Database
  • Goldmann's science fiction on

Individual evidence

  1. Initially DM 4 or DM 6.80, from 1962 DM 5 or 7.80.