Goldmann's space paperbacks

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Goldmann's space paperbacks , later Goldmann Science Fiction was one from 1962 in Wilhelm Goldmann Verlag in Munich published science fiction - book series .


After Heyne- Verlag had started a successful SF paperback series in 1960, Goldmann decided to publish a similar series. Initially, titles from the hardcover series Goldmanns Zukunftsromane , which appeared at the same time, were reprinted as paperback books, but the exchange was soon reversed. From 1964 onwards, the hardcover series was reprints of paperback titles and in 1967 the hardcover series was completely discontinued.

In the first few years in particular, the space paperback program was quite demanding, which was also due to the large pool of Anglo-Saxon science fiction that had not yet been published in German. However, the limitation of the length to 150 to a maximum of 180 pages led to sometimes brutal cuts in many titles, for example John Brunner's The Jagged Orbit - in the English paperback edition almost 400 pages - was shortened to 189 pages by Goldmann. Despite such cuts, the editions were often declared as "Unabridged".

In 1973 the title of the series was changed to No. 164 in Goldmann Science Fiction . After Goldmann was bought by Bertelsmann in 1977 , both the appearance and the concept were changed several times. In particular, fantasy appeared alongside the more technically utopian-oriented titles . In the course of time, the series increasingly lost face, so that the timing of a formal adjustment can hardly be made out. Numerous titles and series, especially in the field of fantasy and adaptations of novels about from the Star Wars - Star Trek - and role-playing worlds , appeared out of turn and within range of several attempts were made to introduce a recognizable appearance, after all, these were but completely abandoned. By the end of the 1990s, fantasy titles appeared in the Goldmann Fantasy series . In the meantime, both Goldmann (since 1977) and Heyne (since 2003) belong to the Random House publishing group , while science fiction and fantasy appear there today mainly from Heyne and Blanvalet , another Random House imprint .

List of titles

The list below contains all titles up to the takeover by Bertelsmann and the associated changeover of the numbering system to 23… numbers (No. 252 followed by No. 23253).

No. Author (s) German title year Original title year translator
1 Isaac Asimov The feverish planet 1962 The currents of space 1952 Iris and Rolf H. Foerster
2 Louis Charbonneau Escape to the Stars 1962 No place on earth 1958 Iris and Rolf H. Foerster
3 Jack Williamson Wing 4 1962 The humanoids 1949 Otto obliquely
4th Alan E. Nourse The sixth moon 1962 Trouble on Titan 1955 Werner Gronwald
5 Heinrich Hauser Giant brain 1962
6th Arthur C. Clarke Islands in space 1962 Islands in the Sky 1952 Lothar Heinecke
7th James Blish They are human too 1962 The Seedling Stars 1957 Tony Westermayr
8th John Wyndham The cobalt flower (stories) 1962 The Seeds of Time 1956 Tony Westermayr
9 Arthur C. Clarke The seven suns 1962 The City and the Stars 1956 Tony Westermayr
10 John Wyndham Colony in the sea 1962 The Kraken wakes 1953 Lothar Heinecke
11 Arthur C. Clarke In the depths of the sea 1962 The Deep Range 1957 Else von Hollander-Lossow
12 Alfred Bester Storm on the universe 1962 The Demolished Man 1953 Heinz Otto
13 Arthur C. Clarke Dawn project 1963 Sands of Mars 1952 Herbert Roch
14th Sergius Both Planet of the Lost 1963
15th Clifford D. Simak The gateway to the other world (stories) 1963 The Worlds of Clifford Simak 1960 Tony Westermayr
16 Isaac Asimov Stars like dust 1963 The Stars like Dust 1951 Else embroider
17th Poul Anderson Guardian of the times 1963 Guardians of Time 1960 Heinz Bingenheimer
18th Herbert W. Franke The orchid cage 1963 colspan = "3"
19th Arthur C. Clarke The Other Side of Heaven (Tales) 1963 The other side of the sky 1958 Heinz Bingenheimer, Tony Westermayr
20th John Wyndham Who does the earth belong to? 1963 The Chrysalids 1953 Tony Westermayr
21st Herbert W. Franke The thought network 1963
22nd Charles Eric Maine Homesickness for the earth 1963 Ho owned the world 1960 Heinz Bingenheimer
23 Poul Anderson Humanity seeks asylum 1963 Twilight World 1961 Tony Westermayr
24 James Blish City between planets 1963 Earthman, come home 1955 Tony Westermayr
25th Zenna Henderson Where is our world 1964 Pilgrimage; the Book of the People 1961 Heinz Bingenheimer
26th Harry Harrison The robots rebel (narratives) 1964 Was with the robots 1962 Tony Westermayr
27 Arthur C. Clarke Sunk in the moondust 1964 A Fall of Moondust 1961 Tony Westermayr
28 Robert A. Heinlein Citizen of Mars 1964 Podkayne of Mars 1963 Tony Westermayr
29 Charles Eric Maine Two ... one ... zero 1964 Countdown 1959 Tony Westermayr
30th Robert A. Heinlein Revolt in 2100 (short stories) 1964 Revolt in 2100 1953 Tony Westermayr
31 Mark Clifton The mountain made of quartz 1964 Eight Keys to Eden 1960 Tony Westermayr
32 Clifford D. Simak Space station on earth 1964 Way station 1963 Tony Westermayr
33 Eric Frank Russell Distant stars (stories) 1964 Far stars 1961 Bingenheimer and Ernsting
34 Robert A. Heinlein The green hills of the earth (stories) 1964 The Green Hills of Earth 1951 Tony Westermayr
35 José van den Esch January 2000 1964 Janvier, An 2000 1962 Elisabeth Simon
36 Clifford D. Simak When there were still people (stories) 1964 City 1952 Tony Westermayr
37 Herbert W. Franke The green comet 1964
38 Clifford D. Simak The invisible barrier 1964 Time is the simplest thing 1961 Tony Westermayr
39 Isaac Asimov Radioactive ...! 1964 Pebble in the Sky 1950 Iris and Rolf H. Foerster
40 Mark Clifton MacKenzie's experiment (short stories) 1964 Tony Westermayr
41 Herbert W. Franke The glass trap 1964
42 Poul Anderson The fall of the earth 1964 After doomsday 1962, 1964 Tony Westermayr
43 Lawrence Schoonover The red rain 1964 Central passage 1962 Heinz Bingenheimer
44 James Gunn The gamma fabric 1964 The Immortals 1962 Tony Westermayr
45 Clifford D. Simak The lonely robot (stories) 1964 All the Traps of Earth 1962 Tony Westermayr
46 Arthur Sellings Stranger on earth (stories) 1964 Time transfer 1956 Hans-Ulrich Nichau
47 Jeffery Lloyd Castle Space station E 1 1964 Satellite E One 1954 Tony Westermayr
48 Lloyd Biggle, Jr. Forbidden to people 1964 All the Colors of Darkness 1963 Tony Westermayr
49 Herbert W. Franke The ivory tower 1965
50 Isaac Asimov Water for mars (stories) 1965 The Martian Way 1955 Iris and Rolf H. Foerster
51 Dean McLaughlin In the shadow of Venus 1965 The Fury from Earth 1963 Hans-Ulrich Nichau
52 Jeffery Lloyd Castle Spaceship Omega 1965 Vanguard to Venus 1957 Tony Westermayr
53 Daniel F. Galouye The trapped earth 1965 Lords of the Psychon 1953 Tony Westermayr
54 Arthur C. Clarke Banished to the future (stories) 1965 Expedition to Earth 1963 Tony Westermayr
55 Algis Budrys The Gentle Invasion (Tales) 1965 The furious future 1963, 1964 Tony Westermayr
56 James Blish The sign of lightning 1965 The Star Dwellers 1961 Tony Westermayr
57 Daniel F. Galouye world on wire 1965 Simulachron - 3 1964 Tony Westermayr
58 Randall Garrett The electronic genius 1965 Unwise Child 1962 Tony Westermayr
59 Pierre Boulle planet of monkeys 1965 La Planète des Singes 1963 Alexandra and Gerhard Baumrucker
60 Daniel F. Galouye Dark universe 1965 Dark Universe 1961 Tony Westermayr
61 Eugen Sänger (Ed.) Space travel where? 1965
62 Herbert W. Franke The steel desert 1965
63 AE van Vogt The thinking machine 1966 The Mind Cage 1957 Tony Westermayr
64 Robert Sheckley The divided me (stories) 1966 The Store of Infinity 1960 Tony Westermayr
65 John Brunner Request to Pluto (short stories) 1966 No future in it 1962 Tony Westermayr
66 Howard Fast The new people (stories) 1966 The Edge of Tomorrow 1961 Tony Westermayr
67 Louis Charbonneau The wonder drug 1966 Psychedelic 40 1964 Hans-Ulrich Nichau
68 John Brunner Ruler of dreams 1966 Telepathist 1964, 1965 Tony Westermayr
69 Rex Gordon The time factor 1966 First through time 1962 Hans-Ulrich Nichau
70 Arthur C. Clarke The last generation 1966 Childhood's End 1953 Else von Hollander-Lossow
71 Clifford D. Simak Flowers from another world 1966 All Flesh is Grass 1965 Hans-Ulrich Nichau
72 John Christopher Island without a sea 1966 A wrinkle in the skin 1965 Hans-Ulrich Nichau
73 Rick Raphael Rays from the water (stories) 1966 The Thirst Quenchers 1965 Hans-Ulrich Nichau
74 Charles Eric Maine Dr. Gilley's wonder being 1966 BEAST 1966 Tony Westermayr
75 Robert A. Heinlein Door to the future 1967 The door into summer 1956, 1957 Tony Westermayr
76 Louis Charbonneau Death of a robot 1967 Down to Earth 1967 Tony Westermayr
77 Darrel T. Langart The foreign power 1967 Anything you can do 1963 Tony Westermayr
78 John Brunner Message from space 1967 The long result 1965 Hans-Ulrich Nichau
79 Robert A. Heinlein The outcasts of the earth 1967 Methuselah's Children 1958 Tony Westermayr
80 John Brunner Transit into space 1967 The Day of the Star Cities 1965 Tony Westermayr
81 Robert Sheckley Utopia with small flaws (stories) 1967 Citizen in Space 1955 Tony Westermayr
82 Kate Wilhelm Life without death 1967 The Nevermore Affair 1966 Norbert Wölfl
83 Arthur C. Clarke Under the clouds of Venus (stories) 1967 Tales of Ten Worlds 1962 Tony Westermayr
84 Gertrude Friedberg Call from space 1967 The Revolving Boy 1966 Hans-Ulrich Nichau
85 Walter Tevis Spy from space 1967 The Man who fell to Earth 1963 Tony Westermayr
86 Keith Roberts The Neptune Test 1967 The Furies 1965, 1966 Hans-Ulrich Nichau
87 Daniel F. Galouye Spacecraft "Nina" reports 1968 The Lost Perception 1966 Hans-Ulrich Nichau
88 Zenna Henderson Departure into space (stories) 1968 The People: No different Flesh 1967 Hans-Ulrich Nichau
89 Frederik Pohl The power of a thousand 1968 A plague of pythons 1965 Tony Westermayr
90 Leslie Purnell Davies The man from the future 1968 The artificial man 1965 Tony Westermayr
91 EC Tubb Cage of time 1968 Death is a dream 1967 Hans-Ulrich Nichau
92 Damon Knight World without machines (stories) 1968 Three novels 1967 Tony Westermayr
93 EC Tubb Ming vase project (stories) 1968 Ten from Tomorrow 1966 Hans-Ulrich Nichau
94 DF Jones Colossus 1968 Colossus 1966 Tony Westermayr
95 Terry Carr (Ed.) The super weapon (anthology) 1968 Science fiction for people who hate science fiction 1966 Hans-Ulrich Nichau
96 Lloyd Biggle, Jr. Spirals out of the dark 1968 Watchers of the Dark 1966 Tony Westermayr
97 Harry Harrison Brothers in Space (short stories) 1968 Two Tales and Eight Tomorrows 1965 Hans-Ulrich Nichau
98 Lloyd Biggle, Jr. Crimes in the future (narratives) 1968 The Rule of the Door and other fanciful Regulations 1967 Tony Westermayr
99 Richard Cowper Phoenix 1969 Phoenix 1968 Hans-Ulrich Nichau
100 Lloyd Biggle, Jr. Fanfares of freedom 1969 The still, small Voice of Trumpets 1968 Tony Westermayr
101 Arthur Sellings Elixir of Immortality (Stories) 1969 The Long Eureka 1968 Hans-Ulrich Nichau
102 Richard Cowper Morning of infinity 1969 Breakthrough 1967 Hans-Ulrich Nichau
103 Harry Harrison New York 1999 1969 Make Room! Make Room! 1966 Tony Westermayr
104 Douglas Warner Storm of Doom 1969 Death on a warm wind 1968 Hans-Ulrich Nichau
105 Kate Wilhelm Gift from the Stars (Tales) 1969 Andover and the Android 1969 Wulf Bergner
106 Kenneth Bulmer Death on recall 1969 The Doomsday Men 1968 Tony Westermayr
107 Douglas R. Mason City under glass 1969 From Carthage then I came 1966 Hans-Ulrich Nichau
108 CM Kornbluth Herald in space (stories) 1969 Best Science Fiction of CM Kornbluth 1969 Hans-Ulrich Nichau
109 Lloyd Biggle, Jr. Invasion of the super humans 1969 The Angry Espers 1961 Tony Westermayr
110 Robert Sheckley The human trap (stories) 1969 The People Trap 1968 Norbert Wölfl
111 Michael Moorcock Ice Age 4000 1970 The Ice Schooner 1969 Hans-Ulrich Nichau
112 Philip K. Dick Ten years after the lightning bolt 1970 The Penultimate Truth 1964 Tony Westermayr
113 EC Tubb Return to earth 1970 Escape into Space 1969 Wulf Bergner
114 Philip E. High Forbidden reality 1970 Reality forbidden 1967 Tony Westermayr
115 John Brunner Tomorrow the world will go off its hinges 1970 The Jagged Orbit 1969 Tony Westermayr
116 DF Jones implosion 1970 implosion 1967 Wulf Bergner
117 Brian N. Ball In the time focus 1970 Timepiece 1968 Hans-Ulrich Nichau
118 Joseph Green Experiment Genius (short stories) 1970 An Affair with Genius 1969 Hans-Ulrich Nichau
119 John Rankine The Weisman idea 1970 The Weisman Experiment 1969 Tony Westermayr
120 Douglas R. Mason matrix 1970 matrix 1970 Tony Westermayr
121 Alexander Malec Exclusion zone moon (stories) 1970 Extrapolasis ( short stories) 1967 Norbert Wölfl
122 Alexei Panshin World between the stars 1970 Rite of Passage 1968 Norbert Wölfl
123 Philip K. Dick And the earth stands still 1971 Eye in the sky 1957 Hans-Ulrich Nichau
124 Bob Shaw The dazzling white sun 1971 The Palace of Eternity 1969 Tony Westermayr
125 Robert Silverberg Time patrol 1971 Up the line 1969 Tony Westermayr
126 Philip K. Dick The strange world of Mr. Jones 1971 The World Jones Made 1956 Tony Westermayr
127 Alan E. Nourse The forbidden science 1971 The Mercy Men 1955, 1968 Tony Westermayr
128 Bob Shaw The two-time people 1971 The two timers 1968 Tony Westermayr
129 Kenneth Harker The sun is getting colder 1971 The Flowers of February 1970 Hans-Ulrich Nichau
130 Emil Petaja Between yesterday and never 1971 The Time Twister 1968 Hans-Ulrich Nichau
131 Philip K. Dick Main prize: The earth 1971 Solar Lottery 1956 Hans-Ulrich Nichau
132 Louis Charbonneau The god of perfection 1971 Barrier World 1970 Tony Westermayr
133 Christopher Priest Back to the Future 1971 Indoctrinaire 1970 Tony Westermayr
134 Frederik Pohl The world is reversed (stories) 1971 Tomorrow Times Seven 1959 Tony Westermayr
135 Donald A. Wollheim How far is it to Babylon? (Stories) 1972 Two Dozen Dragon Eggs 1969 Tony Westermayr
136 CM Kornbluth , Frederik Pohl World on new paths 1972 Wolfbane 1969 Tony Westermayr
137 Bob Shaw Torments of immortality 1972 One million tomorrows 1970 Tony Westermayr
138 Philip E. High Planet of the butterflies 1972 Butterfly Planet 1971 Tony Westermayr
139 Ron Goulart Machine failure (narratives) 1972 Broke Down Engine 1971 Tony Westermayr
140 Bob Shaw People in zero space 1972 Night Walk 1967 Tony Westermayr
141 Charles Eric Maine The bridge over Saturn 1972 The random factor 1970 Tony Westermayr
142 Michael Elder The strange earth 1972 The Alien Earth 1971 Norbert Wölfl
143 Harry Harrison Prime number (narratives) 1972 Prime Number 1970 Norbert Wölfl
144 Louis Charbonneau The supernatural 1972 The sensitive 1968 Tony Westermayr
145 Eric Frank Russell Plus X 1972 The Space Willies 1958 Tony Westermayr
146 Richard Matheson The last day (stories) 1972 The Shores of Space 1957 Tony Westermayr
147 DF Jones Let the flowers stand 1973 Don't pick the flowers 1971 Tony Westermayr
148 Frederik Pohl Moonlight on mars (short stories) 1973 Turn left at Thursday 1961 Tony Westermayr
149 Howard Berk The sign of the lemmings 1973 The Sun Grows Cold 1971 Tony Westermayr
150 Hugh Darrington Satellite on the wrong path 1973 Gravitor 1971 Norbert Wölfl
151 James Ross In the name of humanity 1973 The God Killers 1971 Wulf Bergner
152 Harlan Ellison The silver corridor (stories) 1973 Ellison Wonderland 1962 Tony Westermayr
153 Bob Shaw The anti-war machine 1973 Ground Zero Man 1971 Wulf Bergner
154 Christopher Priest Black explosion 1973 Fugue on a Darkening Island 1972 Tony Westermayr
155 Kris Neville Experimental station 1973 Mission: Manstop 1971 Tony Westermayr
156 Michael Moorcock Shattered in time 1973 The Rituals of Infinity 1971 Norbert Wölfl
157 Winfried Bruckner Kill him! 1973
158 Eric Frank Russell Six worlds from here (tales) 1973 Six Worlds Yonder / Deep Space 1954, 1958 Tony Westermayr
159 Richard Cowper World without sun 1973 Kuldesak 1972 Tony Westermayr
160 Kris Neville Beyond the lunar orbit 1973 The Mutants 1966 Tony Westermayr
161 Edgar Pangborn Good neighbors and other strangers (stories) 1973 Good neighbors and other strangers 1972 Jürgen Saupe
162 Richard Cowper Homunculus 2072 1973 Clone 1972 Tony Westermayr
163 TJ bass The ant culture 1973 Half past human 1971 Wulf Bergner
164 Brian N. Ball The night of the robots 1973 Night of the Robots 1972 Tony Westermayr
165 Christopher Priest Transplants (stories) 1973 Real-Time World 1972 Tony Westermayr
166 Douglas R. Mason The Janus Syndrome 1974 The Janus Syndrome 1969 Tony Westermayr
167 Robert Sheckley The green jade moon ( short stories) 1974 Can you feel anything when I do this? 1971 Tony Westermayr
168 Lester del Rey Psi stalemate 1974 Pstalemates 1971 Tony Westermayr
169 Brian N. Ball Point in time zero 1974 Timepit 1971 Wulf Bergner
170 Philip K. Dick Volcano 3 1974 Vulcan's hammer 1960 Tony Westermayr
171 Isaac Asimov The feverish planet 1974 The currents of space 1952 Iris and Rolf H. Foerster
172 Bob Shaw Eyes of the past 1974 Other days, other eyes 1972 Tony Westermayr
173 Pierre Boulle planet of monkeys 1974 La Planete des Singes 1963 Alexandra and Gerhard Baumrucker
174 Lloyd Biggle The muse from space (stories) 1974 The Metallic Muse 1972 Tony Westermayr
175 Kenneth Bulmer Altimus control station 1974 On the Symb-Socket Circuit 1972 Wulf Berger
176 Bob Shaw Cocktail party in space (short stories) 1974 Tomorrow read in Ambush 1973 Tony Westermayr
177 Leslie Purnell Davies Journey into the twilight 1974 Twilight Journey 1967 Norbert Wölfl
178 Harry Harrison The great tunnel 1974 Tunnel through the deeps 1972 Tony Westermayr
179 James Blish Sometime (narratives) 1974 Anywhen 1970 Norbert Wölfl
180 Ron Goulart When everything fell apart 1974 After things fell apart 1970 Jürgen Saupe
181 Theodore Sturgeon Venus plus X 1974 Venus plus X 1960 Tony Westermayr
182 Lester del Rey Mars fever 1974 Badge of Infamy 1957 Tony Westermayr
183 Richard Wilson Twelve Steps To A Better World (Stories) 1974 Time out for Tomorrow 1962 Wulf Bergner
184 Theodore Sturgeon His name was human (stories) 1974 Sturgeon is Alive and Well ... 1971 Tony Westermayr
185 Richard Cowper Dangerous paradise 1974 Time out of mind 1973 Tony Westermayr
186 James Blish A handful of stars (short stories) 1974 Galactic Cluster 1959 Tony Westermayr
187 Theodore Sturgeon The living stones 1974 The Dreaming Jewels 1950 Tony Westermayr
188 Theodore Sturgeon The Secret of Xanadu (Stories) 1974 The Worlds of Theodore Sturgeon (I) 1972 Tony Westermayr
189 Theodore Sturgeon A thousand ships in the sky (stories) 1974 The Worlds of Theodore Sturgeon (II) 1972 Tony Westermayr
190 Daniel F. Galouye Beyond the Barriers (Stories) 1975 The Last Leap and Other Stories of the Super Mind 1964 Tony Westermayr
191 Poul Anderson Terra versus Avalon 1975 The People of the Wind 1973 Tony Westermayr
192 Theodore Sturgeon Light from the stars (tales) 1975 Starshine 1966 Tony Westermayr
193 Bob Shaw The green islands 1975 Shadow of Heaven 1969 Tony Westermayr
194 CM Kornbluth The Guru's Words (Stories) 1975 A mile beyond the moon 1958 Tony Westermayr
195 Theodore Sturgeon The god of the microcosm (stories) 1975 Caviar 1955 Tony Westermayr
196 Lester del Rey Gods and Golems (stories) 1975 Gods and golems 1973 Tony Westermayr
197 Wilson Tucker The year of the silent sun 1975 The Year of the quiet Sun 1970 Wulf Bergner
198 Daniel F. Galouye The realm of the telephoto dolls 1975 Project Barrier 1968 Tony Westermayr
199 Darko Suvin (Ed.) Other worlds, other seas (anthology) 1975 Other Worlds, other Seas 1970 N. Wölfl, W. Bergner, T. Westermayr, FA Hofschuster
200 Theodore Sturgeon Forecast: Positive (narratives) 1975 The Joyous Invasion 1965 Tony Westermayr
201 Damon Knight The analog machine 1975 Analogue Men 1955 Tony Westermayr
202 Dean McLaughlin A thousand miles to go 1975 The man who wanted stars 1965 Tony Westermayr
203 Robert Silverberg The shadows of dark wings (stories) 1975 The Cube Root of Uncertainty 1970 Tony Westermayr
204 Richard Cowper Two worlds - one thought 1975 World Apart 1974 Tony Westermayr
205 Frederik Pohl Beyond the sun (stories) 1975 The Gold at the Starbow's End 1972 Tony Westermayr
206 Brian N. Ball Frozen in time 1975 Singularity Station 1973 Tony Westermayr
207 James White The black inferno 1975 Lifeboat 1973 Tony Westermayr
208 Damon Knight World without children 1975 World without Children / The Earth Quarter 1970 Tony Westermayr
209 James Blish The supernova 1975 And all the stars a stage 1971 Tony Westermayr
210 GC Edmondson Small ship in the flow of time 1975 The Ship That Sailed the Time Stream 1965 Tony Westermayr
211 Larry Niven The tree of life 1975 Protector 1973 Tony Westermayr
212 Robert Silverberg Visa for Sirius (stories) 1975 Needle in a timestack 1966 Tony Westermayr
213 Poul Anderson Between the Milky Way (short stories) 1975 The Queen of Air and Darkness and other Stories 1973 Tony Westermayr
214 DF Jones The fall of the Colossus 1976 The Fall of Colossus 1974 Wulf Bergner
215 Frederik Pohl Invasion of Sirius (short stories) 1976 The Abominable Earthman 1963 Tony Westermayr
216 Bob Shaw Orbitsville 1976 Orbitsville 1975 Tony Westermayr
217 Frederik Pohl Venus is approaching the earth 1976 Slave ship 1957 Tony Westermayr
218 Martin Caidin The road of the gods 1976 High crystal 1974 Tony Westermayr
219 James Gunn Characters from another world (stories) 1976 Breaking point 1972 Tony Westermayr
220 Gordon R. Dickson , Harry Harrison Course on 20 B-40 1976 Lifeboat 1975 Tony Westermayr
221 Larry Niven Last Signal from Alpha Centauri (Tales) 1976 The Shape of Space 1969 Tony Westermayr
222 James White The Prometheus Project 1976 All Judgment Fled 1969 Thomas Schluck
223 Larry Niven Neutron Star (short stories) 1976 Neutron Star 1968 Tony Westermayr
224 Frederik Pohl , CM Kornbluth The glass monkeys 1976 Gladiator at Law 1955 Tony Westermayr
225 Damon Knight Babel II (short stories) 1976 Far out 1961 Tony Westermayr
226 Martin Caidin The corrected person 1976 Cyborg 1972 Tony Westermayr
227 Larry Niven The gap in the system (narratives) 1976 A hole in space 1974 Tony Westermayr
228 Richard Cowper Dawn on Briareus 1976 The Twilight of Briareus 1974 Tony Westermayr
229 Fritz Leiber Speculations (narratives) 1976 The Secret Songs 1968 Tony Westermayr
230 Robert P. Holdstock In the valley of the statues 1976 Eye among the blind 1976 Tony Westermayr
231 James Gunn The Venus Factory (Stories) 1976 Future imperfect 1964 Tony Westermayr
232 GC Edmondson The OTHERS 1976 THEM 1974 Tony Westermayr
233 Theodore Sturgeon After the exodus (stories) 1976 The Case and the Dreamer 1974 Tony Westermayr
234 GC Edmondson When do we conquer the world? 1976 Chapayeca 1971 Tony Westermayr
235 John Brunner The galactic consumer service 1976 Time jump 1973 Tony Westermayr
236 Bob Shaw Magniluct 1976 A wreath of stars 1976 Tony Westermayr
237 GC Edmondson The aluminum man 1976 The Aluminum Man 1975 Tony Westermayr
238 Brian W. Aldiss All the tears of this earth (stories) 1977 The Book of Brian W. Aldiss 1972 Tony Westermayr
239 Zach Hughes The red tide 1977 tide 1974 Tony Westermayr
240 Robert Silverberg The neutral planet (stories) 1977 Neutral planet 1974 Tony Westermayr
241 John Brunner Sample for the future 1977 The Productions of Time 1967 Tony Westermayr
242 Philip José Farmer Prometheus 1977 Down in the Black Gang 1971 Tony Westermayr
243 Christopher Hodder-Williams The prayer machine 1977 The Prayer Machine 1976 Tony Westermayr
244 Richard Cowper The time spiral 1977 The Custodians 1975 Tony Westermayr
245 Robert Silverberg The second trip 1977 The second trip 1971 Tony Westermayr
246 Frederik Pohl New models (stories) 1977 The Man who ate the World 1960 Tony Westermayr
247 Poul Anderson Planet of no return 1977 Planet of no return 1974 Tony Westermayr
248 Philip K. Dick Time is running back 1977 Counter-Clock World 1967 Tony Westermayr
249 Poul Anderson The time will come 1977 There will be time 1973 Tony Westermayr
250 Robert Silverberg Now: plus minus (stories) 1977 Unfamiliar Territory 1973 Tony Westermayr
251 Frederik Pohl , CM Kornbluth Catalysts 1977 The Wonder Effect 1962 Tony Westermayr
252 Philip K. Dick The rebellious robots 1977 We can build you 1972 Tony Westermayr

See also


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Under the title Tomorrow the world goes unhinged , No. 115.
  2. Example Arthur C. Clarke : The Seven Suns . The “unabridged edition” in the space paperbacks (1962) has 204 pages, the “revised and unabridged new edition” published by Heyne in 2011 in the masterpieces of science fiction series has 326 pages.
  3. Common pseudonym of the British authors Hugh Darrington and Tony Halliwell .