List of multi-volume German science fiction paperback anthologies

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This is a list of German-speaking in paperback or brochure published (softcover), multi-volume science fiction -Kurzgeschichten- anthology series , ordered by publishers and chronologically.

Federal Republic of Germany

Heyne publishing house

title Publication
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction 1963-2000 101 volumes. In the first decade of publication from 1963 to 1972, the original title of the German selection series was A Selection of the Best SF Stories from THE MAGAZINE OF FANTASY AND SCIENCE FICTION , until 1973 with volume 34, Flug nach Murdstone , the final title The best stories from THE MAGAZINE OF FANTASY & SCIENCE FICTION .
The editors were: Charlotte Winheller (1–9), Walter Ernsting (10–14), Wulf H. Bergner (15–42), Manfred Kluge (43–63), Ronald M. Hahn (64–101).

The planned volume no.102 already had a cover picture in the same style as volume no.101 and was announced with the publication date 2001 under the title Heroes of the Third Millennium , but then no longer appeared as a result of the sale of Heyne Verlag to Springer.
Heyne anthologies 1963-1979 62 volumes of fiction anthologies of various genres, including 12 SF volumes. These also included direct or partial translations of English-language anthologies:
  • Volume 2: 20 Science Fiction Stories (1963). German selection from US volumes 4 (1955), 5 (1956) and 6 (1957) of the anthology The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction compiled by Anthony Boucher on stories from the Magazine of Fantasy and from 1954–1956 Science fiction .
  • Volume 5: 16 SF Stories (1964). German selection from the US-American volumes 7 (1958), 9 (1960) and 10 (1961) of the anthology The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction compiled by Anthony Boucher on stories from the Magazine of Fantasy and from the years 1957-1960 Science fiction .
  • Volume 8: 8 Science Fiction Stories (1964). German translation of the anthology Journey to Infinity (1951) compiled by Martin Greenberg primarily with stories from issues of Astounding in the 1940s , which in turn was the third volume of the anthology series Adventures in Science Fiction .
  • Volume 9: 9 Science Fiction Stories (1965). German selection of stories from Galaxy Science Fiction from the years 1961, 1962 and 1964.

The series also published a two-volume translation of the anthology Dangerous Visions (1967) compiled by Harlan Ellison under the title 15 Science Fiction Stories (1970; Volume 32 of the Heyne Anthologies) and 15 Science Fiction Stories II (1970; Volume 34 of the Heyne anthologies), as well as a four-volume series under the title Anthology of the famous SF authors :

  • Volume 17: 7 Science Fiction Stories (1966; green cover)
  • Volume 20: 7 Science Fiction Stories (1966; red cover)
  • Volume 23: 8 Science Fiction Stories (1967)
  • Volume 30: 9 Science Fiction Stories (1969)
Galaxy 1965-1970 14 volumes. German selected volumes from the US magazine Galaxy Science Fiction , published 1950–1980 . The editor was Walter Ernsting, from volume 10 together with Thomas Schlück .
International Science Fiction Stories , ed. by Wolfgang Jeschke 1973-2001 45 volumes. The first two volumes originally appeared in 1971 in the Science Fiction für Kenner series at Lichtenberg Verlag, before being reissued in paperback by Heyne in 1973.

The planned volume no. 46 was already announced with the publication date 2002 under the title Mord an der Zukunft , but then no longer appeared in the course of the sale of Heyne Verlag to Springer and Random House.

In online directories such as the ISFDB, the number of volumes is usually given as only 35 volumes, since the series only got its own layout with volume 11, The Bones of Bertrand Russell (1984), so that volumes 1–10 are often for pure SF short story collections are kept without any anthology context. Heyne Verlag itself lists the following volumes as the actual volumes 1–10 of the series in its three publisher directories, published in 1985, 1993, and 1998 in its SF and Fantasy department:
  • Volume 1: Planetoid Catcher (1973, Heyne SF 3364)
  • Volume 2: The six fingers of time (1975, Heyne SF 3442)
  • Volume 3: The Big Clock (1977, Heyne SF 3541)
  • Volume 4: In the borderland of the sun (1978, Heyne SF 3592)
  • Volume 5: Spider Music (1979, Heyne SF 3646)
  • Volume 6: The Death of Dr. Iceland (1979, Heyne SF 3674)
  • Volume 7: A Locomotive for the Tsar (1980, Heyne SF 3725)
  • Volume 8: Enemies of the System (1981, Heyne SF 3805)
  • Volume 9: Science Fiction Anniversary Volume: 25 Years of Heyne Science Fiction & Fantasy 1960–1985: The Reading Book (1985, Heyne SF 4000)
  • Volume 10: Departure into the Galaxy (1980, Heyne SF 4001)
Science fiction story reader 1974-1984 21 volumes. The first 12 volumes were edited alternately by Wolfgang Jeschke and Herbert W. Franke, with Jeschke issuing the odd numbers and Franke issuing the even numbers. The last 9 only from Jeschke.
titanium 1976-1985 23 volumes. At Titan there was a German translation of various collections of short stories and series.
  • Volumes 1–5 are the German translation of the Star Science Fiction series (edited by Frederik Pohl ).
  • Volumes 6-16 are about the German translation of the series The Science Fiction Hall of Fame (edited by Robert Silverberg and Ben Bova ).
  • Volume 17 is an independent SF anthology by Heyne.
  • Volumes 18–21 include a German translation from the Galactic Empires series (ed. Brian W. Aldiss ).
  • For volumes 22–23, the German translation of Evil Earths (edited by Aldiss).
Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine 1978-2000 55 volumes. German translation since 1977 appearing US Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine (from November 1992 Asimov's Science Fiction ).
The editors were Birgit Reß-Bohusch (1–14), and from volume 15 Friedel Wahren .

The German version also changed its name several times: From volume 29 (1987) the genitive apostrophe of the English original was adopted ( Asimov's ), but the magazine was retained in the German word form. From volume 47 (1996) the title was Asimov's Science Fiction .
Heyne Science Fiction Annual Band 1980-2000 21 volumes, ed. by Wolfgang Jeschke.
Heyne Science Fiction Magazine 1981-1985 12 volumes, ed. by Wolfgang Jeschke. Each volume contains both fiction and journalistic contributions.
Library of Science Fiction Literature 1981-1993; 2000-2001 101 volumes. The series contains mostly novels in loose succession, but also a total of 9 collections of short stories, as well as 12 volumes of the short story series Paths to Science Fiction (1988–2001, original title: Roads to Science Fiction , edited by James Gunn ).

Originally only ran up to volume 99, published in 1993. The last two volumes 100 and 101 were the two final volumes 11 and 12 of the series Ways to Science Fiction , published in 2000 and 2001 , which also appeared as stragglers in the US original.
The most beautiful science fiction stories of the year 1983-1985 3 volumes. German translation of volumes 10–12 (1981–1983) of the US series The Best Science Fiction of the Year (edited by Terry Carr ).
Isaac Asimov presents 1983-1986 7 volumes. The first two volumes were a German translation of two volumes of a series on 19th century fiction, sorted by genre, published by Asimov in the US original at Beaufort Books , while volumes 3, 4 and 6 were German Translation of a series published in the US-American original by Asimov in the educational publisher Houghton Mifflin without a series title of its own with short stories written by authors specifically contacted on topics specified by Asimov for each volume, and for volumes 5 and 7 with a German translation of two volumes of the series Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine Anthologies .

Not to be confused with a loose series with a similar title at Bastei-Lübbe, which did not contain any SF or barely any SF.

Since neither Heyne's three publishing catalogs nor the ISFDB currently (2019) cover all seven volumes of the German series presented in the context of the Isaac Asimov series , they are listed here partly on the basis of documents from the ISFDB, partly from
  • 1: Science fiction stories of the 19th century (Heyne SF 4022)
  • 2: Fantasy stories of the 19th century (Heyne SF 4023)
  • 3: The last person on earth (Heyne SF 4074)
  • 4: Dragon Worlds (Heyne SF 4159)
  • 5: Futures - near and far (Heyne SF 4215)
  • 6: Speculations (Heyne SF 4274)
  • 7: The wonders of the world (Heyne SF 4332)
The science fiction year Since 1986 So far 33 volumes. Each volume contains both fiction and journalistic contributions.
Top science fiction 1987-1990 3 volumes, ed. by Josh Pachter. German translations of anthologies published in the USA in 1984 and 1986 (in the original in 2 volumes) . They contain short stories by a number of authors they have chosen themselves as the ones they like best.
Synergy 1991-1993 4 volumes. It is the German translation of the first 4 of 5 original anthologies of the same name, which, edited by George Zebrowski , appeared in the USA between 1987 and 2004.
Contained or was advertised with the subtitle The Science Fiction of the Nineties .
Icarus 2001-2002 2 volumes, ed. by Wolfgang Jeschke. Last of the pure SF short story anthologies published by Heyne, which only contained the secondary and third use of material previously published by Heyne.
Science fiction masterpieces Since 2000 51 volumes. Novels chosen by readers.

Ullstein publishing house

title Publication
Science fiction stories 1970-1982 92 volumes.
Focus on the future 1980-1984 3 volumes. Volumes 1 and 3 contained the two-part translation of the American short story collection Final Stage (1974; edited by Barry N. Malzberg and Edward L. Ferman ), the second volume was a separate compilation by Ullstein.
continuum 1985-1987 5 volumes.
Isaac Asimov's Space Women 1986 Two-volume translation of the American anthology Isaac Asimov's Space of Her Own .
Starships 1987 2 volumes. Two-part German translation of the Star Ships short story collection (1983; edited by Isaac Asimov ).

S. Fischer Verlag

title Publication
Fischer Orbit 1972-1974 41 volumes. The numbering goes up to 44, but volumes 24, 35 and 42 have not appeared. The short story row contained Damon Knight's Collection (11 volumes) by Damon Knight , a two-volume translation of the short story collection 900 grandmothers ( Nine Hundred Grandmothers , 1970) of RA Lafferty , as well as a two-volume translation of the collection New SF ( The New SF , 1969) of Langdon Jones .

Suhrkamp Verlag

title Publication
Fantastic library 1976-2000 369 volumes. The series contains novels and short story collections in loose succession. It was de facto discontinued in 2000; since then only seven older volumes have been reissued. Phaïcon (1974–1982, 5 volumes) and Polaris (1979–1986, 10 volumes) also appeared as part of the series .

Pabel Moewig Verlag

title Publication
Utopia Classics 1979-1986 87 volumes. Contains, in loose succession, novels and short story collections as secondary uses from various issue series by the publishers Pabel and Moewig from the 50s and 60s.
Copernicus 1980-1988 15 volumes.
Analogous 1981-1984 8 volumes. Contains current stories from the early 1980s from the American magazine Analog , which has been published since 1930 , see p. Astounding .
Science fiction almanac 1980-1986 7 volumes.
Science fiction yearbook 1982-1986 5 volumes. Each volume contains both fiction and journalistic contributions.
Star Mail 1983-1984 3 volumes. Three-volume German translation of the Star Mail collection edited by Isaac Asimov (1980).
Science Fiction Prize Winner 1985 2 volumes.
Highlights 1986 10 volumes. Not all volumes consist of short story collections.

Not to be confused with the similar volume Highlights (1985) of the Playboy Science Fiction series, also published by Moewig .


title Publication
quasar 1979-1983 3 volumes.
Adventure space 1981-1984 2 volumes.
World's Best SF 1982-1990 10 volumes. German translation of the last 10 volumes of the annual anthology World's Best SF by Donald A. Wollheim , which has been published since 1965 , from which excerpts had repeatedly appeared in Ullstein's series Science Fiction Stories ( see above ) during the 1970s .

The German series changed the title several times. The first volume was called World's Best SF 1982 , volumes 2–7 were called World's Best SF [volume number] , from volume 8 the series received the subtitle The best stories of American science fiction (printed above the actual title) .
Fantastic literature 1982-1986 4 volumes.


title Publication
dtv Phantastica 1979-1982 7 volumes, including four anthologies of SF and fantastic stories from the FRG, the GDR and Eastern Europe.

Goldmann publishing house

title Publication
SF international 1980-1982 3 volumes, edited by Herbert W. Franke.


title Publication
nova Since 2001 So far 27 volumes. Has changed publisher often so far. Was co-founded by Ronald M. Hahn , the last editor of the German Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction ( see above), which was discontinued a year earlier .

Wurdack publishing house

title Publication
SF series 2004-2011 9 volumes. Edited by Armin Rößler , Heidrun Jänchen and DW Schmitt , in addition to the novels, nine volumes with short stories and short stories by German-speaking authors were first published.

German Democratic Republic

The new Berlin

title Publication
SF Utopia 1980-1990 44 volumes. Contains novels and short story collections in random order.

Individual evidence

  1. International Science Fiction Stories in the Internet Speculative Fiction Database (ISFDB)
  2. Jeschke, Wolfgang (1985): Science Fiction Jubiläums Volume: 25 years Heyne Science Fiction & Fantasy 1960–1985: Das Programm , Munich 1985, ISBN 3-453-31113-2 , p. 381 (still without mentioning Science Fiction Jubilee Volume: 25 Years of Heyne Science Fiction & Fantasy 1960–1985: The Reader as Volume 9)
  3. ^ Bauer, Werner; Jeschke, Wolfgang (1993): Heyne Science Fiction & Fantasy: Das Programm , Munich 1993, ISBN 3-453-0622-6-4 , pp. 777-778
  4. ^ Bauer, Werner; Jeschke, Wolfgang (1998): Heyne Science Fiction & Fantasy: Das Programm , Munich 1998, ISBN 3-453-14016-8 , pp. 887-888
  5. Biographical article Wolfgang Jeschke in the ISFDB; Titan was published by Heyne under the editor Jeschke; s. for volumes 1–17 there under the entries for titanium . See the ISFDB entries for Galactic Empires and Evil Earths for volumes 18–23 .
  6. Entry: Isaac Asimov presents: Science Fiction Stories of the 19th Century on
  7. Entry: Isaac Asimov presents: Fantasy stories of the 19th century on
  8. Entry: Isaac Asimov presents: The last person on earth on
  9. Entry: Isaac Asimov presents: Dragon Worlds in the ISFDB
  10. Entry: Isaac Asimov presents: Futures - near and far on
  11. Entry: Isaac Asimov presents: Speculation in the ISFDB
  12. Entry: Isaac Asimov Presents: The Wonders of the World in the ISFDB
  13. Publication Series: Masterworks of Science Fiction. Retrieved April 8, 2020 .
  14. Masterpieces of Science Fiction at Heyne. Retrieved April 8, 2020 .