Committee according to Section 23c (8) of the Customs Investigation Service Act

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The committee according to § 23c paragraph 8 Customs Investigation Service Act ( committee pursuant to § 23c para. 8 ZFdG ) is a nine-member committee of the German Parliament for parliamentary scrutiny of intervention in the fundamental rights of letters , post and telecommunications secrecy according to Article 10 of the Basic Law (GG). The body is regulated in Section 23c (8) of the Customs Investigation Service Act (ZFdG).

Surname fraction function
Thomas de Maizière
Detlef Seif
Volker Ullrich
Ingrid Arndt-Brauer
Susanne noon
Kay Gottschalk
Benjamin Strasser
Gesine Loetzsch
The left
Katja Keul
B90 / greens

In contrast to the G 10 Commission , which controls the interference by the federal intelligence services , the body monitors the fundamental rights restrictions of the Customs Criminal Police Office (ZKA) through telecommunications monitoring , for which it is required according to § § 23a ff. V. m. 44 ZFdG is entitled in individual cases to prevent criminal offenses under the Foreign Trade Act (AWG) and the War Weapons Control Act .

The ZKA may, under the conditions of Paragraph 4 ZFdG, transfer the personal data obtained through surveillance measures to the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (BfV), the State Authorities for the Protection of the Constitution and the Military Counter-Intelligence Service (MAD) or, in accordance with Section 23d Paragraph 5, to the Federal Intelligence Service (BND ) to transfer. No such transmissions took place between December 2004 and December 2007.

The panel is from the Federal Ministry of Finance shall, in whose division the ZKA falls. It reports every six months or less. It reports on the implementation of § § 23a to 23f as well as §§ 45 and 56 (penalty and fine regulations) of the ZFdG. In particular, the cause, scope, duration, result, costs and notification of those affected by measures carried out in the reporting period must be reported.


The committee emerged from the committee according to Section 41 (5) of the AWG and is based on the law on the new regulation of preventive telecommunications and postal surveillance by the ZKA .

On February 13, 2020, Thomas de Maizière and Kay Gottschalk were elected to the committee as successors to Uwe Feiler and Lars Lehmann, respectively, because Feiler had become parliamentary state secretary at the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture and Lehmann had left the AfD parliamentary group in the German Bundestag .

18th legislative term

The body in the 18th electoral term was set up on January 30, 2014 and consisted of nine MPs . Specifically, for the CDU / CSU parliamentary group, these were the MPs Detlef Seif , Uwe Feiler , Axel Fischer and Michael Frieser , for the SPD parliamentary group, MdB Ingrid Arndt-Brauer , Gabriele Fograscher and Manfred Zöllmer , and for the left-wing parliamentary group, MP Jan van Aken and for the Bundestag faction Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen MdB Irene Mihalic . The FDP and AfD were not represented in the 18th Bundestag.

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Nominations - Election of the members of the committee according to § 23c paragraph 8 of the Customs Investigation Service Act. Printed matter 19/825. In: . German Bundestag, February 21, 2018, accessed on January 7, 2019 .
  2. ^ Shorthand report - 14th meeting. Plenary minutes 19/14. In: . German Bundestag, February 22, 2018, accessed on January 7, 2019 (Item 10 c)).
  3. Tobias Kumpf: The control of the intelligence services of the federal government - on the reform of the control of the intelligence services and the control of the intelligence service observation of members of the Bundestag (=  constitutional law in research and practice . Volume 115 ). Dr. Kovač, Hamburg 2014, ISBN 978-3-8300-7873-9 , p. 162-164 .
  4. a b Committee according to § 23c paragraph 8 of the Customs Investigation Service Act. In: . German Bundestag, accessed on January 7, 2019 .
  5. ^ Minutes of the plenary meeting, 146th meeting. In: 19th German Bundestag. February 13, 2020, accessed March 11, 2020 .