Bundestag parliamentary group Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen
The Bundestag faction Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen is the faction of Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen in the German Bundestag .
After the federal election in 2013, which was disappointing for the party, the previous parliamentary group leaders , Renate Künast and Jürgen Trittin , resigned from their offices. At its constituent meeting on October 8, 2013, the parliamentary group elected the top candidate for the 2013 election campaign, Katrin Göring-Eckardt (65.1 percent), and Anton Hofreiter (80.3 percent) as their successors. Göring-Eckardt prevailed in a fight vote against Kerstin Andreae . Britta Haßelmann became the first parliamentary manager (96.8 percent) for Volker Beck , who also resigned . Other parliamentary managing directors are Anja Hajduk (60 percent), Katja Keul (65.5 percent) and the previous political federal director of the party, Steffi Lemke (55.5 percent).
Office | Surname |
Group leaders | Katrin Göring-Eckardt |
Anton Hofreiter | |
First parliamentary manager | Britta Haßelmann |
Vice-President of the Bundestag | Claudia Roth |
Parliamentary directors | Franziska Brantner |
Katharina Dröge | |
Steffi Lemke | |
Deputy Group Chairperson | Agnieszka Brugger |
Katja Dörner | |
Anja Hajduk | |
Oliver Krischer | |
Konstantin von Notz |
Working groups
# | subjects | Political coordination |
1 | Economy, finance and social | Anja Hajduk |
2 | Environment, energy, agriculture, transport | Oliver Krischer |
3 | Civil rights and democracy, legal and social politics | Konstantin von Notz |
4th | International politics and human rights | Agnieszka Brugger |
5 | Knowledge, generations and health | Katja Dörner |
The Greens parliamentary group initially had three equal speakers who changed annually. This changed after the 1990 Bundestag election, in which the East German Greens were represented as a group with eight members in parliament. Werner Schulz was therefore not the parliamentary group, but the group speaker. Since the now all-German party moved back as a parliamentary group in 1994, it has had two chairmen elected for the entire legislature.
Duration | Speaker / Chair |
1983-1984 | Marieluise Beck-Oberdorf , Petra Kelly and Otto Schily |
1984-1985 | Annemarie Borgmann , Waltraud Schoppe and Antje Vollmer |
1985-1986 | Sabine Bard , Hannegret Hönes and Christian Schmidt |
1986-1987 | Annemarie Borgmann, Hannegret Hönes and Ludger Volmer (until July 18, 1986) and Willi Hoss (since September 8, 1986) |
1987-1988 | Thomas Ebermann , Bärbel Rust and Waltraud Schoppe |
1988-1989 | Helmut Lippelt , Regula Schmidt-Bott and Christa Vennegerts |
1989-1990 | Helmut Lippelt, Jutta Oesterle-Schwerin and Antje Vollmer |
1990 | Willi Hoss, Waltraud Schoppe (until June 21, 1990), Marianne Birthler (from October 4, 1990) and Antje Vollmer |
1990-1994 | Werner Schulz |
1994-1998 | Kerstin Müller and Joschka Fischer |
1998-2002 | Kerstin Müller and Rezzo hose |
2002-2005 | Krista Sager and Katrin Göring-Eckardt |
2005-2009 | Renate Künast and Fritz Kuhn |
2009-2013 | Renate Künast and Jürgen Trittin |
since 2013 | Katrin Göring-Eckardt and Anton Hofreiter |
Legislative period |
Election result |
Faction strength |
Women | Average age |
1983-1987 | 5.6% | 28 | 10 (35.7%) | |
1987-1990 | 8.3% | 44 (+ 7) 1 | 25 (56.8%) | |
1990-1994 | 6.1% 2 , 4.8% 3 | 8th | 3 (37.5%) | |
1994-1998 | 7.3% | 49 | 29 (59.2%) | 41.7 |
1998-2002 | 6.7% | 47 | 27 (57.4%) | |
2002-2005 | 8.6% | 55 | 32 (58.2%) | |
2005-2009 | 8.1% | 51 | 29 (56.9%) | 46.29 |
2009-2013 | 10.7% | 68 | 37 (54.4%) | 46.62 |
2013-2017 | 8.4% | 63 | 35 (55.6%) | 46.32 |
since 2017 | 8.9% | 67 | 39 (58.2%) |
1 Members of the Bündnis 90 and the Green Party in the GDR elected by the Volkskammer 2 East German counting area 3 West German counting area
1983–1987 and 1987–1990 belonged to the Bundestag parliamentary group one or two Berlin members of the Alternative List for Democracy and Environmental Protection . On October 3, 1990, seven members of the Bündnis 90 and the Green Party in the GDR , who had been elected in the 1990 Volkskammer election, were added; the joint parliamentary group at that time was called the Greens / Alliance 90 group . In the general election in 1990 in the joined former West Germany , the Greens and the new federal states , the list Association Alliance 90 / Greens with separate electoral lists at. While the Greens in the West German census area failed at the five percent hurdle , in the East German census area the Alliance 90 / Greens list entered the Bundestag with eight members and formed a Bundestag group in the 12th electoral period from 1990-1994 .
Since the federal election in 1998 , Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen has been involved in the first red-green federal government , which was confirmed in 2002 . Since 2005 , the Greens have been back in the opposition. In the 2009 Bundestag election , they achieved their best result to date with 10.7 percent, but they were still the smallest of the five parliamentary groups. In the 2013 Bundestag elections , the Greens fell back to 8.4 percent and have since been the fourth largest and therefore smallest parliamentary group in the Bundestag.
Hans-Christian Ströbele was able to win the first direct mandate for his party in the federal election 2002 in the Bundestag constituency Berlin-Friedrichshain - Kreuzberg - Prenzlauer Berg Ost with an election campaign directed against the party leadership and repeated this in 2005, 2009 and 2013. In 2017, Ströbele did not run again, Canan Bayram won the direct mandate for Alliance 90 / The Greens in his place.
Rotation principle
Halfway through the 10th legislative period, the green members of the Bundestag resigned from the Bundestag due to the principle of rotation and vacated their seat for a successor who, as members of the parliamentary group, formed an office community with the member. In the first electoral term after entering the Bundestag, however, various problems arose in handling the principle of rotation. Petra Kelly and Gert Bastian refused to rotate, others reluctantly left the seats to an alleged or actual second guard. In 1986, a future rotation of MPs was decided every four years, i.e. every legislative period. In the following legislative period, only the members of the Hamburg and Berlin regional associations rotated. In 1991 the rotation principle was finally abolished.
Separation of office and mandate
Another green peculiarity is the now relaxed principle of the separation of office and mandate , which in Germany, unlike in many other countries, is not anchored in law. After an election as party spokesman, MPs had to give up their Bundestag mandate (e.g. Verena Krieger 1989 and Claudia Roth 2001). Since 2003, no more than a third of the members of the federal executive board may also be members of parliament. With the formation of the red-green federal government in 1998, the federal ministers Joschka Fischer , Andrea Fischer and Jürgen Trittin were allowed to keep their mandate in the Bundestag alongside the ministerial office.
Quota for women
A party-internal quota for women also stipulates that at least half of the list places are reserved for women. With the exception of the 10th, 12th and 17th legislative periods, the number of female members of the Bundestag in the green parliamentary group was always significantly higher than that of male members. In 1984 the all-female parliamentary group leader, the so-called “Feminat”, formed by Annemarie Borgmann , Waltraud Schoppe , Antje Vollmer , Christa Nickels , Heidemarie Dann and Erika Hickel , caused a stir .
Diets and discussions about an imperative mandate
Another element to prevent a professionalized parliamentary caste of functionaries in the early days of the party was that a large part of the diets had to be paid to the party and only an amount corresponding to a skilled worker salary could be kept personally. In addition, the parliamentarians were only given an imperative mandate by the party base , which was constitutionally untenable and practically played no role from the start.
Federal ministers, state secretaries and parliamentary group chairmen during the red-green federal government
Federal ministers in the Schröder I and II cabinet were Joschka Fischer , Jürgen Trittin and Andrea Fischer and, since 2001, Renate Künast . Due to the relaxation of the principle of the separation of office and mandate, all ministers were also members of the Bundestag. Parliamentary state secretaries were Uschi Eid (1998–2005), Simone Probst (1998–2005), Ludger Volmer (1998–2002), Gila Altmann (1998–2002), Christa Nickels (1998–2001), Margareta Wolf (2001–2005) , Matthias Berninger (2001–2005), Marieluise Beck (2002–2005), Kerstin Müller (2002–2005) and Rezzo Schlauch (2002–2005).
Vice-Presidents of the Bundestag
With Antje Vollmer , Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen provided the first Vice President of the Bundestag from 1994 to 2005 . She was followed by Katrin Göring-Eckardt from 2005 to 2013 . Claudia Roth has been Vice President of the Bundestag since 2013 .
Resignations and exclusions from the parliamentary group
Apart from the resignation of mandates due to the principle of rotation, because of a change to another political office or for personal reasons, there were some resignations and exclusions from the parliamentary group: Udo Tischer (1986), Ulrich Briefs (1990) and Christina Schenk (1994, later Member of the Bundestag) for the PDS) resigned and remained as non-attached MPs in the Bundestag. Otto Schily resigned his parliamentary mandate on November 2, 1989 and switched to the SPD after failing to run for the Greens parliamentary group. In 1990 he returned to the Bundestag for the SPD. Thomas Wüppesahl was expelled from the parliamentary group in 1988 after leaving the party in May 1987. In 1989 Trude Unruh , who had entered the Bundestag as a non-party candidate on the list of the Greens, was excluded due to differences over a claim to sole representation for the green policy on the elderly. Therefore she founded the party Die Grauen . Vera Lengsfeld switched to the CDU / CSU parliamentary group in 1996 because of a resolution by Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen not to exclude coalitions with the PDS in future .
Members of the group
The federal parliamentary group Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen has the following members as of December 2019, the legislative periods in brackets:
Duration | Surname | Country list | Special |
2013–2017 (18th), since 2017 (19th) | Luise Amtsberg | Schleswig-Holstein | |
since 2017 (19.) | Lisa Badum | Bavaria | |
2013–2017 (18th), since 2017 (19th) | Annalena Baerbock | Brandenburg | |
since 2017 (19.) | Margarete Bause | Bavaria | |
since 2017 (19.) | Danyal Bayaz | Baden-Württemberg | |
since 2017 (19.) | Canan Bayram | Berlin | directly elected in the Bundestag constituency Berlin-Friedrichshain - Kreuzberg - Prenzlauer Berg Ost |
2013–2017 (18th), since 2017 (19th) | Franziska Brantner | Baden-Württemberg | |
2009–2013 (17th), 2013–2017 (18th), since 2017 (19th) | Agnieszka Brugger | Baden-Württemberg | |
since 2017 (19.) | Anna Christmann | Baden-Württemberg | |
1998–2002 (14th), 2002–2005 (15th), 2005–2009 (16th), 2009–2013 (17th), 2013–2017 (18th), since 2017 (19th) | Ekin Deligoz | Bavaria | |
2009–2013 (17th), 2013–2017 (18th), since 2017 (19th) | Katja Dörner | North Rhine-Westphalia | |
2013–2017 (18th), since 2017 (19th) | Katharina Dröge | North Rhine-Westphalia | |
2011–2013 (17th), 2013–2017 (18th), since 2017 (19th) | Harald Ebner | Baden-Württemberg | Moved up on May 25, 2011 for Winfried Hermann |
2013–2017 (18th), since 2017 (19th) | Matthias Gastel | Baden-Württemberg | |
2005–2009 (16th), 2009–2013 (17th), 2013–2017 (18th), since 2017 (19th) | Kai Gehring | North Rhine-Westphalia | |
since 2017 (19.) | Stefan yellow hair | Berlin | |
1998–2002 (14th), 2002–2005 (15th), 2005–2009 (16th), 2009–2013 (17th), 2013–2017 (18th), since 2017 (19th) | Katrin Göring-Eckardt | Thuringia | |
since 2017 (19.) | Erhard Grundl | Bavaria | |
2002–2005 (15th), 2005–2008 (16th), 2013–2017 (18th), since 2017 (19th) | Anja Hajduk | Hamburg | temporarily resigned on May 8, 2008 |
2005–2009 (16th), 2009–2013 (17th), 2013–2017 (18th), since 2017 (19th) | Britta Haßelmann | North Rhine-Westphalia | |
since 2017 (19.) | Bettina Hoffmann | Hesse | |
2005–2009 (16th), 2009–2013 (17th), 2013–2017 (18th), since 2017 (19th) | Anton Hofreiter | Bavaria | Group spokesman since 2013 (18th) |
since 2017 (19.) |
Ottmar von Holtz | Lower Saxony | |
2013–2017 (18th), since 2017 (19th) | Dieter Janecek | Bavaria | |
since 2017 (19.) | Kirsten Kappert-Gonther | Bremen | |
2009–2013 (17th), 2013–2017 (18th), since 2017 (19th) | Uwe Kekeritz | Bavaria | |
2009–2013 (17th), 2013–2017 (18th), since 2017 (19th) | Katja Keul | Lower Saxony | |
2009–2013 (17th), 2013–2017 (18th), since 2017 (19th) | Sven-Christian Kindler | Lower Saxony | |
2009–2013 (17th), 2013–2017 (18th), since 2017 (19th) | Maria Klein-Schmeink | North Rhine-Westphalia | |
2005–2009 (16th), 2009–2013 (17th), 2013–2017 (18th), since 2017 (19th) | Sylvia Kotting-Uhl | Baden-Württemberg | |
2009–2013 (17th), 2013–2017 (18th), since 2017 (19th) | Oliver Krischer | North Rhine-Westphalia | |
2013–2017 (18th), since 2017 (19th) | Christian Kühn | Baden-Württemberg | |
2009–2013 (17th), 2013–2017 (18th), since 2017 (19th) | Stephan Kühn | Saxony | |
2002–2005 (15th), 2005–2009 (16th), 2009–2013 (17th), 2013–2017 (18th), since 2017 (19th) | Renate Künast | Berlin | Group spokeswoman 2005–2009 (16th) and 2009–2013 (17th) |
2002–2005 (15th), 2005–2009 (16th), 2009–2013 (17th), 2013–2017 (18th), since 2017 (19th) | Markus Kurth | North Rhine-Westphalia | |
2004–2005 (15th), 2005–2009 (16th), 2009–2013 (17th), 2013–2017 (18th), since 2017 (19th) | Monika Lazar | Saxony | stood up for Hermenau on December 21, 2004 |
since 2017 (19.) | Sven Lehmann | North Rhine-Westphalia | |
1994–1998 (13th), 1998–2002 (14th), 2013–2017 (18th), since 2017 (19th) | Steffi Lemke | Saxony-Anhalt | |
2011–2013 (17th), 2013–2017 (18th), since 2017 (19th) | Tobias Lindner | Rhineland-Palatinate | stood up for Ulrike Höfken on June 9, 2011 |
2013–2017 (18th), since 2017 (19th) | Irene Mihalic | North Rhine-Westphalia | |
since 2017 (19.) | Claudia Müller | Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania | |
2009–2013 (17th), 2013–2017 (18th), since 2017 (19th) | Beate Müller-Gemmeke | Baden-Württemberg | |
2009–2012 (17th), since 2017 (19th) | Ingrid Nestle | Schleswig-Holstein | temporarily resigned on June 14, 2012 |
2009–2013 (17th), 2013–2017 (18th), since 2017 (19th) | Konstantin von Notz | Schleswig-Holstein | |
2006–2009 (16th), 2009–2013 (17th), 2013–2017 (18th), since 2017 (19th) | Omid Nouripour | Hesse | joined Joschka Fischer on September 1, 2006 |
2002–2005 (15th), 2009–2013 (17th), 2013–2017 (18th), since 2017 (19th) | Friedrich Ostendorff | North Rhine-Westphalia | |
1994–1998 (13th), 1998–2002 (14th), 2013–2017 (18th), since 2017 (19th) | Cem Ozdemir | Baden-Württemberg | |
2009–2013 (17th), 2013–2017 (18th), since 2017 (19th) | Lisa Paus | Berlin | |
since 2017 (19.) | Filiz Polat | Lower Saxony | |
2009–2013 (17th), 2013–2017 (18th), since 2017 (19th) | Tabea Roessner | Rhineland-Palatinate | |
1998–2001 (14th), 2002–2005 (15th), 2005–2009 (16th), 2009–2013 (17th), 2013–2017 (18th), since 2017 (19th) | Claudia Roth | Bavaria | resigned in the 14th legislative period after the election as federal spokeswoman on March 31, 2001 |
since 2017 (19.) | Manuela Rottmann | Bavaria | |
2013–2017 (18th), since 2017 (19th) | Corinna Rüffer | Rhineland-Palatinate | |
2008–2009 (16th), 2009–2013 (17th), 2013–2017 (18th), since 2017 (19th) | Manuel Sarrazin | Hamburg | stood up for Hajduk on May 13, 2008 |
2013–2017 (18th), since 2017 (19th) | Ulle Schauws | North Rhine-Westphalia | |
2009–2013 (17th), 2013–2017 (18th), since 2017 (19th) | Frithjof Schmidt | North Rhine-Westphalia | |
since 2017 (19.) | Stefan Schmidt | Bavaria | |
since 2019 (19.) | Charlotte Schneidewind-Hartnagel | Baden-Württemberg | Moved up for Kerstin Andreae on November 1, 2019 |
2013–2017 (18th), since 2017 (19th) | Kordula Schulz ash | Hesse | |
2008–2009 (16th), 2009–2013 (17th), 2014–2017 (18th), since 2017 (19th) | Wolfgang Strengmann-Kuhn | Hesse | joined Margareta Wolf on January 4, 2008 and Priska Hinz on January 27, 2014 |
since 2017 (19.) | Margit Stumpp | Baden-Württemberg | |
2009–2013 (17th), 2013–2017 (18th), since 2017 (19th) | Markus Tressel | Saarland | |
1998–2002 (14th), 2002–2005 (15th), 2005–2009 (16th), 2009–2013 (17th), 2013–2017 (18th), since 2017 (19th) | Jürgen Trittin | Lower Saxony | Group spokesman 2009-2013 (17.) |
2013–2017 (18th), since 2017 (19th) | Julia Verlinden | Lower Saxony | |
2009–2013 (17th), since 2017 (19th) | Daniela Wagner | Hesse | |
2012–2013 (17th), 2013–2017 (18th), since 2017 (19th) | Beate Walter-Rosenheimer | Bavaria | stood up on January 16, 2012 for Christine Scheel , who resigned |
since 2019 (19.) | Gerhard Zickenheiner | Baden-Württemberg | stood up on January 1, 2019 for Gerhard Schick, who resigned |
Web links
- Bundestag parliamentary group of Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen
- Directory of current and former members of the Bundestag on the Bundestag website
Individual evidence
- ^ Website of the parliamentary group
- ↑ https://bundeswahlleiter.de/dam/jcr/397735e3-0585-46f6-a0b5-2c60c5b83de6/btw_ab49_sum.pdf
- ↑ a b faz.net: Male, middle-aged, civil servant (October 19, 2005)
- ↑ Publication by the Federal Returning Officer on the average age of the parties in the German Bundestag ( Memento from January 12, 2011 in the Internet Archive ) (PDF; 5 kB)
- ↑ Table of the Federal Returning Officer ( Memento from January 9, 2014 in the Internet Archive )
- ↑ Klein / Falter: The long way of the Greens , Munich 2003, p. 94.
- ↑ Jürgen Hoffmann: Die doppelte Vereinigung , Opladen 1998, p. 69.
- ↑ Klein / Falter: The long way of the Greens , Munich 2003, p. 96.
- ↑ Green Party.de: Women's Statute ( Memento from September 7, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) (PDF 55kB)
- ↑ Klein / Falter: The long way of the Greens , Munich 2003, p. 92.