Grigorovich GASN

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Grigorovich GASN
GASN Shishmarev-Grigorovich.jpg
Type: Torpedo plane
Design country:

Russian Empire 1914Russian Empire Russia


Shchetinin plant

First flight:

April 24, 1917

Number of pieces:


The Grigorowitsch GASN ( Russian ГАСН (Гидроаэроплан специального назначения , Gidroaeroplan spezialnowo nasnatschenija, as much as seaplane for special tasks )) was a twin-engined Russian pavilion aircraft of the Russian Pavlovich design . It is the first executed torpedo aircraft .


Development began in 1916. In the Shchetinin plant in Saint Petersburg , Grigorovich was supported by Michail Michailowitsch Schischmarjow (Михаил Михайлович Шишмарёв).

The biplane had a central hull and two single-stage floats . The front part of the fuselage was essentially made of wood and covered with plywood, the stern was covered with canvas. The wing struts were made of steel. In the area of ​​the engines, the upper wing was cut out in order to gain a little more distance from the propeller. The engines were suspended in a strut frame between the wings. The tail unit was also designed as a double-decker and carried a total of three oars. The first flight took place on April 24, 1917.

In the bow of the machine was the place of the observer, who also served as a machine gunner . In the middle of the fuselage was the cockpit with space for the two pilots. Behind the wing there was another place for another shooter. Based on the drawings submitted, an order for the production of 10 machines was placed.

After the first flight, only one more machine was built. Their flight tests from August 24 to September 24 by A. E. Grusinow (А. Е. Грузинов) were successful, although a swimmer broke on the last day of the test. In particular, the seaworthiness was rated as very good. However, the center of gravity had to be moved a little forward, the wings were given a slight sweep and the rudder area was enlarged. After these changes, further flight attempts were made in the autumn of 1917, but further problems arose that had to be eliminated before the final series production.

Due to the Russian Civil War , no further attempts could be made in 1918 and 1919, and the type was slowly becoming obsolete. Nevertheless, testing was restarted in 1920. After a few flights, there was an engine failure on November 4th and the machine had to emergency water two kilometers from the coast. Because the sea was freezing, it could not be recovered at first. Eventually the recovery succeeded, but the flight attempts were not resumed.

Technical specifications

GASN in St. Petersburg (1917)
Parameter Data
crew 4th
Engines two Renaults with 220 HP (162 kW) each
length 28 m
Wing area 150 m²
payload 1450 kg
Top speed 110 km / h

Web links

  • ГАСН. Retrieved March 1, 2017 (Russian, History, Dates & Photos).