Gulschan Talapovna Moldashanova

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Gulschan Talapowna Moldaschanowa ( Russian Гульжан Талаповна Молдажанова , Kazakh Гүлжан Талапқызы Молдажанова * 11. June 1966 in Alma-Ata , Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic , Soviet Union ) is a Russian entrepreneur Kazakh origin.


Moldashanova was born the daughter of a metallurgist and a pharmacist . Her parents separated and she grew up with her mother. Even as a little girl she was interested in mathematics and without science she couldn't imagine her future at all. After graduating from high school, she began studying physics at Al-Farabi University . From the second year of studies she was there in the group with extended English lessons. She graduated in 1989 with the grade “excellent”.

Then she dealt with solid-state physics for two years . In 1991 she moved to Moscow , where she appeared in the post graduate of Moscow State University entered. In 1993 she graduated as a candidate of science and stayed at the university. She worked there as a research assistant , but two years later she left the university.

She did not want to continue her career as a physicist and came to the Oleg Deripaska Group as a secretary . In 1998 she graduated from the Russian Finance Academy and in 2005 she was appointed General Director of Basic Element . From 2009 to 2012 she worked as the general director of the ESN group of companies ( Russian группа компаний "ЕСН" ), which belongs to the businessman Grigory Berjoskin . She is currently a member of the Board of Directors of the Kazakh state fund Samruk-Kazyna ( Russian Самрук-Казына ).

According to an estimate by the Russian business magazine "Finance" ( Russian Финанс ), Gulschan Moldaschanowa ranks 9th among the most influential women in Russia. In the Fortune list of the most powerful women in the world, she is ranked 22. Gulschan Moldaschanowa is also in the " Forbes " list of the 100 most influential women in the world (37th place).

In 1999, Gulschan Moldaschanowa divorced her husband. Now she lives alone with her little daughter. According to information from the “ Salzburger Nachrichten ”, Gulzhan Moldaschanowa received an Austrian passport.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Гульжан Молдажанова. In: Эхо Москвы . Retrieved February 7, 2016 (Russian).
  2. a b Асель Асхатова: Железная леди. Exclusive (Internet magazine), April 6, 2009, accessed February 7, 2016 (Russian).
  3. a b Thomas Wiede: GULSCHAN MOLDASCHANOWA: Desire for the madness in the job. In: Handelsblatt . February 25, 2008, pp. 1–3 , accessed February 6, 2016 .
  4. ^ Thomas Werres: Investor Deripaska: Olegarchie. Manager Magazin , April 15, 2008, accessed February 6, 2016 .
  5. a b Eduard Steiner: They are the most influential women in Russia . The world . March 10th 9 Template: FormatDate / Maintenance / 0. Retrieved February 7, 2016.
  6. ^ Samruk-Kazyna Fund-elects New Board Members. (No longer available online.) In: Article of the Day. Kazakhstan Newsline, archived from the original on February 7, 2016 ; Retrieved on February 7, 2016 : “New members have been elected to the Board of Directors: Minister of Industry and Commerce Aset Isekeshev, (who replaced Vladimir Schkolnik), Assistant to President of Kazakhstan for Economic Affairs Kuandyk Bishimbayev, and Independent Director Gulzhan Moldazhanova (General Director of the Base Element Holding, Russia). “ Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  7. Состоялось расширенное заседание Совета директоров Фонда. АО “Самрук-Қазына”, May 29, 2009, accessed on February 7, 2016 (Russian): “Сегодня же избраны новые члены Совета директоров Фонда. Ими стали: министр индустрии и торговли Асет Исекешев (сменивший в должности министра Владимира Школьника) помощник Президента РК по экономическим вопросам Куандык Бишимбаев, а также независимый директор Гульжан Молдажанова (Россия) ".
  8. Kärim Mässimow : Постановление Правительства Республики Казахстан от 27 мая 2009 года № 785. (No longer available online.) May 27, 2009, archived from the original on February 7, 2016 ; accessed on February 7, 2016 . Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  9. ^ Forbes list: Jelena Baturina is the eighth richest European woman . Sputnik . September 2, 2008. Retrieved February 7, 2016.
  10. Ирина Телицына: Гульжан Молдажанова: «Мы доводим до конца даже самую противную работу». , November 10, 2009, accessed February 7, 2016 (Russian).
  11. Eduard Steiner: Russia: Medvedev dismantled the princes . . September 13, 2010. Retrieved February 7, 2016.