Gundacker from Althan

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Count Gundacker von Althan, painted by Jacob van Schuppen, 1723
Court building director Gundacker von Althann presents Karl VI. the inventory of the imperial art collections
Painting by Francesco Solimena , 1728
The portrait heads of the emperor and Althann are by Johann Gottfried Auerbach

Gundacker Ludwig Graf Althan or Althann (born May 15, 1665 in Zwentendorf an der Donau , † December 28, 1747 in Vienna ) was an imperial general, diplomat and general court building director.

He was used as an officer in the War of the Spanish Succession and in the 6th Austrian Turkish War , in 1716 he was appointed court building director, to whom all building offices of the hereditary lands were subordinate.

He organized the reconstruction of the Raab Fortress , the construction of the Invalidenhaus in Budapest as well as the court library and the Karlskirche in Vienna , as well as the expansion of Klosterneuburg Abbey and the renovation of Laxenburg Castle . He housed the imperial picture gallery in the Stallburg and set up the Academy of Fine Arts headed by Jacob van Schuppen in his house.

He was also the builder and owner of the Goldburg in Murstetten and the Palais Althan in Vienna's 3rd district .

In 1920, Althanstraße in Vienna's Alsergrund (9th district) was named after him.

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