Hagenest (noble family)

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The von Hagenest , or also Hogenist , were an old knightly family, from the homonymous place Hagenest , which is now part of the Saxon town of Regis-Breitingen . It is located east of Zeitz , in the south of Leipzig .


The family was wealthy in the monasteries of Naumburg , Merseburg and Zeitz in Prießnitz , Leislau , Neidschütz , Janisroda , Hainichen (Zeitz) , Hassenhausen , Gostitz, Reckenitz, Sausedlitz , Breitenhain and Teuritz . From the 13th to the 15th century, the family belonged to the Naumburg monastery knighthood as well as to the castle team of Rudelsburg and Schönburg .

For the first time in 1260 were Theodericus de Hogeniste , 1270 Heinrico Godofredo de Hogenist , 1270-1281 Godesalcus mentioned (Gottschalk), 1291 Thimo and 1293 Friedrich von Hagenest documented.

The grave slab of the knight Thimo von Hagenest († 1356) is located in the monastery church of Pforta . The inscription reads: Anno dni MCCCLVI obiit strictuus miles dns Tymo p [ate] r domini Brymonis de Hogeniste .

Bruno and Hermann owned Neidschütz in 1368. Herman von dem Hogenist, Thumher zu Numburg (canon in Naumburg) and Hannes von dem Hogenist, brothers (October 7, 1382) sat at Janisroda, where their father Heine (buried in Pforta) had previously lived. 1384–1398 Bruno von Hagenest had his knight's seat in Leislau. In the 15th century and 1529–1533 they were feudal lords and patron saints in Prießnitz, Heiligenkreuz , Janisroda.

In Lucka , where they sat from 1575 to 1640, the church has various grave slabs, some with coats of arms and life news for Christoph von Hagenest († 1630), Anna von Hagenest († 1588) and various children's grave stones from the family.

The male family died out with the death of the Saxon major general Gottlob Heinrich von Hagenest († November 7, 1776).

coat of arms

The family's coat of arms was created from a shield (like the von Scheidingen family ). It shows a silver ball (shield boss) in the blue shield, which is decorated with red and silver ostrich feathers alternately. On the helmet with red and silver covers, seven alternating silver and red ostrich feathers.



  1. Descriptive representation of the older architectural and art monuments of the Province of Saxony 1905, Kreis Naumburg (Land) 1-2, p. 136
  2. ^ Paul Lehfeldt: Architectural and Art Monuments of Thuringia digitized

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