Hans Heintze

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Hans Heintze (born February 4, 1911 in Wehre , Lower Saxony ; † March 5, 2003 in Bremen ) was a German cantor and organist .


Heintze grew up in Bremen, where he received his Abitur at the old grammar school. In 1929 he began studying ancient philology at the University of Leipzig . He later switched to studying church music at the Leipzig Conservatory , which he completed with Günther Ramin (organ) and Carl Adolf Martienssen (piano). Even Fritz Reuter belonged in Leipzig with his teachers.

In 1930 he became the permanent representative of the Thomas organist Ramin. After first positions as cantor and organist in Bad Oldesloe (1932–1934) and as cathedral cantor at the Sophienkirche in Dresden (1934–1939), Heintze succeeded Günther Ramin in 1940 as organist at the Thomaskirche in Leipzig . He worked there, with interruptions, until 1948. During his military service in the Wehrmacht and the Soviet captivity of war, Heintze was taken over by Eberhard Bonitz (1941), Eduard Büchsel (1941/42), Beate Schmidt (1942/43), Günter Metz (1942, 1943/44), Christian Göttsching (1944) , Christa Wildeis (1944–1949) and Ekkehard Tietze (1948/49). He also directed the teachers' choir in Leipzig.

From 1949 he was first church musician in St. Johannis in Lüneburg and in 1955 professor at the State University of Music in Berlin. In 1958, Heintze was appointed as the successor to Richard Liesche as the leading church musician and cathedral choirmaster at Bremen's St. Petri Cathedral and as director of the Bremen cathedral choir . He worked with the organist Wilhelm Evers . Heintze worked at the St. Petri Cathedral in Bremen until 1975 and then retired for reasons of age, his office was taken over by Wolfgang Helbich . In addition, Heintze worked as a university lecturer at the University of the Arts in Bremen .

He was married.


  • Johann Sebastian Bach: St. Matthew Passion. Calig-Verlag, Munich 1987
  • Choral music for Christmas. Dabringhaus + Grimm, Detmold; EMI-Electrola ASD, Cologne 1984
  • About the eternal magic of baroque organs. Deutsche Grammophon, Hamburg 1981
  • Johann Sebastian Bach: Organ Works. Johannes Stauda, ​​Kassel 1980/1981
  • Festive music at Christmas time. German records, Berlin 1978
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Requiem in D minor KV 626.Sound -Star-Tonproduction, Steyerberg 1976
  • Antonín Dvořák: Stabat mater, B 71.Sound -Star-Tonproduction, Steyerberg 1975
  • Johann Pachelbel: Organ Works. Deutsche Grammophon, Hamburg 1967/1982


  • Klaus Blum: Music lovers and Musici - musical life in Bremen since the Enlightenment . Hans Schneider Verlag, Tutzing 1975, ISBN 3-7952-0177-2 .
  • Martin Petzoldt : Die Thomasorganisten zu Leipzig , in: Christian Wolff (Hrsg.): Die Orgeln der Thomaskirche zu Leipzig , Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, Leipzig 2012, pp. 95-137 (pp. 129-131), ISBN 3-374-02300- 2 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Walter Clemens, Werner Busch: In memory of Fritz Reuter . In: Heinz Wegener (Red. Ed.): Gedenkschrift Fritz Reuter (= scientific journal of the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Society and linguistic series 15 (1966) 3). S. I-VI, here: SV
  2. Martin Petzoldt: Die Thomasorganisten zu Leipzig , in: Christian Wolff (ed.): The organs of the Thomaskirche zu Leipzig , Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, Leipzig 2012, pp. 95-137, content from page 130.