Haris Zambarloukos

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Haris Zambarloukos (born March 11, 1970 in Nicosia , Cyprus ) is a Cypriot cameraman .


Haris Zambarloukos originally wanted to be a painter and moved to England to study, where he attended the Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design . But after only a year he changed his subject and studied camera. After graduating with a Bachelor of Fine Arts , Zambarloukos went to the American Film Institute , where he graduated with a Master of Fine Arts in 1997 . His graduation thesis was the short film First Daughter , which was subsequently awarded at several film festivals, including the San Jose Film Festival and the Empire State Film Festival . Before he worked independently as a cameraman with Camera Obscura for the first time, he had been hired as an assistant for the shoot in Los Angeles in the film Civil Trial . Since then, Zambarloukos can look back on a number of internationally known productions such as A best man to fall in love with , 1 Mord für 2 and Mamma Mia! .

In addition to his film work, Zambarloukos shot commercials as a cameraman, including for Nike , Barclays and Kellog's .

Filmography (selection)


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Alexander Leontaritis: Haris Zambarloukos: Painting with Light on hollywood.greekreporter.com of October 8, 2010 (English), accessed on October 10, 2011
  2. Haris Zambarloukos on cinematographers.nl (English), accessed on October 10, 2011