House Kotromanić

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The house of Kotromanić ( Bosnian / Croatian / Serbian  Котроманићи / Kotromanići ) was the lineage of the rulers of Bosnia . Its members ruled Bosnia as Bane from around 1250 and as kings from 1377 until the conquest of Bosnia by the Ottomans in 1463 .

The Kotromanić family line died out with the fall of Bosnia to the Ottomans and the execution of Stjepan Tomašević in 1463. The king's younger brother, Sigismund , converted to Islam. Older historians held the theory that the Kotromanići were of Germanic origin; today, however, the prevailing view is that the family in Bosnia was autochthonous.

Master list (extract)

Family tree of the Kotromanić dynasty
  1. Ban Prijezda , † 1287, until 1254 Greater Ban of Bosnia, then Hungarian Ban of Upper and Lower Bosnia
    1. Prijezda , † probably 1295, 1287 Ban of Bosnia
    2. Stjepan Kotroman , † probably 1314, Ban of Upper and Lower Bosnia; ∞ Jelisaveta of Serbia, † 1331, daughter of Stefan Dragutin , King of Serbia
      1. Stjepan II. Kotromanić , † 1353, 1322/53 Ban of Upper and Lower Bosnia; ∞ Elzbieta (Jelisaveta) of Kujawien, † after 1345, daughter of Casimir III. of Kuyavian ( Piast )
        1. Jelisaveta , † 1387, 1382 regent of Hungary and Poland; ∞ Ludwig I , 1342 King of Hungary , 1370 King of Poland , † 1382 ( House of Anjou )
      2. Vladislav Kotromanić Knez, † 1354, co-regent 1323/31, regent 1353/54
        1. Stjepan Tvrtko I , † 1391, 1353/54 Ban of Bosnia, 1377 King of Bosnia and the Serbs, Croatia and Dalmatia; ∞ Dorothea, daughter of Ivan Strazimir , prince of Vidin ( Schischmaniden )
          1. (illegitimate, mother unknown) Stjepan Tvrtko II. Tvrtkoković , † 1443, 1404/19 and 1421/43 king of Bosnia, 1414/15 anti-king
          2. ? (illegitimate, mother unknown) Stjepan Ostoja , † 1418, 1398/1404 and 1409/18 King of Bosnia
            1. Stjepan Ostojić , 1418/21 King of Bosnia
            2. (illegitimate, mother unknown) Radivoj von Kmothyn , † 1463, 1431 / 34–43 Gegenkönig
            3. (illegitimate, mother unknown) Stjepan Tomaš Ostojić , 1443/61 King of Bosnia
              1. Stjepan Tomašević , † 1463, 1461/63 King of Bosnia
              2. Zilmunt , * 1456, 1463 in Turkey, becomes Muslim, Sandschak - Beg of Karas (Asia Minor) - descendants
        2. Stjepan Vuk Knez, † after 1374, 1365/66 usurper in Bosnia
        3. ? Katarina , attested in 1377/96; ∞ Hermann I, Count of Cilli , † 1385 - their son Hermann II became heir to the Kingdom of Bosnia in 1427
      3. Ninoslav Kotromanić , 1310/14 attested
        1. ? Marija , † 1403; ∞ Ulrich Graf von Helfenstein , † 1372
        2. ? (illegitimate, mother unknown) Stjepan Dabiša , 1391/95 King of Bosnia; ∞ Jelena Gruba , regent of Bosnia 1395/98, † after 1399

coat of arms

In the coats of arms of the House of Kotromanić, a distinction must be made between family coats of arms as bane or kings (from 1377) and personal coats of arms. The following coats of arms are attributed to the Kotromanić house :


Individual evidence

  1. Kotromanići. In: Hrvatski obiteljski leksikon (Croatian Family Lexicon). Lexicographical Institute Miroslav Krleža , 2008, accessed January 20, 2018 .
  2. ^ Frank fighters : Stefan I. Kotromanić . In: Mathias Bernath, Karl Nehring (Ed.), Gerda Bartl (Red.): Biographical Lexicon for the History of Southeast Europe . Volume 4. Oldenbourg, Munich 1981, ISBN 3-486-42421-1 , p. 175 f.
  3. Dragomir Acović: Heraldika i Srbija . Zavod za udžbenike, Beograd 2008, ISBN 978-86-17-15093-6 .
  4. Nenad Nikolic, Dragomir M. Acović (2003): Српска круна / The Serbian Crown ( Simbol drzave i crkve ); Teos, Belgrade 2003; P. 28f. ( ISBN 978-8675980230 )