Hedwig of Sagan

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Hedwig of Sagan (in Polish Jadwiga Żagańska * 1340 / 1350 ; † 27. March 1390 in Legnica ) was a princess of Sagan and by marriage 1368-1370 Queen of Poland . By her second marriage she was from 1372 Duchess of Liegnitz .


Hedwig came from the Sagan branch of the Silesian Piasts . Her parents were Heinrich V "the Iron" and Anna († 1363), a daughter of Duke Wacław von Mazowien-Płock .

On February 25, 1363, she was married to the Polish King Casimir I in Fraustadt . At that time she was between 13 and 23 years old, her husband already 53. It was his fourth marriage, and he had been living in bigamy since 1356 . One year after he married Hedwig, his marriage to his former Bohemian lover and second wife Christine Rokitzan (Czech: Kristina Rokycanská ; Polish: Krystyna Rokiczana ) was annulled; his marriage to Queen Adelheid of Hesse , from whom he had been separated for years, was not canceled until 1368 by Pope Urban V. The connection with Hedwig was therefore only legalized at this point in time, and due to the degree of kinship between the two partners, a papal dispensation was necessary.

King Casimir died in 1370 after seven years of marriage, but only two years after their legalization. Since he had left no legitimate male descendants, the royal line of the Kujawi Piasts became extinct with his death . His successor as King of Poland was the Hungarian King Ludwig von Anjou , who was a son of Kasimir's sister Elisabeth of Poland .

The widowed Hedwig married Duke Ruprecht I of Liegnitz on February 10, 1372 .

Hedwig died in Liegnitz in 1390 and was buried in the Holy Grave Church there.


Hedwig's connection with King Casimir resulted in three daughters:

  • Anna (1366–1425), ⚭ 1. 1380 Count Wilhelm von Cilli († 1392); ⚭ 2. 1394 Duke Ulrich von Teck († 1432). ( Her marriage to Wilhelm von Cilli descended from Anna von Cilli , who later became the wife of the Polish King Władysław II Jagiełło ).
  • Kunigunde (1367-1370)
  • Hedwig (1368-1407), ⚭ 1382 NN

Hedwig's marriage to Duke Ruprecht I of Liegnitz came from:

  • Barbara (1372–1384 / 1436), ⚭ 1396 the Saxon Elector Rudolf III.
  • Agnes (1385–1411), nun in Breslau


  • Thiele, Andreas: Narrative genealogical family tables on European history Volume II, Part 2 European Imperial, Royal and Princely Houses II Northern, Eastern and Southern Europe, RG Fischer Verlag 1994, plate 339

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predecessor Office Successor
Adelheid of Hesse Queen of Poland
Elisabeth of Bosnia