Heinrich I. von Grünberg

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Heinrich I von Grünberg († July 16, 1335 ) was Bishop of Naumburg from 1316 to 1335 .


Heinrich I came from a von Grünberg family , who named themselves after Grünberg Castle (Magdeburg) , a small castle complex in the Krakow corridor east of Magdeburg , and who was spoken of as deserted as early as the 14th century . His father was the noble Gebhard von Grünberg. His uncle Heinrich von Grünberg was Magdeburg canon and provost of Nienburg. Other relatives can be found among the Naumburg canons. Heinrich I was canon in Magdeburg from 1296 and held other high ecclesiastical offices.

As a bishop, he initially adhered politically closely to Friedrich the Freidigen , but later he joined an alliance against the increasingly powerful Wettiner . In 1333 there was a protective and defensive alliance with the bailiffs von Plauen , the counts of Orlamünde , von Schwarzburg , von Beichlingen , the burgraves of Leisnig , the lords of Waldenburg and von Schönburg and the cities of Erfurt and Mühlhausen . Later the lords of Lobdeburg , the counts of Käfernburg , the burgraves of Kirchberg and the lords of Heldrungen , Kranichfeld and Blankenhain joined them. Burgraves of Dohna and von Wettin and a Truchseß of Borna were held captive by the bishop and the cathedral chapter during battles and released again for a ransom. The Thuringian Count War broke out under the subsequent Bishop Withego I of Ostrau , in which the diocese did not play an essential role. Heinrich I had no significant influence on imperial politics. In 1334 Emperor Ludwig advised him against the alliance against Margrave Friedrich II , his son-in-law.

The place of the burial of Heinrich I is unknown, other information comes from the Taubesche Chronik of the historical forger Johann Georg Rauhe .


predecessor Office successor
Ulrich I of Colditz Bishop of Naumburg
Withego I of Ostrau