Henry IX. (Liegnitz-Lüben)

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Henry IX. von Liegnitz (also Heinrich IX. von Lüben ; * 1369 ; † 1419 or 1420) was Duke of Liegnitz and from 1399 to 1419/20 Duke of Lüben , Ohlau and Haynau . He came from the Silesian Piast family .

Origin and family

His parents were Duke Heinrich VIII († 1399) and his first wife Helene, daughter of Duke Otto VIII († 1334) of Orlamünde .

In 1396 Heinrich married Anna († 1403), daughter of Duke Przemislaus of Teschen . Children came from marriage

  • Ruprecht II († 1431), Duke of Lüben, Grand Prior of the Johanniter Province of Bohemia, Hungary and Poland
  • Wenceslaus III († 1423), Duke of Ohlau
  • Ludwig III. († 1441), Duke of Lüben and Ohlau, ⚭ Margareta von Oppeln († 1454/55), daughter of the Opole Duke Bolko IV.
  • Katharina († 1424), ⚭ 1423 Count Albrecht VIII († 1460) von Lindow-Ruppin
  • Anna († 1420)
  • Hedwig († 1432), since 1416 nun in Trebnitz


After the death of the father Heinrich VIII. In 1399 Heinrich and his younger stepbrother Ludwig II. Shared the inherited property, whereby Heinrich received Lüben, Ohlau, Nimptsch and half of Haynau , while Ludwig Brieg with Kreuzburg and Konstadt fell to.

Before or shortly after Heinrich's death in 1419/20, his stepbrother Ludwig II inherited the Duchy of Liegnitz from his great-uncle, the then resigned Bishop Wenzel von Liegnitz , on the basis of an overall loan agreement agreed in 1379 and approved by the king . A short time later, Heinrich's sons Ruprecht II, Wenzel III. and Ludwig III. a contract of inheritance with her uncle Ludwig II, which was to secure the entire property of this line. Since the approval of the Bohemian sovereign had not been obtained for this, after Ludwig's death in 1436, who died without male descendants, protracted inheritance disputes occurred, which led to the Liegnitz feudal dispute that lasted until 1469 .


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Henry IX. Duke of Haynau, Lüben and Ohlau (1399–1419 / 20). Genealogy .