Ludwig II (Liegnitz)

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Ludwig II of Liegnitz (also Ludwig II of Brieg ; * 1384 ; † April 30, 1436 ) was Duke of Brieg from 1399 to 1436 and Duke of Liegnitz from 1419 to 1436 . He came from the Liegnitz branch of the Silesian Piasts .

Origin and family

His parents were Duke Henry VIII († 1399) and his second wife Margarete, daughter of Duke Ziemowit III. of Mazovia . In 1409 Ludwig married the Hungarian magnate daughter Hedwig Zápolya , who died childless in 1414. On April 9, 1418, during the Council of Constance, he married Elisabeth of Brandenburg , a daughter of Elector Friedrich I, in the high house at the Konstanzer Fischmarkt . The children came from this marriage

  • Ludwig († 1435)
  • Elisabeth (1426–1435)
  • Magdalena († 1497), ∞ Duke Nicholas I of Opole († 1476)
  • Hedwig († 1471), ∞ Duke Johann I of Lüben († 1453)


After the death of the father Heinrich VIII. In 1399 Ludwig II. And his half-brother Heinrich IX. , which came from the first marriage of her father, the inherited property, Ludwig Brieg received with Kreuzburg and Konstadt , while Lüben , Ohlau , Nimptsch and half of Haynau to Heinrich IX. fell.

In 1402 Ludwig joined a peace alliance . Since he supported the German Order of Knights , there were mutual violations of borders with Poland. He was initially a supporter of the Bohemian King Wenceslaus IV. Only after his death in 1419 did he support his stepbrother Sigismund .

In 1419 Ludwig II inherited the Duchy of Liegnitz, whose sole owner since 1409 was the Wroclaw Bishop Wenzel von Liegnitz . The inheritance was a 1379 by the sovereign, the Czech king Wenceslas IV. Allows approved Gesamtbelehnung that of Ludwig II. Grandfather Ludwig I and his nephew Rupert I was discharge was obtained and to which a reversion could be prevented by subregions.

After the death of his stepbrother Heinrich IX. In 1419/20 Ludwig concluded with his sons Ruprecht II , Wenzel III. and Ludwig III. a contract of inheritance, which should secure this line the entire property.

The Duchy of Jägerndorf , pledged to Ludwig by King Sigismund in 1421, was triggered a short time later by Duke Johann II of Opava-Ratibor . On February 14, 1427 Ludwig II joined a military alliance in Strehlen that was supposed to fight the Hussites in Silesia, to which he had temporarily lost Konstadt, Pitschen and Kreuzburg. In the same year he acquired Strehlen from Casimir I of Auschwitz .

Together with the Breslau bishop Konrad von Oels , Ludwig II tried in the summer of 1430 to win back Nimptsch, which was occupied by the Hussites. They did not join the armistice agreed on June 16, 1432 between the Hussites and Silesia. However, they, as well as Duke Bernhard von Falkenberg , the Dukes of Oels and the cities of Breslau , Schweidnitz and Neisse signed a corresponding agreement with the Hussites on September 13, 1432.

During his lifetime, Ludwig II signed over to his wife Elisabeth Goldberg , while his daughters received 10,000 guilders each. He led a lavish lifestyle and had to temporarily surrender the ducal power over Liegnitz to the city council because of the resulting debts .

Ludwig II died in 1436 without male descendants. However, because of the inheritance contract agreed with his nephews in 1420, which lacked the king's approval, there were disputes that resulted in the Liegnitz feudal dispute that lasted until 1469 . The nephew Ludwig III., Whose brothers had already died, registered his claim as the sole heir of Ludwig II. Shortly before his death, King Sigismund decided that a claim by Duke Ludwig III. on the inheritance of Ludwig II is unfounded. At the same time, he campaigned for Ludwig's property to be transferred undiminished to Ludwig's widow Elisabeth. She could keep the Duchy of Liegnitz as a treasure until 1449 . From her it fell to Ludwig II's great-nephew and son-in-law, Duke Johann I von Lüben, who was married to Ludwig II's daughter Hedwig, but who could not enforce his claim.

Duke Ludwig's body was buried in the Liegnitz Charterhouse, which he founded in 1423 . After the Charterhouse under Friedrich III. Was demolished in 1547, the bones of the family members buried there were transferred to the former St. John's Church, which now served as the castle church. There, Duchess Luise von Anhalt , the mother of the last Liegnitz Piast Georg Wilhelm I, had a family crypt built, which has been preserved to this day.


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Individual evidence

  1. Eyewitness to the Council of Constance. The chronicle of Ulrich Richental. The Konstanz manuscript translated into New High German by Monika Küble and Henry Gerl Gerlach. With an afterword by Jürgen Klöckler. Scientific Book Society, Darmstadt 2014, ISBN 978-3-8062-2901-1 , pp. 188 f.