Heinz Griessmann

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Heinz Grießmann (born September 17, 1909 in Königs Wusterhausen , † November 16, 1988 in Neumünster ) was a German surgeon and urologist.


Grießmann's father was the engineer Arno Grießmann , who later became General Director of Krupp-Werke Magdeburg , his mother was a née Seiler. From 1928, Grießmann studied medicine at the Philipps University in Marburg . The Corps Teutonia Marburg reciprocated him on February 2, 1929. As an inactive he moved to the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich and the University of Leipzig . After passing the state examination in 1933, he was awarded a Dr. med. PhD. He went through further training in Magdeburg, as an assistant doctor at the University of Leipzig (at the Pathological and Physiological Institute), and from 1936 at the surgical university clinic in Giessen and Kiel. In 1939 he became senior physician with Wilhelm Fischer in Kiel . In 1934 he married Ruth Möbes. From 1939 to 1942 he served in the Wehrmacht , most recently as senior physician in the reserve . Since 1942 he has been a lecturer in surgery and urology , and in 1947 he was appointed an extraordinary professor at the Christian Albrechts University in Kiel . From 1950 to 1971 he was chief physician in the surgical department of the Neumünster Municipal Hospital . In 1964 he was chairman of the 63rd meeting of the Association of Northwest German Surgeons . Grießmann published over 150 scientific papers. He was a member of the Rotarians . Widowed in 1978, he married Hildegard Krey. Heinz Grießmann has three children.


  • Pancreatic fermentation damage to the extrahepatic biliary system and the liver . In: Deutsche Zeitschrift für Chirurgie 256 (1942), pp. 128-192.
  • About the fermentation ileus . In: Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift 69 (1943), pp. 221-225.
  • About the content and determination of bile acids in human bile fluids . In: Klinische Wochenschrift 26 (1948), pp. 52-55.
  • About the development of gallbladder inflammation . In: Langenbeck's archive for clinical surgery united with German journal for surgery 262 (1949), pp. 28-39.
  • About the intestinal burn. Report of 124 observed cases . In: Langenbeck's archive for clinical surgery combined with German journal for surgery 265 (1950), pp. 1–16.
  • Megaoesophagus - cardio spasm . The Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeon 4 (1956), pp. 34-41.
  • Diagnosis and treatment of incomplete urination . Enke, Stuttgart 1962.


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Individual evidence

  1. a b 1248 Grießmann, Heinz , in: Blaubuch des Corps Teutonia zu Marburg 1825 to 2000 . Marburg 2000, p. 322.
  2. Kösener Corpslisten 1960, 102/1274.
  3. Dissertation: The pneumotachogram in circulatory insufficiency .
  4. Wolfgang Teichmann, Christoph Eggers, Heinz-Jürgen Schröder (eds.): 100 Years Association of Northwest German Surgeons . Hamburg 2009, pp. 225-227.
  5. Who is who? The German who's who. Founded by Walter Habel. Federal Republic of Germany and West Berlin. 24th edition. Schmidt-Römhild, Lübeck 1985, ISBN 3-7950-2005-0 , p. 407 ( Grießmann, Heinrich ).