Henri Strohl

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Strohl in the 6th decade of life

Henri Adolphe Strohl (born August 25, 1874 in Brumath , † February 24, 1959 in Strasbourg ) was a French Lutheran clergyman, church historian and from 1919 to 1945 professor at the theological faculty of the University of Strasbourg . He is considered to be a connoisseur of the Alsatian church history and in particular of Martin Luther's importance for French Protestantism.

life and work

Henri Strohl was the son of the pharmacist Alexandre Strohl and his wife Cécile, nee Ihlé. After the siege of Strasbourg, where they came from, they had moved to Brumath and settled there. Alexandre died there on October 31, 1876 at the age of 56. His widow moved back to Strasbourg with their two children Henri and Elisabeth (* 1873). After Henri's school attendance in Strasbourg, he graduated from the Protestant grammar school and continued his studies at the Strasbourg theological faculty from 1893 to 1895. He then studied in Berlin during the winter of 1895/96 and in Geneva in the winter of 1897/98 .

Immediately afterwards he became parish vicar in Wissembourg in 1898 , pastor in Ingwiller from 1899 to 1902 , and pastor in Benfeld from 1902 to 1905 . From 1906 to 1918 Strohl worked in Colmar , where he led the work of evangelization in the “Grillenbreit” district. During the First World War he was also chaplain of the military hospital.

In 1919 he was appointed lecturer in the Faculty of Protestant Theology at the University of Strasbourg to help in the reconstruction. In 1922 he completed his habilitation with a thesis on the "Religious Development of Luther until 1515" and two years later with a doctorate. On July 16, 1920, he married in Sainte-Marie-aux-Mines Geneviève Hoff (1894-1959). On January 26, 1922, their only daughter Christiane was born, who became a pastor and psychoanalyst.

In 1928 the faculty appointed him dean and in 1929 full professor for the history of Christianity. Strohl spent the difficult time during the Second World War in Clermont-Ferrand , where the faculty had emigrated. After returning to Strasbourg in 1945, he turned more and more to writing. He dealt with Martin Bucer and again increasingly with the writings of Martin Luther. He was the first author to translate Luther's thoughts into French in order to make them accessible to French-speaking readers.

Strohl stood in the aftermath of the symbolic ideism , which in France was mainly carried out between the two opponents Eugène Ménégoz and Auguste Sabatier . It was about the doctrinal controversy between liberals and orthodox within the Protestant churches of France . Strohl demonstrated the importance of Luther and in his work helped the French Protestants to "return to the evangelical creed and thus to a theology of the word of God".

Henri Strohl was in lively exchange with Louis Bouyer , who converted to Catholicism in 1944 and whom he knew from studying together in Strasbourg. In his memoirs Strohl characterized Strohl as a cross-border commuter on both sides of the Rhine and thus alluded to the difficult relationship between the two nations and denominations in Alsace .


Henri Strohl received honorary doctorates from the universities of Upsala , Prague and Lausanne and an honorary professor at the University of Debrecen in Hungary.

Works (selection)

Strohl wrote numerous books and essays in both French and German.

  • La substance de l'Évangile selon Luther selected theses, translated and annotated by Henri Strohl, foreword and updated by Matthieu Arnold . La Cause, Carrières-sous-Poissy 2016, ISBN 978-2876571129
  • Le protestantisme en Alsace (preface by Gérard Siegwalt ) Strasbourg 2000, Ed. Oberlin, ISBN 978-2853692137
  • L'évolution religieuse de Luther jusqu'en 1515 (habilitation thesis), Strasbourg 1922, Impr. Strasbourgeoise
  • L'épanouissement de la pensée religieuse de Luther de 1515 à 1520 (doctoral thesis), Strasbourg 1924, Librairie Istra
  • La Société littéraire de Colmar (1760-1820) Paris 1925
  • Une Expérience décisive, l'abolition de la réglementation de la prostitution à Colmar Bordeaux approx. 1925, Édition du "Relèvement social"
  • De Marguerite de Navarre à Louise Scheppler: quelques étapes de l'évolution de la piété protestante en France Strasbourg 1926, Librairie évangélique
  • Études sur Oberlin Paris 1926, Félix Alcan
  • La Réglementation de la prostitution au point de vue moral et social , Strasbourg, Pro Familia, 1926
  • Discours prononcés le 29 novembre 1931 à l'église Saint-Nicolas à Strasbourg pour commémorer le centenaire de la mort de Isaac Haffner Louis-Paul Horst and Henri Strohl, Strasbourg 1932, Union protestante libérale
  • La Suède et l'Alsace, conference transcript, November 7, 1932, at the University of Upsala on the death of Gustave Adolphe Strasbourg in 1932, Librairie évangélique
  • Servir fut sa gloire. Prédication prononcée dans le Temple de l'église réformée française in Stockholm, November 6, 1932 on the 3rd anniversary of Gustave-Adolphe's death, Stockholm 1933, Eglise réformée française
  • Luther, esquisse de sa vie et de sa pensée Neuilly (Seine) 1933, la Cause
  • Les expériences d'une église au cours de quatre siècles (Colmar) Basel 1935, Helbing and Lichtenhahn
  • Le protestantisme en Alsace et en Lorraine Strasbourg 1937, Librairie évangélique
  • Bucer, humaniste chrétien Paris 1939, F. Alcan
  • Bucer, interprête de Luther Clermont-Ferrand 1939, Revue d'histoire et de philosophie religieuses
  • Humaniste chrétrien Paris 1939, F. Alcan
  • L'influence de l'humanisme sur l'enseignement de la théologie à Strasbourg dans la première moitié du XVIe siècle Paris 1939, Société d'édition "Les Belles-lettres,
  • Josef Bohatec, Calvin's Doctrine of State and Church Clermont-Ferrand, F. Alcan
  • La notion d'Eglise chez les Réformateurs Strasbourg, Bureau de la Revue
  • La justification par la foi Roanne 1943, Labor
  • Le protestantisme en Alsace Strasbourg 1950, Éditions Oberlin
  • Luther, sa vie et sa pensée 2nd edition, Strasbourg 1953, Éd. Oberlin
  • Evolution du luthéranisme, extrait de l'Histoire générale des religions Paris 1944 ?, A. Quillet
  • La pensée de la Réforme Neuchâtel 1951, Delachaux et Niestlé
  • Martin Bucer: 1491–1551 Henri Strohl, Wilhelm Maurer , C. Hope, Essen 1951, Lichtweg-Verlag
  • Henri-Gottfried Oberlin and his visit to Bischweiler in 1815, Bischwiller, 1953
  • Il ya quatre siècles mourait Jacques Sturm, Un homme d'Etat de la Réforme Paris, 1953
  • Trois comptes rendus critiques d'ouvrages de (Emile-G. Léonard) Paris, Presses universitaires
  • Luther, sa vie et sa pensée. 2nd edition, translation into Japanese by Seiji Hagii, Tokyo 1955, Ed. Shinkyo Shuppansha
  • La Réforme en Suisse Paris, Presses universitaires
  • La méthode exégétique des réformateurs Paris 1955, PUF
  • One aspect de l'humanisme Chrétien de Bucer
  • L'activité scientifique de Bucer Paris 1956, Presses universitaires de France
  • La pensée de Calvin [CR], P. Imbart de la Tour Les origines de la Réforme Volume IV, Clermont-Ferrand, F. Alcan
  • Luther, sa vie, sa pensée 2nd edition Strasbourg 1953, Éditions Oberlin
  • Luther jusqu'en 1520 2nd revised edition, Paris 1962, Presses universitaires de France
  • La personnalité religieuse de Luther. Conference donnée à la Faculté libre de Théologie protestante de Paris Strasbourg, Librairie évangélique


  • Gérard Siegwalt : Preface. In: Henri Strohl: Le protestantisme en Alsace. Oberlin, Strasbourg 2000, pp. 7-16 ( PDF file ).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Otto Erich Strasser-Bertrand , Otto Jan de Jong: The Protestant Church in France . Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 1975, ISBN 978-3525523551 , page 186
  2. Louis Bouyer : Memoirs . Ignatius Press San Francisco 2015, ISBN 9781681496832 , page 55
  3. Strohl, Henri Identifants et l'enseignement supérieur et réferentiels pour la recherche