Henri Vaquez

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Louis Henri Vaquez

Louis Henri Vaquez (born August 27, 1860 in Paris , † 1936 there ) was a French internist and cardiologist .



According to family tradition, his father ran a silk fabric shop , together with his two brothers, who later continued the father's business.

education and profession

Vaquez attended the Lycée Condorcet in Paris and then decided to study medicine. Fernand Widal (1862–1929) was his classmate and later became known through the discovery of the typhoid pathogen detection. After graduating and gaining his doctorate in 1890, Vaquez worked as an Interne des hôpitaux at the Parisian hospitals from 1884 , received the silver medal for internal medicine in 1889 , was admitted as Médecin des hôpitaux in 1895 and as an associate professor and member of the medical faculty in 1898. It was not until 1918/1919 that he was appointed full professor at the chair of the therapeutic clinic and member of the Académie de Médecine . Vaquez worked mainly at the Paris hospitals St. Antoine and La Pitié, his main interest was cardiovascular diseases, also a result of his collaboration with Pierre Potain .


As early as 1892 Vaquez had described polycythemia , a derailment of blood cell formation, as an independent clinical syndrome, it was rediscovered by William Osler ten years later ( Vaquez-Osler syndrome ). After Potain's death, a friendship developed with Joseph Babinski , which in 1901 led to the joint description of a special clinical form of syphilis with nerve and vascular lesions ( Babinski-Vaquez syndrome ). From 1907 Vaquez dealt with the clinical Sphygmo manometry and hypertension and designed methodologically different measurement devices ( palpation 1908 auscultatorily 1921 oscillometrically 1931). In addition, he tried to further develop the theory and practice of "medium" arterial pressure .

His interest in graphic recording methods led to research on arrhythmias and the introduction of electrocardiography in France. He also worked with Bordet on cardiac radiology . Vaquez tested nitrate therapy for hypertensive disease , introduced strophantine injections in France to treat heart failure and examined blood diseases ( leukemia and polyglobulia ).

From 1908 Vaquez was the editor of France's leading cardiological journal Archives des maladies du cœur des vaisseaux et du sang .

Vaquez-Osler syndrome

“Among the various chronic cyanoses that have not yet been differentiated, there is a completely separate class, which is characterized by a predominant symptom, excessive polycythemia - and a whole series of disorders can be assigned to this polycythemia, which can hardly be explained otherwise could. (…) In these patients we usually notice a clear and sometimes marked increase in the volume of the liver and spleen. "

Vaquez first observed a case of high-grade erythrocyte proliferation , cyanosis and liver or spleen tumor in 1892 and assigned the symptoms to a new class of haematological diseases, delimiting the disease from symptomatic polyglobulia (e.g. congenital heart defects with cyanosis, height adjustment). William Osler believed he was making an original observation independently of this in 1903, but rediscovered the disease described by Vaquez and named it polycythemia vera . Etiologically, Vaquez suspected an overactivity of the hematopoietic system in this primarily idiopathic polycythemia; neoplastic or genetic factors are not excluded.

The symptoms also include an increase in the total amount of blood, a crimson, plethoric complexion, fundus changes, cardiac hypertrophy , general bleeding or thrombosis tendency , structural changes in the long bones and skull as well as neuro- psychiatric disorders.

Babinski-Vaquez syndrome

Outdated term for a special clinical form of syphilis (late syphilis. Tabes fruste ) with nerve and vascular lesions . Narrow, rounded and light-rigid pupils , aortitis with multiple aneurysms , weakened or absent Achilles and patellar reflexes and chronic meningo - encephalitis with lymphocytic pleocytosis in the cerebrospinal fluid are characteristic.


  • Sur une forme spéciale de cyanose s'accompagnant d'hyperglobulie excessive et persistante . Soc Biol Paris (CR) 44 (1892) 384
  • Sphygmomanométrie clinique . Bull Med 17 (1903) 279
  • Sphygmo signal . Soc Biol Paris (CR) 64 (1908) 875
  • Les arythmies (with Bordet). Paris 1911
  • Maladies de coeur . Paris 1921
  • Une new indicateur de pression: “Le Kymométre” (et al.). Press Med 39 (1931) 1802
  • De la mesure de la pression moyenne par la méthode oscillométrique . Press Med 39 (1931) 1309
  • Un syndrome hypertensif nouveau, l'hypertension moyenne solitaire . Press Med 39 (1931) 1789


  • Obituary. Louis Henri Vaquez (1860-1936). JAMA 207 (1969) 144
  • C. Laubry: Eloge de Henri Vaquez. Prog Med 86 (1958) 466
  • C. Laubry: Henri Vaquez (1860-1936). Acad Nat Med (Bull.) 142 (3rd ser.) (1958) 846
  • A. Clerc: Necrologie de M. Henri Vaquez. Acad Nat Med (Bull.) 115 (1936) 685
  • Barbara I. Tshisuaka: Vaquez, (Louis) Henri. In: Werner E. Gerabek , Bernhard D. Haage, Gundolf Keil , Wolfgang Wegner (eds.): Enzyklopädie Medizingeschichte. De Gruyter, Berlin / New York 2005, ISBN 3-11-015714-4 , p. 1436.

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