Herbert von Oettingen

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Herbert Egon Friedrich von Oettingen (born December 2 . Jul / 14. December  1878 greg. In Tartu , Estonia ; † 18th October 1946 in Nümbrecht , Oberbergischer Kreis , North Rhine-Westphalia ), was a Baltic German superintendent and principals.


He came from an old, originally from Westphalia originating noble family and was the son of Medicine professor Georg von Oettingen (1824-1916), Rector of the University of Tartu , and his second wife Dorothea Baroness von Wrangell (1847-1916).

Oettingen married on January 13, 1909 in Elberfeld Marianne Schniewind (born January 14, 1884 in Elberfeld, † January 29, 1941 in Remscheid-Lüttringhausen ), the daughter of the merchant, silk manufacturer and commercial judge Julius Schniewind and Elisabeth Burchard from Hamburg . The couple had five children, Johanne (†) Dora († 2009), Marianne (2012) Georg (†) and Herbert (†).

The oldest brother was called Werner von Oettingen ; As a Nazi functionary with a gold party badge at Himmler, he successfully campaigned for the release of his niece Dora when she was to be brought from her custody in Frankfurt am Main (February to July 1942) to a concentration camp.

The brother from his father's first marriage was the art historian and Germanist Wolfgang von Oettingen (1859–1943).


He hung up the boarding school of the Moravian Church in Niesky his high-school diploma , and then lived until graduating from high school in 1900 with an aunt in Wernigerode . He studied in Erlangen , Berlin and Halle theology , where, after a crisis of faith, a revival experience had. He then worked for two years as a theological teacher at the Johanneum Evangelist School in Wuppertal . He later held parish positions in Nümbrecht (1908–1912), Viersen (1912–1919), Davos (1919–1922) and Gummersbach (1922–1935). From 1925 he was also superintendent of the church district An der Agger . In the Third Reich he joined the Confessing Church .


  • On Christianity in action: the epistle of James. Instructions for studying and understanding our time (= Bible study booklets 5), Barmen 1923.
  • Me and my Bible , Berlin 1935.
  • "Sermon on Luke 12:32. Delivered on January 1, 1937 in the Gemarker Church in Wuppertal-Barmen", in: In Jesu Namen. Twenty sermons , victories in Westphalia in 1937.
  • God in your fist? An attempt to make the Book of Job understandable and alive, Bible reading churches , Neukirchen 1939.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Entry in the baptismal register of the university parish in Dorpat (Estonian: Tartu ülikooli kogudus)