Hermann Barth (pastor)

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Hermann Wilhelm Gottfried Barth (born April 30, 1866 in Luxembourg ; † June 6, 1946 in Ruhlsdorf ) was a German Protestant pastor and author .


Ruhlsdorf village church - Hermann Barth's place of work

He was the son of Garrison Administrative Inspector Gottfried Barth (born March 9, 1836 in Aschersleben , † September 24, 1897 in Minden in Westphalia) and his wife Emma nee Stein from Magdeburg . After attending the lyceum in Metz , he studied theology at the universities of Leipzig and Göttingen . Then Hermann Barth became a member of the Berlin Cathedral Candidate Foundation .

On October 3, 1890, he was ordained as vicar in Mörz . Only a little later, on March 1, 1891, he became pastor of Ruhlsdorf and the parish of Marienwerder in the Niederbarnim district . In 1912 he went to Italy for some time, where he became pastor of the German community in Rapallo . During the First World War, Barth was head of the Reichsbank's press propaganda center for the province of Brandenburg . In addition, he was active in the hospital pastoral care.

Hermann Barth was a board member of the German Confederation for the promotion of the Hindenburg homesteads for orphans in Ruhlsdorf. In 1915, the federal government he headed received a lawsuit for the illegal collection of donations through membership recruitment for the construction of an orphanage in Ruhlsdorf. As a result, the federal government was liquidated in 1919 and Hermann Barth had to transfer the remaining assets to the directorate of the Potsdam Great Military Orphanage.

In December 1924 he retired and intensified his scientific and literary studies. He went on several lecture tours.

His publication Sonnenwende , published in 1933, was placed on the list of literature to be sorted out by the German Administration for National Education in the Soviet Zone of Occupation.


On March 11, 1891, he married Marie Charlotte Caroline nee Lindenkohl, daughter of the Rector Adolf Lindenkohl from Göttingen .

Works (selection)

  • Johann Sebastian Bach. A picture of life , Berlin, 1901.
  • History of sacred music. Hamburg, 1903.
  • Solstice , Berlin: Schmidt, 1933.
  • From the law to faith. Discussions about the letter to the Galatians , Siegen, 1938.
  • Christ is the middle. Rembrandt's Hundred Guilder Sheet of Christianity Declared Siegen, 1939.
  • Preach the Word. Interpretation of the Holy Scriptures in sermons. Fourth volume. Gospel of Luke , Siegen, 1940.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Entry in the German Digital Library
  2. transcript Letter B .