Hermann Wopfner

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Hermann Wopfner (born May 21, 1876 in Innsbruck ; † May 10, 1963 in Natters ) was an Austrian historian and folklorist .


Wopfner studied history , law and geography in Innsbruck , Vienna , Tübingen and Leipzig . In 1900 he received his doctorate with a dissertation on the German peasant war of 1525 and 1526. Four years later he qualified as a professor in economic history and after another two years in Austrian history . He dealt with law and received his doctorate in 1909 in Tübingen. jur. with a dissertation on the inheritance in German Tyrol in the Middle Ages.

A year earlier, in 1908, he was appointed associate professor at the University of Innsbruck , where he held the chair (full professor) for Austrian history and general economic history in 1914 and became its rector in 1928 and 1929.

In 1921 he founded the regional historical journal Tiroler Heimat in Innsbruck , which had a distinctly German national orientation. In 1923 he established the Institute for Historical Settlement and Local Studies of the Alpine Countries at the Philosophical Faculty of Innsbruck University. In 1929 he was appointed executive chairman of the "Atlas of German Folklore (ADV) in Austria". He headed the Institute for Folklore until 1938 and from 1945 to 1949 after the Second World War.

The Roman Catholic Wopfner was an honorary member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences and received an honorary doctorate from the University of Innsbruck in 1956 .


The older son of his sister Anna was the Austrian Chancellor Kurt Schuschnigg .


  • Contributions to the history of the free peasant hereditary line of German Tyrol in the Middle Ages (= investigations into German state and legal history. Issue 67). Breslau 1903 (dissertation, University of Tübingen, 1909).
  • The Tyrolean free pen law. A contribution to the history of peasant property rights. Innsbruck 1905.
  • The Almend shelf of the Tyrolean sovereign (= research on the inner history of Austria. No. 3). Innsbruck 1906.
  • The situation in Tyrol at the end of the Middle Ages and the causes of the Peasant War (= Treatises on Middle and Modern History, No. 4). Berlin 1908.
  • Sources on the history of the Peasants' War in German Tyrol in 1525 (Acta Tirolensia 3). Innsbruck: Wagner 1908. Reprinted by Aalen, Scientia 1984.
  • Documents on German agricultural history. The older German agricultural history up to the end of the Frankish era. Stuttgart 1925.
  • Mountain farmers book. About the work and life of the Tyrolean mountain farmer in the past and present (= Schlern-Schriften. 296–298). Edited by Nikolaus Grass . Innsbruck 1995.


  • Anton Dörrer , Leopold Schmidt (Volkskundler) (Ed.): Folklore from Austria and South Tyrol. Hermann Wopfner for his 70th birthday. Vienna 1947.
  • Fritz Fellner , Doris A. Corradini (Ed.): Austrian History in the 20th Century. A biographical-bibliographical lexicon (= publications of the Commission for Modern History of Austria. Vol. 99). Böhlau, Vienna et al. 2006, ISBN 3-205-77476-0 , p. 464.
  • Wolfgang Meixner , Gerhard Siegl: Wandered home. Hermann Wopfner and the Tyrolean mountain farmers. In: Writing agricultural history. An international comparison of traditions and innovations (= Yearbook for the History of Rural Areas. 1/2004), pp. 228–239.
  • Hannes Obermair : Upheavals - transitions - opportunities. Regional historical magazines in the Tyrol-South Tyrol-Trentino area and in Italy . In: Thomas Küster (Ed.): Media of limited space. National and regional historical journals in the 19th and 20th centuries . Schöningh, Paderborn 2013, ISBN 978-0-674-06151-4 , pp. 265-281.
  • Alexander Pinwinkler : Historical population research. Germany and Austria in the 20th Century, Wallstein Verlag: Göttingen 2014, here especially pp. 174–203.
  • Johann Verhovsek: " Theory Dynamics " in Austrian Folklore . In: Folklore in Austria. Building blocks on the history, methods and subject areas of an Ethnologia Austriaca. For the Austrian Association for Folklore ed. by Olaf Bockhorn, Helmut Eberhart and Dorothea Jo. Peter. Innsbruck 2011, pp. 75–125.
  • Wolfgang Meixner, Gerhard Siegl: Hermann Wopfner (1876–1963). The "most loyal son of Tyrol" . In: Karel Hruza (Ed.): Austrian Historians. CVs and careers 1900–1945 , Vol. 3, Vienna a. a .: Böhlau 2019, ISBN 978-3-205-20801-3 , pp. 97–122.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Hannes Obermair: Upheavals - transitions - opportunities. Regional historical magazines in the Tyrol-South Tyrol-Trentino area and in Italy . Paderborn 2013, pp. 269–270.
  2. Johann Verhovsek: "Theory dynamics" in the Austrian folklore . Innsbruck 2011, pp. 92-93.
  3. ^ The severely tested Federal Chancellor. In:  Salzburger Volksblatt , August 21, 1935, p. 6 (online at ANNO ). Template: ANNO / Maintenance / svb.