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athletics HeroRace
venue Moscow , Saint Petersburg , Tula , Bryansk , Samara , Kazan , Yekaterinburg , Crimea , Chelyabinsk , Novosibirsk , Tyumen , Krasnoyarsk , Grozny , Khabarovsk , Vladivostok , Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky , Baku Russia
First run 2013
Website Official website

HeroRace is an extreme cross-country race with obstacles from Russia , organized by the League of Heroes. The project is led by Ms. Ksenija Schojgu.


The HeroRace took place for the first time in 2013 on the “Alabino” shooting range and training area in a test format with around 300 participants.

In  2014  around 10,000 participants and spectators took part in the HeroRace in Moscow.

In  2015  the HeroRace took place in 7 cities, with a total of 50 held:  MoscowSaint PetersburgKazanVladivostokKaliningradChelyabinskYekaterinburg . A total of around 50,000 participants and spectators took part.

In  2016  this sporting event took place in 16 cities: Moscow, Saint-Petersburg, Kazan, Vladivostok, Kaliningrad, Chelyabinsk, Yekaterinburg,  TyumenCrimeaKhabarovskNovosibirskSamaraUlan-UdeUlyanovskTulaPetropavlovsk-Kamchatsky . A total of around 250,000 participants and spectators took part.

In  2017  this sporting event took place in 17 cities: Moscow, Saint-Petersburg, Kazan, Chelyabinsk, Yekaterinburg, Tyumen, Crimea, Khabarovsk, Novosibirsk, Samara, Krasnoyarsk, Bryansk, Tula, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Vladivostok,  GroznyBaku . Around 400,000 participants and spectators took part.

In  2018  , 13 cities will take part in this sporting event: Moscow, Saint-Petersburg, Kazan, Vladivostok, Chelyabinsk, Yekaterinburg, Tula, Samara, Crimea, Grozny, Novosibirsk, Khabarovsk, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky.

Partners of the obstacle course are: “Toyota”, “Match TV”, “World class”, “Schischkin les”, “Gazprom-media”.


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Tickets for participation in the HeroRace event can be purchased on the project's official website, the price depends on the competition location. Anyone over the age of 18 can participate. The mandatory accident insurance is included in the participant package. The runners are divided into teams. But there is also the possibility of participating with individual evaluation.

Each participant is rewarded with a brand on a steel chain. Since 2017 it has been possible to order an engraving with an exclusive design for the brand.

The following people took part in this event at different times:  Michail GalustjanKsenija Sukhinova , Vyacheslav Malafeev, Artemij Lebedew, Askold Zapaschnij as well as Alla Micheewa and  Denis Lebedew .

Competition form


The sporting event can be organized from the competition location on the one hand on military training areas (funded by the Ministry of Defense of the RF) and on the other hand on civilian terrain. As part of the HeroRace project, events are also held for corporate customers, whereby their employees can participate for a fee.

The main feature of the events at military training areas is the realistic imitation of war conditions: blank shots and smoke screens. One of the tasks is to crawl under a tank.

The civil competition form of the extreme half marathon with obstacles takes place in the most beautiful places in the country: at vacation spots in the mountains, in amusement parks, in the mountains and in valleys.

The following obstacles have to be overcome by the participants: "Hang trails", climbing walls, "awareness trails", trampolines, "bungee jumps" and many others. The challenges and tasks are unique at each competition location.

HeroRace winter

Competition form of the event in winter on civil terrain. The main feature are obstacles made of ice and snow. Chronicle of the project:

  • 2016 - “Otkrytije Arena” stadium in Moscow.
  • 2017 - Landscape Park "Mitino" in Moscow, ski resort "Scheregesch" in the Kemerovo region.
  • 2018 - rowing channel "Krylatskoje in Moscow", year-round health resort "Igora" in St. Petersburg.

Since its inception, more than 7,000 people have taken part in the event in winter format.

HeroRace night

Half marathon with obstacles under extreme conditions at night. The first series of test runs at night took place in 2016. The extreme obstacle course at night has been held in various regions of Russia since 2017. It took place in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Novosibirsk. Light show, torches and fluorescent markings are important features of the nocturnal obstacle courses.

HeroRace children

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The event was organized in 2015 in the Moscow Palace of Pioneers on the "Sparrow Hills". More than 500 children took part. Due to coordination problems at the events for minors, this series of events was not continued in the following two years.

Since 2018, the HeroRace for children has been held as part of the classic HeroRace, but on its own course.

Winter light

The first run organized by the League of Heroes in the  European Union took place on January 20, 2018 in Germany on the Nürburgring race track. Around 1,000 runners from several countries took part in the event:  GermanyAustriaBelgiumRussia  and the like. a.


Murabizler was first held in Baku in 2017 on the premises of the Ministry  of Disaster Management's training center. The run is carried out in the form of the classic HeroRaces.

HeroRace Championship

In this form of competition runners take part who fight with the other participants for the best time. Time is measured professionally. This event will also take place at two competition venues, on the one hand on military training areas and on the other on civilian terrain. There are four ways to participate: individual runs for men and women, pair runs and participation in the team run.

On the route, the participants follow a specially developed set of rules with rules and penalty points for violating the rules. Speed, time and technique in overcoming the obstacles are evaluated. The large prize fund is based on contributions from the event partners.

Interesting hints

  • It is a self-financed project that covers its costs through the sale of the entrance tickets and the sponsorship packages.
  • The total length of the routes is 243,000 meters. That is roughly the length of 2,200 soccer fields.
  • More than 900 obstacles were erected with 1,800 m³ of wood. That corresponds to the construction of 72 nine-story houses. More than 3,000 kilometers of elastic straps and more than 5,800 double gates were used.
  • The routes built on military training areas will continue to be managed by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Training runs and competitions of the armed forces of the Russian Federation take place here.


  1. «Военное обозрение»: «Гонка героев» - Москва 24
  2. «Гонка героев»: полоса препятствий покорилась сотрудникам Внешэкономбанка - Вести.ру
  3. Военно-спортивное соревнование в Новосибирске «Гонка героев» - ТАСС
  4. 10 июня на полигоне "Алабино" состоялся этап забега "Гонка Героев. Новая высота »- Lenta.ru
  5. «Гонка героев» в подмосковном Алабине - Life.ru
  6. Ксения Шойгу презентует "Гонку Героев" в Германии - РИА Новости
  7. Ксения Шойгу. Увлечение, которое стало делом всей жизни - Чемпионат
  8. «Гонка Героев 2014» - испытания для сильных телом и духом
  9. Более 2 тыс. человек станут участниками "Гонки героев" в Свердловской области - Интерфакс
  10. В Чечне на уникальном полигоне проходит "Гонка героев" - Russia Today
  11. Чеченская команда во главе с Даниилом Мартыновым успешно выступила на «Гонке Героев» - Кавказ сня
  12. Победитель «Гонки героев» получит миллион рублей - Телеканал Звезда
  13. «Гонка героев» на стадионе «Открытие Арена» - Москва24
  14. «Гонка героев»: страх и ненависть в Шерегеше - Сибдепо
  15. В зимней «Гонке героев» в Москве приняли участие более 2 тыс. человек - ТАСС
  16. Первая зимняя «Гонка героев» в Петербурге собрала 2 тысячи участников - Фонтанка.ру
  17. 1,5 тысячи человек решили пройти "Гонку героев" в холода - 360
  18. Российские организаторы в 2017 году впервые проведут «Гонку героев» в ЕС - РИА Новости
  19. Организаторы «Гонок героев» под Хабаровском рассказали о первом туре игры - РИА Новости

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