Hinterbach is a geographical name:
- Hinterbach (Kempten) , part of the independent city of Kempten (Allgäu), Bavaria
- Hinterbach (Laberweinting) , part of the municipality of Laberweinting , Straubing-Bogen district, Bavaria
- Hinterbach (Lauterbach) , residential area of the Lauterbach community , Rottweil district, Baden-Württemberg
- Hinterbach (Oberzent) , part of the community Rothenberg, Odenwaldkreis, Hesse
- Hinterbach (municipality of Sankt Lambrecht) , part of Sankt Lambrecht , Murau district, Styria
- Hinterbach , middle course of the Altgraben (Zillhamer Achen) , right tributary of the Zillhamer Achen (to the Murn) in front of the Zillhamer See to Halfing , district of Rosenheim, Bavaria
- Hinterbach (Eschbach) , also Eschbach . left upper reaches of the Eschbach (left upper reaches of the Fischbach ) to Weiler , municipality of Königsfeld in the Black Forest, Schwarzwald-Baar district, Baden-Württemberg
- Hinterbach (Finkenbach) , right upper reaches of the Finkenbach to Finkenbach, municipality of Rothenberg, Odenwaldkreis, Hesse
- Hinterbach (Herrenbächle) , left tributary of the Herrenbächle (to Wagensteigbach ) near Herrenbach, Buchenbach municipality , Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald district, Baden-Württemberg
- Hinterbach (Lauterbach, river) , left tributary of the Lauterbach in Hinterbach, Lauterbach community , Rottweil district, Baden-Württemberg
- Hinterbach (Nassach) , right tributary of the Nassach (to the Main) before Lendershausen , town of Hofheim in Lower Franconia, Haßberge district, Bavaria
- Hinterbach (Rhine) , with the upper reaches of Schlauchenbächle , right tributary of the High Rhine near Küssaberg , Waldshut district, Baden-Württemberg
- Hinterbach (Römershäuser Bach) , right source brook of the Römershäuser Bach (to the Salzböde ) to Weidenhausen , town of Gladenbach, Marburg-Biedenkopf district, Hesse
- Hinterbach (Selbach) , right tributary of the Selbach (to the Northern Black Forest Murg ) in Selbach, town of Gaggenau , Rastatt district, Baden-Württemberg
- Hinterbach (Toplitzsee) , more easterly of the two tributaries of the Toplitzsee in the municipality of Grundlsee, Liezen district, Styria