Horneburger Strasse

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The Horneburger street , in the western half in today Recklinghäuser Ostviertel since probably 1926 Dortmund street , is an 8 km long in the main east-northeast-looking old trade route between the city of Recklinghausen and the freedom Horneburg and is now the western part of the main access road to the city of Datteln in the district of Recklinghausen , North Rhine-Westphalia . It is now classified as L 511 .

The road leads directly over the Vestische Höhenrück and was previously part of the trade route to the Hanseatic city of Dortmund . Only with the drainage of the Emschertal / Emscherbruch in the second half of the 19th century, which made a more direct route to Dortmund possible, did it lose this importance. From Horneburg, however, it is still extended to the southeast by the (Dattelner) Dortmunder Straße .

The western part as Dortmunder Straße is 3.8 kilometers long, 3.4 kilometers of the further course go through the southeast of Oer-Erkenschwick (1.4 kilometers Groß-Erkenschwick and 2 kilometers Rapen ); only the last 800 meters in Horneburg are in the area of ​​the city of Datteln.

Importance as a state road

The main section of Dortmunder and Horneburger Strasse today forms the western section of Landesstrasse 610 Recklinghausen – Datteln (initially further as Verbandsstrasse ), which ends in Datteln at Bundesstrasse 235 . The eastern section near Horneburg in turn represents the northwest section of Landesstraße 511, which was initially continued as Dortmunder Straße via the ship lift Henrichenburg , Waltrop and the Lüner district of Brambauer to the B 54 in the Dortmund district of Brechte . However, the Landesstraße no longer runs directly through the town within Horneburg , but via the Landwehrring .

To the northwest of the intersection of the two state roads, the extension of the L 511 (initially: Ludwigstrasse ) is called Landesstraße 798 and leads to Marl , where it ends at the B 225 .

Geographic profile

On the westernmost 400 meters before the city of Recklinghausen and the easternmost 1.6 kilometers in front of and in Horneburg, the road runs in a southeastern direction. Within its central six kilometers, however, the road only takes a few slight changes in direction between northeast and east-northeast. On its western 1.9 kilometers, the road climbs steadily somewhat steeply (1.5 to 3% gradient) from 68  m to about 108  m above sea level. NHN to, the following 4.5 kilometers, it coincides with remarkably constant at 1% incline to a height of 63.5  m . The easternmost section is again inhomogeneous in elevation, on average the road rises again by almost 1% to a height of about 77  m .


The Dortmunder Straße begins at about 68  m above sea level. NHN at Recklinghäuser Kunibertitor , at the underpass of the Münster – Wanne-Eickel railway line , in close proximity to the station hotel on the other side of the railway tracks and the Villa Franka and the Capitol cinema immediately northwest of the former brewery. It initially follows the south-east course of Castroper Straße for 250 meters and then 150 meters along the east-south- east course of Douaistraße or these streets continue in the direction of the lowest sections of Dortmunder Straße.

The lower Dortmunder Strasse; left house no. 104, which had remained for a long time towards the city center (right) without a neighboring house.

This is followed by an 800 meter long section with a straight line to the northeast. This section on the south to east flank of the Kuniberg overcomes 22 meters in altitude from 74  m to 96  m and is the steepest with a 2.7% gradient. At the northeast end of the section, Hinsbergstrasse joins from the north and Kardinal-von-Galen-Strasse from the south ; If you drive from this intersection in the north-east in the direction of Recklinghausen, you can see the power station and the Oberscholven dump immediately above the right bend to the city center .

The following 700 meters on the southern edge of the Hinsberg lead up to a height of around 108  m at the north-western confluence of Canisiusstraße , but with an average gradient of 1.7%, it is a little less steep. The first 500 meters go very steadily to the east-north-east until the road gradually turns back to the north-east and during this time the main traffic from the south-east in the Höhenweg picks up from the city center, which has been running over the August-Schmidt-Ring since the mid-1980s .

The road, which descends very steadily by around 1% from here for 4.5 kilometers, reaches the roundabout on Ostcharweg ( 103.6  m ) after another 300 meters and thus the Lohweg settlement in the narrower sense, a good 500 meters further on, finally, the roundabout on Ziegelgrund ( 101 , 1  m ). After almost 900 meters as a country road in a north-easterly direction, the Devensstraße joins from the north-west and the road changes its direction to the east-north-east; 100 meters further follows the intersection at Schultenkrug with Esseler Straße to Essel in the southeast ( 91.7  m ) and Oer in the north and finally the city limits to Oer-Erkenschwick .

The settlement of Groß-Erkenschwick is reached after another 300 meters . Here, the north side is built on throughout, but the south side is only island-like. A good kilometer after entering the city, Stimbergstraße ( 77.7  m ) branches off from the north to the center of the city, 400 meters further from the north the Aue , where the district boundary to Rapen , and from the south the Westfalenring ( 73.8  m ). The street is now completely built-up to the south, after another 400 meters as the district boundary, the street runs completely into Rapen.

After another 750 meters it ends at 63.5  m above sea level. NHN the core part of the street. The north-east direction to Datteln is continued by the Verbandsstraße , while the Horneburger Straße takes the direction of the Ludwigstraße coming from the north-west ; after a further 300 meters the street named after it branches off from the bypass, which continues as the Landwehrring , and after another 500 meters it reaches Horneburg and at the same time the settlement area of ​​the district. This is passed for 900 meters or touched to the northeast until the road meets the Landwehrring again at a roundabout and ends there at about 77  m ; its south-east direction is continued from here on Dortmunder Straße .


Already on the Prussian first survey of 1842, the Horneburger Strasse is largely drawn in its current course - however, the uphill section between Douaistrasse and Hinsbergstrasse is missing. At that time, the lowest section of the road continued on the one hand through the Frankenweg (including today's Douaistraße) in the direction of Suderwich . on the other hand, through the short section of today's Castroper Strasse to around the current beginning of August-Schmidt- and Dordrechtring , where the main residential areas of the Hillen farmers were. The Jahnstrasse already exists, but ends as an unpopulated dead end, which u. This could indicate that the construction of the road section was already being planned.

There were two ways to get to the northeast end of today's section: On the one hand, the hollow path in the Kuniberg, which can still be used today as a pedestrian and cycle path, already existed, and on the other hand there were precursors of Graveloher Weg and Kardinal-von-Galen-Straße.

The ravine on the Kuniberg overcomes, from the Kunibertitor to the end on the Rheinlandstraße at 97.9  m above sea level. Measured above sea ​​level , on a horizontal stretch of only 620 meters a height difference of 30 meters, which corresponds to a 4.8% gradient - in the lower part the gradient is z. T. over 6%. With a gradient of 1.7%, the Graveloher Weg is even less steep than today's lower Dortmunder Straße, but the shorter Kardinal-von-Galen-Straße today has an average gradient of 3.6%. Both factors spoke in favor of the current straight section on the way to Dortmund, which in the middle of the 19th century could not be reached easily on a direct, south-eastern route due to the temporarily swampy soils of the Emscherbruch .


The west of the street was in the 19th century in the area of ​​the Hillen peasantry , town of Recklinghausen; from the Ostcharweg began the area of ​​the community of Recklinghausen-Land with the Essel farmers , whose area went to just north of the street, where the parish of Oer , east of Esseler Strasse, then that of the Erkenschwick farmers , also Recklinghausen-Land, joined. The Loh, a long-standing common land between Essel, Suderwich, Röllinghausen and Berghausen, was around 85 hectares in size in the middle of the 19th century and extended to the immediate east of the Ostcharweg and south of the Horneburger Straße at that time.

The area of ​​the Rapen farming community , at that time still part of the Datteln district, did not begin at the intersection with the streets Aue and Westfalenring, but only 400 meters further east. The Esseler Bruch , which bordered directly to the east on the Rapener Bruch and, further south, the Horneburg district, barely contained today's area of ​​the Westfalen ring loop . From here to just before the junction to Horneburg, the road was about 700 meters long border between Erkenschwick in the north and Rapen or Datteln in the south, until it ran right into their area.

The district of Horneburg was only reached directly at the settlement boundary, which has hardly changed compared to today .


In 1840 Recklinghausen had around 3,300 inhabitants, in 1875 there were already 6,100 and in 1900 even 34,000. Somewhat delayed with overall smaller population numbers, this development also affects the later municipality and town of Oer-Erkenschwick.

The Münster – Wanne-Eickel railway with the Recklinghausen station has existed since 1870 ; At this point, preparations for the construction of the General Blumenthal colliery are already underway . On the western part of Horneburger Strasse near the city center, the Villa Franka was built in 1875 as an establishment for theater and amusement , and the brewery (1877) was built in its southeastern neighborhood; At this point in time, the uphill section of the road probably already has its current course.

In 1895 the sinking work for shaft 3 of General Blumenthal begins, in 1899 the continuation for the Ewald colliery in Erkenschwick. For shafts III and IV of General Blumenthal, the colony on the Hinsberg is being built at the same time , which also includes the middle Dortmunder Straße (on the north side from Hinsbergstraße to Ostcharweg, on the south side only from Galen-Straße to Höhenweg). In Essel-Nord (or, according to the usual spelling until around 1910, Ehsel -Nord), the colony on Lindenstrasse is being built northeast of the village on its connecting road to Horneburger and directly adjacent to this . Apart from these, Horneburger Strasse east of the junction with Jahnstrasse near the city center is only sparsely populated at the turn of the century; a brick factory was built immediately north of the Loh .

As early as December 15, 1909, a tram line was laid, which until the 1960s from the new tram depot of the Vestische trams at the junction of Castroper Strasse, near Recklinghausen city center, over Horneburger Strasse, then over Stimbergstrasse and Marktstrasse in Erkenschwick, to the colliery Ewald continuation and finally further via Ewaldstraße and Dattelner Friedrich-Ebert-Straße to Datteln.

Immediately to the east of the intersection with Ostcharweg, where another brickworks will be built in the immediate vicinity, the south (east) side of the street will be completely built up to the current location of Fritz-Husemann-Straße ; Since the Loh has meanwhile been cleared, apart from the remains (today's forests Loh and Johannistal ), the foundation of the Lohweg settlement was initiated, which, however, will only progress properly in the 1950s. Immediately southwest of the Hinsberg colony, the development on the southeast side of the street will gradually continue towards the city center, but there are still large gaps up to Jahnstraße.

Territorial reform 1926

In 1926, the Suderwich community and the Essel farmers were incorporated into Recklinghausen, but only the Kerndorf and the Loh from Essel, while Essel-Nord with Horneburger Straße from 100 meters east of the intersection at Schultenkrug (built in 1928) and the colony on Lindenstrasse, as well as Rapen, come to the new municipality of Oer-Erkenschwick. Horneburg, on the other hand, remains an independent municipality within the Waltrop Office until 1975 , which was split off from the Datteln Office in 1857 . It was probably during this time that the Recklinghausen part of Horneburger Strasse was renamed to Dortmunder Strasse.

By the beginning of the Second World War , the lower Dortmunder Straße was also filled, so that the street up to the Höhenweg was built on both sides, from there to the Ostcharweg on the north side and on to the current location of Fritz-Husemann-Straße on the south side, while on each other Side only scattered houses stand. In Erkenschwick, the street remains a street on the outskirts with scattered individual houses and only a little more dense development in the vicinity of Lindenstrasse.

post war period

In the 1950s, the core of the Lohweg settlement, which was initially inhabited almost exclusively by ethnic German repatriates (in the language used at the time) , grew immediately south of Dortmunder Strasse . At the same time, the area between Unterer Dortmunder Straße and Graveloher Weg is also being settled. The Hinsberg grows to the north and to the west to the Ossenberg , but the ridge between Breslauer Straße and Unterer Dortmunder Straße remains uninhabited for the time being.

The Kuniberg was not opened up until the 1960s . At that time, the settlement in the direction of Graveloher Weg grew on Klausenerstraße, parallel to the south of Dortmunder Straße, and east of Kardinal-von-Galen-Straße. Furthermore, the triangle between the Dortmunder Straße closes east of the confluence of the Höhenweg and the Lohweg with the Hans-Böckler-Straße, which extends the Lohweg settlement to the south and south-west . In addition, since the north side immediately east of the Ostcharweg is gradually being built on and Canisiusstraße is being extended to the east, parallel to the north of the Dortmunder Straße, in the 1970s the Dortmunder Straße from the Kunibertitor was 100 meters east of the confluence with the Fritz -Husemann-Straße in the direction of Erkenschwick only on a short section directly on the edge of the settlement, namely the 300 meters immediately west of the confluence of the Höhenweg.

The middle Dortmunder Straße in the south and south-east of the Hinsberg has developed into an almost purely Turkish street settlement during this time; Immediately to the east of the junction of the Höhenweg, a former restaurant was rededicated as a mosque . Lindenstrasse in Erkenschwick has also developed into a guest workers' settlement, albeit a more multinational one. However, the houses there will be demolished from the late 1970s, and by the end of the 1980s one of the old houses is no longer standing.

Change in importance as an arterial road

Up until the 1970s, Dortmunder Strasse in particular was in Recklinghausen, together with Castroper Strasse (southeast), Halterner Strasse (north), Dorstener Strasse (northwest), Hertener Strasse (southwest) and probably just behind the then how Halterner road, a part of the B 51 performing Herner Straße , one of the main arteries of the one- to and from Recklinghausen and outgoing traffic. In particular, the acute-angled confluence with Castroper Strasse was, depending on the timetables of the trams operating from the depot there, at times a bottleneck with very long waiting times.

This meaning gradually decreased:

  • as early as the 1920s, Devensstrasse was built as the south-eastern part of a northern bypass that was planned decades later; however, it was only extended to the (north) west in the late 1980s by today's motorway feeder
  • Around 1972 the Dordrechtring was built as a south-westerly, in the mid-1980s then the August-Schmidt-Ring as a north-east part of a southern city bypass

While the extended Devensstraße leading through open fields today offers a good connection between north-eastern Recklinghausen and Oer-Erkenschwick to the A43 , the original plan to extend the August-Schmidt-Ring around the Loh to the Schultenkrug has since been rejected. Therefore, in favor of a better preserved nature on the eastern Vestischen ridge including the local recreation area around the Loh, the eastern part of the Dortmunder Straße still carries the main traffic to Erkenschwick and Datteln today. The middle and lower part of the street, on the other hand, has become a primary residential street, which is significantly less stressed by noise and gases than it used to be.

Of the three petrol stations that have existed for a long time, only the easternmost side, at the entrance to the village, on the Lohweg settlement, has survived.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Topographical Information Management, Cologne District Government, Department GEObasis NRW ( information )
  2. The history of Suderwich , p. 14 ff of the commemorative publication for the 60th anniversary of the VFL Suderwich 09 ( memento of the original from March 4, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (PDF; 14.3 MB) @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / sgsuderwich.de
  3. Recklinghausen land use plan (PDF; 8.2 MB)
  4. Recklinghausen in old views. In: europese-bibliotheek.nl. European Library Publishers, accessed July 6, 2016 .
  5. Olaf Manke: Recklinghausen . Sutton Verlag, Erfurt 2002, ISBN 978-3-89702-443-4 , p. 38 ( limited preview in Google Book search).
  6. This is at least the case on the new map from 1894.
  7. See Vestische Straßenbahnen GmbH (ed.): Vestische Straßenbahnen GmbH - Chronicle 1901–1976 , Herten May 1976

General sources

The local history of the settlement is largely based on the sources given in the history of the settlement on the Recklinghäuser Ostviertel .