Horst Korbella

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Horst Korbella (born July 1, 1940 in Nordhausen ) is a former German politician ( CDU ). He was chairman of the Dresden district board and member of the main board of the Christian Democratic Union of Germany (CDU) in the GDR . In 1989/90 he served as the party's deputy chairman.


Korbella grew up in a Roman Catholic home. He was a member of the Free German Youth and passed his Abitur at the Extended High School in Blankenburg . From 1959 to 1964 he studied railway construction at the "Friedrich List" university of transport in Dresden . As a graduate engineer, he then worked from 1964 to 1966 in industrial railway construction in the Hoyerswerda lignite mining area at VEB Schwarze Pump .

Korbella did military service in the National People's Army and was dismissed as a second lieutenant . In 1964 he joined the CDU. He gained his first experience in local politics as a voluntary member of a local council. In 1966, at the age of 26 , he was appointed to the city council for housing policy and the housing industry in Dresden , the third largest city in the GDR. He held this office for 18 years until 1984. Korbella was also an honorary member of the secretariat of the CDU city council in Dresden.

In October 1982 he was elected as a member of the main board of the CDU at the 15th party congress of the CDU in Dresden, of which he was a member until 1989. From June 28, 1984, Korbella acted as district chairman of the CDU Dresden. On January 21, 1988, he was replaced as district chairman and appointed director of the Dresden Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Since 1983 Korbella was IM of the State Security of the GDR under the code name "Peter Klaus" . He was ready to continue this collaboration even after his replacement as district chairman.

At the special party conference of the CDU on 15./16. December 1989 in Berlin , Korbella was elected deputy to the CDU chairman of the GDR, Lothar de Maizière , and treasurer of the CDU. In the following years he played a key role in the merger of the CDU East with the CDU West .

From October 1990 to 1992 Korbella was as the coordinating officer of the CDU / CSU faction of the Bundestag for the new federal states in Bonn operates. He then worked in the private sector.

Today Korbella is a member of the board of the “Akademiker und Freunde 50plus e. V. “and senior representative of the housing association Aufbau Dresden.

Fonts (selection)

  • (together with Karl-Heinz Löwel): Housing cooperatives in Dresden. A fifty year anniversary . Sandstein, Dresden 2004, ISBN 3-937602-08-9 .
  • (together with Hans Peter Klotzsche and Roland Köstner): Living and creating in responsibility for the whole - professional biographies of Dresden academics . Academic Association, Dresden 2005.



  • Günther Buch: Names and dates of important people in the GDR. 4th, revised and expanded edition. Dietz, Berlin (West) / Bonn 1987, ISBN 3-8012-0121-X , pp. 169-170.
  • Andreas Herbst (eds.), Winfried Ranke, Jürgen Winkler: This is how the GDR worked. Volume 3: Lexicon of functionaries (= rororo manual. Vol. 6350). Rowohlt, Reinbek bei Hamburg 1994, ISBN 3-499-16350-0 , p. 183.
  • Werner Kaulfuss, Walter Böhme (Hrsg.): Dresden CVs. Contemporary witnesses report on life and upheaval in the former Dresden district . GNN-Verlag, Schkeuditz 1993, ISBN 3-929994-02-X , pp. 98f.
  • Ute Schmidt: From the block party to the people's party? The Eastern CDU in upheaval 1989–1994 . Opladen, Westdeutscher Verlag 1997, ISBN 3-531-12931-7 , pp. 157f. and passim.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Main board of the CDU . In: Neue Zeit , October 16, 1982, p. 4.
  2. Karin Urich: The citizens' movement in Dresden 1989/90 . Böhlau, Cologne / Weimar / Vienna 2001, ISBN 3-412-07001-7 . P. 221
  3. Academics and friends 50 plus
  4. Genossenschafts-Echo , (1/2016), p. 3.