ISO 3166-2: IS

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The list of ISO-3166-2 codes for Iceland contains the codes for the eight regions of Iceland (landsvæði).

The codes consist of two parts separated by a hyphen. The first part gives the country code according to ISO 3166-1 (for Iceland IS), the second the code for the region.

The current country code was last updated on November 2015.

The current codes are available on the ISO website under #iso: code: 3166: IS .

The numbers 1 to 8 are used as codes for the regions of Iceland . The previous code IS-0for the capital Reykjavík has now been abolished.

Administrative division of Iceland
region code
Höfuðborgarsvæðið (Capital Region) IS-1
Norðurland eystra (northeast) IS-6
Norðurland vestra (northwest) IS-5
Austurland (East) IS-7
Suðurland (south) IS-8
Suðurnes (southwest) IS-2
Vesturland (West) IS-3
Vestfirðir (Westfjords) IS-4

Individual evidence

  1. Online Browsing Platform.

See also

  • NUTS: IS (EU statistical regions)
  • ISO 3166-2 , country code reference table.
  • ISO 3166-1 , reference table of country codes as used in domain names.