ISO 3166-2: IS
The list of ISO-3166-2 codes for Iceland contains the codes for the eight regions of Iceland (landsvæði).
The codes consist of two parts separated by a hyphen. The first part gives the country code according to ISO 3166-1 (for Iceland IS
), the second the code for the region.
The current country code was last updated on November 2015.
The current codes are available on the ISO website under #iso: code: 3166: IS .
The numbers 1 to 8 are used as codes for the regions of Iceland . The previous code IS-0
for the capital Reykjavík has now been abolished.
region | code |
Höfuðborgarsvæðið (Capital Region) | IS-1 |
Norðurland eystra (northeast) | IS-6 |
Norðurland vestra (northwest) | IS-5 |
Austurland (East) | IS-7 |
Suðurland (south) | IS-8 |
Suðurnes (southwest) | IS-2 |
Vesturland (West) | IS-3 |
Vestfirðir (Westfjords) | IS-4 |
Individual evidence
- ↑ Online Browsing Platform.
See also
- NUTS: IS (EU statistical regions)
- ISO 3166-2 , country code reference table.
- ISO 3166-1 , reference table of country codes as used in domain names.