Iakovos Rhizos Nerulos

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Iakovos Rhizos Nerulos (portrait from Cours de littérature grecque modern , 1827)

Iakovos Rhizos Nerulos , the first name also Iakovakis , the last name also Neroulos ( Greek Ιάκωβος Ρίζος Νερουλός even Ιακωβάκης , * 1778 in Constantinople Opel , † 1850 ) was a phanariotischer scholar, Neogräzist , writers and politicians .


Nerulos came from a Phanariotic family. His father, who bore the surname Nerulos, was a scholar and held the rank of chamberlain , his mother came from the family Rhizos, therefore as a middle name out Metronym . The double name Rhizos Nerulos had the function of contrasting it with the older family branch of the Rhizoi Rhankave ( Ρίζοι Ραγκαβή ), to which, for example, Alexandros Rhizos Rhankaves also belonged. He lost his father at the age of four and was raised and trained to be an eminent scholar by his uncle Samuel, the Metropolitan of Ephesus . He received philosophy lessons from Daniil Philippidis , French and mathematics lessons from an Abbé Lafontaine.

In 1798, at the age of twenty, he followed Konstantin Ypsilantis (1760-1816), the gospodar of the Principality of Moldova , as adjutant . His wife came from the also phanariotic family of the Ypsilanti . A little later, in 1801, Ypsilantis' successor Alexandros Sutsos ( Αλέξανδρος Σούτσος ) appointed him his representative at the Sublime Porte in Constantinople. In 1812 he was brought to the Principality of Wallachia by Ioannis Karatzas and appointed Μέγας Ποστέλνικος ( Prime Minister ) of the Gospodars of Wallachia (1812-1818). In 1816 he was accepted into the Φιλική Εταιρεία ( Filiki Eteria , Society of Friends ). In 1818 Karatzas resigned and Rhizos was appointed his translator with the Great Interpreter of the Sublime Porte. In 1819 he followed Michail Soutsos ( Μιχαήλ Σούτσος ) to Moldova. He stayed there until the beginning of the Greek Revolution in 1821, when he sided with the Greek revolutionaries. He had to give up his previous functions.

After the failed attempt at uprising by Alexander Ypsilantis in Moldova, Nerulos fled first to Bessarabia , then to Pisa , where he stayed from 1822 to 1825, and finally to Geneva , where he stayed from 1826 to 1827. There he gave a lecture on the history of modern Greek literature and wrote a Histoire moderne de la Grèce .

In Geneva he met Ioannis Kapodistrias , with whom he returned to Greece in 1828 as his personal advisor . Under Kapodistrias he initially took over the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, but withdrew from public life in Aegina due to a difference of opinion with the government .

After Kapodistrias' assassination, he returned to public life and took over under the rule of Otto I , the Church Ministry (1832) and the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1834) and was also a member of the State Council ( Συμβούλιο της Επικρατείας ). He was also one of the first ten nomarchs in Greece ( Νομάρχης Κυκλάδων , nomarch of the Cyclades , 1833). As Minister of Education and Upbringing (1835–1837), Nerulos is also responsible for the first order of higher education in Greece, the establishment of the University of Athens (1837) and the Athens Archaeological Society (1837). He was also involved in the founding of the society for education and upbringing , the Φιλεκπαιδευτική Εταιρεία (1836) , which has existed to the present day .

Most recently he was the ambassador of the young Greek state at the Sublime Porte in Constantinople. He was awarded the Grand Cross of the Luxembourg Ordre de la Couronne de chêne on April 22, 1843 by Wilhelm II of the Netherlands .

Literary work

Nerulos is the author of two tragedies in verse. The Aspasia (1813), a play about the wife of Pericles , was the first Greek tragedy since the Cretan theater and was in 1819 Odessa listed. The Polyxena treated with the daughter of Priam a classical tragedy fabric . While the tragedies were written in archaic language, the satire Korakistika (written in 1811, published in 1813; literally: “the language of the ravens”) represents the demotizing side of the modern Greek language question . The title of the satire , which is derived from the Greek κόραξ, -ακος "raven", denotes a secret language used by Greek children and alludes to the name of Adamantios Korais , against whose language reform he polemicized. He later retracted his polemics against Korais. In the unfinished epic parody The Robbery of the Turkey (1816), Nerulos uses fifteen-syllable pairs of verses with rhyme and a popular Greek. The Ode to the Greeks (1823) published in Leipzig, on the other hand, shows archaic tendencies.

The Cours de littérature grecque modern (1827, second edition 1828), published by the Geneva theologian and Arabist Jean Pierre Louis Humbert (1792-1851) , are written down in French because it was written in Geneva for a French-speaking audience histoire moderne de la Grèce (1828) and in 2013 posthumously from a manuscript of the library of Geneva published analysis raisonnée de l'ouvrage intitulé "Charte turque" who are critical of the religieuse Charter Turque ou organization civile et militaire de l ' Empire Ottoman by the Italian Alfio Grassi (1766–1827).

A late comedy in five acts, The Newspaper Fighters (1837), explores the practices of Athens journalists.

Fonts (selection)

Literary works

  • Ασπασία . Τραγωδία συγγραφείσα παρά Ιακωβάκη Ρίζου. τυπ. Ιω. Βαρθ. Σουηκίου , Vienna 1813. - (tragedy)
    • Second edition: Τραγωδία Ελληνική Ασπασία . Διηρημένη εις τρεις πράξεις. Συντεθείσα μεν υπό του κ. Ιακωβάκη Ρίζου του και Νερουλού, δεύτερον δε νυν μετατυπωθείσα παρά…. Εκ της Ιωνικής τυπογραφίας , Smyrna 1835, (online) .
    • English translation: Aspasia. A tragedy in modern Greek by J. Rizos. Boston, Hilliard, Gray, Little and Wilkins, New York, G and C. Carvill. Philadelphia, Carey, Lee and Carey, 1829.
  • Κορακιστικά ή διόρθωσις της ρωμέικης γλώσσας. Κωμωδία εις τρεις πράξεις διαιρεμένη. Υπό του Λογίου και Ευγενούς κ. Ιακώβου Ρίζου. Vienna, 1813. - ("The language of the ravens or correction of the Rhomean language", comedy in three acts)
    • Second edition: Κορακιστικά ή διόρθωσις της ρωμαίκης γλώσσας. Κωμωδία εις τρεις πράξεις διαιραιμένη. Υπό του Λογίου και Ευγενούς κ. Ιακώβου Ρίζου Μεγάλου Ποστελνίκου. Δεύτερον μετατυπωθείσα χάριν τῶν Φιλοκάλων. 1835, (online) .
    • French translation: Les Korakistiques ou Amendment de la langue grecque moderne. Texts et traduction par P.-A. Lascaris. Maison d'Édition Agon, Paris 1928, (online) .
  • Πολυξένη. Τραγωδία εις πέντε πράξεις διηρημένη. / Συγγραφείσα μεν παρά του Ευγενεστάτου Άρχοντος μεγάλου Ποστελνίκου κυρίου Ιακωβάκη Ρίζου , του άλλως Νερουλού, αφιερωθείσα δε προς τους φιλογενείς. τυπ. Ιω. Βαρθόλδου Σουηκίου , Vienna 1814. - (tragedy in five acts)
    • Modern edition of the plays: Ιακωβάκη Ρίζου Νερουλού Τα Θεατρικά: Ασπασία 1813, Πολυξένη 1814, Κορακιστικά 1813. Ίδρυλς , Athens 2002.
  • Κούρκας αρπαγή. Ποίημα ηρωικοκωμικόν εις τρία άσματα, συντεθέν παρά του Αρχοντος Ποστελνίκου Κυρίου Ιακωβάκη Ρίζου του ποτέ Νερουλού . τυπ. Ιω. Βαρθ. Τσβεκίου , 1816, (online) . - ("The robbery of the turkey", heroic-comic poem in three songs, unfinished)
  • Διονύσης Ν. Καραβίας (Ed.): Αποχαιρετισμός εις Ιταλίαν. Καραβία, Δ. Ν. - Αναστατικές Εκδόσεις, Αθήνα 1975 (Βιβλιοθήκη Ιστορικών Μελετών, 98) , (book ad) . - ("Greetings to Italy", poem)
  • Αποχαιρετισμός. Αστρολάβος / Ευθύνη, Αθήνα 1988.
  • Ωδή προς Έλληνας. Leipzig 1823. - ("Ode to the Greeks", poem)
  • Η Ερωτηματική οικογένεια. Κωμωδία εις τρεις πράξεις διηρημένη και συντεθείσα παρά του ΒΔΖΚΜΞΠΡΑΘ. τυπ. Α. Κορομηλά , Athens 1837, (online) . - ("The Question Family", comedy in three acts)
  • Ο Εφημεριδόφοβος. Κωμωδία εις τρεις πράξεις διηρημένη και συντεθείσα παρά του ΒΔΖΚΜΞΠΡΑΘ. τυπ. Α. Αγγελίδου , Athens 1837, (online) . - ("The Newspaper Fear", comedy in three acts)
  • Ανέκδοτα ποιημάτια Ιακωβάκη Ρίζου Νερουλού, εκδοθέντα υπό του Mis De Queux de Saint-Hilaire. Chamerot, Paris 1876, (online) . - ("Poems from the estate")

Scholarly writings

  • Cours de littérature grecque modern donné à Genève par Jacovaky Rizo Néroulos, ancien Premier Ministre des Hospodars grecs de Valachie et de Moldavie, publié par Jean Humbert. Abraham Cherbuliez, Genève, Paschoud, Paris 1827. - (contains the portrait)
    • Second edition: Cours de littérature grecque modern donné à Genève par Jacovaky Rizo Néroulos, ancien Premier Ministre des Hospodars grecs de Valachie et de Moldavie; publié par Jean Humbert. Seconde édition revue et augmentée. Abraham Cherbuliez, Genève, Dondey-Duprey, Paris 1828, (online) . - (The Préface contains pp. Vi – xxiv a representation of Neroulos' life and work)
    • German translation: The modern Greek literature. Lectures in Geneva in 1826 by Jacovaky Rizo Nerulos, former Prime Minister of the Greek Hospodars in Moldova and Wallachia. Translated by Dr. Christian Mueller. With Florian Kupferberg, Mainz 1827.
    • Dutch translation: Geschiedenis der Nieuwere Grieksche Letterkunde. Door Jacovaky Rizo Neroulos, Oud-Eerste Minister of the Grieksche Hospodars van Walachië en Moldavië. Naar de tweede verbeterde en umerderde uitgave, uit het Fransch vertaald en met some aantekeningen voorzien, door JJ de Gelder. De Gebroeders Van Cleef, 's-Gravenhage, Amsterdam 1829, (online) .
    • Modern Greek translation: Ιστορία των γραμμάτων παρά τοις νεωτέροις Έλλησι. Συνταχθείσα υπό Ιακώβου Ρίζου Νερουλού…, εξελληνίσθη δε υπό Ολυμπίας Ι. Ν. Άμποτ. τυπ. Περρή - Βάμπα, Αθήνα 1870 , (online) .
  • Histoire moderne de la Grèce depuis la chute de l'Empire de l'Orient. Par Jacovaky Rizo Néroulos, ancien Premier Ministre des Hospodars grecs de Valachie et de Moldavie. Abraham Cherbuliez, Genève 1828, (online) .
    • German translation: History of modern Greece since the time of the war of liberation. From the French of Jakowaky Rizo Nerulos, first minister of the Hospodars of Moldavia and Wallachia. Translated by Heinrich Ferdinand Eisenbach. Hartleben, Leipzig 1830 (library of the most important modern historical works from abroad, 5), (online) , (further online version) .
  • Bertrand Bouvier , Anastasia Danae Lazaridis (eds.): Jacovaky Rizo Néroulos, analysis raisonnée de l'ouvrage intitulé "Charte turque" - Ιακωβάκη Ρίζου Νερουλού Κριτική ανάλυση του που συγγράμματος επιγράφεται "Τουρκική Χάρτα". Εισαγωγή, έκδοση, μετάφραση, ευρετήρια : Bertrand Bouvier, Αναστασία Δανάη Λαζαρίδου. Morphōtiko Idryma Ethnikēs Trapezēs, Athens 2013, table of contents ; Book advertisement with short biographies of Bouvier and Lazaridis . - ( Editio princeps of an unpublished Geneva manuscript and translation into modern Greek)


  • Bertrand Bouvier: L'audience genevoise du cours de littérature grecque modern de Jacovacky Rizo Néroulos, en 1826. In: Roger Durand (ed.), C'est la faute à Voltaire. C'est la faute à Rousseau . Genève, Droz, 1997, 537-543.
  • Rae Delven: Greece: modern period. In: John Gassner, Edward Quinn (Eds.): The Reader's Encyclopedia of World Drama. Thomas Y. Crowell, New York 1969, reprint 2002, pp. 392-400, there p. 394, (online) .
  • Νικόλαος Λάσκαρης: Ιακωβάκης Ρίζος Νερουλός. In: Μεγάλη Ελληνική Εγκυκλοπαίδεια. Πυρσός, Αθήνα, ΙΗʹ , 1932.
  • Anastasia Danaé Lazaridis: Un cours de littérature grecque modern à Genève: Jacovaky Rizo Néroulos et le philhellénisme genevois. In: Ψηφίδες - Περιοδική έκδοση της Ελβετικής Εταιρείας Νεοελληνικών Σπουδών (Psifidès - Publication de la Société Suisse des Études Néohelléniques) 1, 2010, 9-36, (excerpt) (PDF).
  • Peter Mackridge : Language and National Identity in Greece, 1766–1976. Oxford University Press, 2009, ISBN 0-19-921442-5 , pp. 150-152: Neroulos , (online) .
  • Walter Puchner : Κορακιστικά. In: ders. (Ed.), Ανθολογία Νεοελληνικής Δραματουργίας. Τόμος Α: Από την Κρητική Αναγέννηση ως την Επανάσταση του 1821. Μορφωτικό ΄Ιδρυμα Εηθνικής Τραπέζs ., Athens 2006, Τραπέζs., Athens 2006, 420-432.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Alfio Grassi: Charte Turque ou Organization religieuse, civile et militaire de l'Empire Ottoman: Suivie de Quelques Réflexions sur la Guerre des Grecs contre les Turcs. À la Librairie Universelle, Paris 1825, Tome premier , Tome deuxième .