In terms of Kaminski

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Original title In terms of Kaminski
Country of production Germany
original language German
Publishing year 2005
length 88 minutes
Age rating FSK 12
Director Stephan Wagner
script Holger Karsten Schmidt
production Martin Bach
music Irmin Schmidt
camera Andreas leg
cut Susanne Heller ,
Gunnar Wanne-Eickel

As for Kaminski, there is a German television film from 2005 that addresses the problem of the withdrawal of child custody for parents with a learning disability . The plot follows an authentic case that was tried in 2002 before the European Court of Human Rights .


Five-year-old Lona grows up with her parents in a single-family home. The father, Martin Kaminski, works in a junkyard, the mother, Petra Kaminski, works as a housewife. Parents meet their inquisitive questions with fantasy and love when they don't have the answers themselves. Your family doctor, Dr. Wente, notes that Lona has deficits in her learning skills compared to other children of the same age. On his recommendation, the parents submit an application for early intervention , which is granted.

In the following weeks they received regular visits from a family helper from the youth welfare office , Gabriele Lohse. Her initial desire to involve her parents in promoting Lona gradually shows patronizing tendencies: She confronts her daughter with the intellectual difficulties of the parents, demonstrates them while playing memory games or reading a menu. Again and again she questions their parenting skills and makes it clear to them that they could not give their daughter an adequate education . Ultimately, the family helper initiates a decision by the local court to withdraw custody.

Lona is taken to a care association , which passes her on to foster parents Julia and Kai Gerber. The parents are forbidden from any contact with their child, on-site appointments only take place in the presence of the youth welfare office and appraisers, who ensure that the parents cannot make emotional contact with the daughter.

Parents are resisting these official measures. They contact a lawyer , Annett Fink, and try to sue for visiting and custody of their daughter Lona. This will be decided negatively in two instances . The committed lawyer then advises going to the Federal Constitutional Court . But the parents lose this process as well , and they try to come to terms with having lost their daughter for good.

The latter, however, builds a mutual - based emotional relationship with their foster parents and seems to accept them as 'new parents'. Julia and Kai Gerber don't just strive for the well-being of their foster daughter. They also try to be friendly with Petra and Martin Kaminski and invite both of them to Lona's birthday.

Taking advantage of this last hope, the biological parents move to the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg - and win there against the Federal Republic as a defendant and their daughter.


The film is based on a true story. In 1993, on the advice of their family doctor, a family applied for assistance for their one- and three-year-old daughters. The early intervention established loving family relationships and at the same time involved the youth welfare office ; Like the association for family-oriented social education consulted by the youth welfare office, this recommended separating parents from children. The Guardianship Court decided by means of an interim order to deprive the complainants of the right to determine residence and the right to determine medical measures: the parents were, according to the district court, "intellectually not in a position [...] to properly raise their children". The children were handed over to the Association for Family-Oriented Social Pedagogy in February 1997. The parents later reported to the media that they had told their children at the time that it was a vacation and the children were happy. By order of the Guardianship Court on May 27, 1997, the Guardianship Court revoked the parents' custody of their two children, based primarily on an expert opinion that found that the parents were through no fault of their own, but unable to raise their children due to a lack of intellectual ability. The parents did not see their children again for ten months, and for the next six years an hour a month. The girls were placed in separate foster families after six months. Despite counter-reports from doctors and professors commissioned by the “Aktionrechte für Kinder” association, the guardianship and district court remained with the out-of-home placement. Ultimately, at the end of 2003, following the ECJ ruling of February 26, 2002, which found a violation of Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights , the girls returned from foster families to their parents after almost seven years. They later went to boarding school and lived partly with their parents and partly with the former foster families.

On September 6, 2009 , the FAZ reported on the example of In Matters Kaminski in connection with the script affair, the focus of which is the former head of NDR TV games, Doris Heinze , about the problematic hierarchical position of the feature film editors, producers, directors and scriptwriters opposite appeared “almost as omnipotent”: “as evidence for this, [the Cologne-based drama agent Heike-Melba Fendel ] cites the editor of the Südwestrundfunk who, for example, first wanted to smooth out and defuse the TV film“ In Matters Kaminski ”, then when The director and actor had prevailed against him, threatening that this film would never be shown. And when "In Matters Kaminski" was awarded as the best TV film at the Munich Film Festival, it was of course the work of the editor in charge. "


  • Barbara Sichtermann writes in the Tagesspiegel: “It does not speak against this straightforwardly narrated, sensitively staged film […] that one takes its fictional plot for real money and thinks of the“ real ”case on which it is based. [...] The acting performances of Matthias Brandt as father and Juliane Köhler as mother Kaminski are extraordinary. Far from betraying the simple minds they have to portray to the caricature, both give their characters, which are marked by humiliations, a tragic dimension. Anneke Kim Sarnau keeps the courageous lawyer free from ostentatious heroism; she, too, keeps shaking her head at the goings-on of the social bureaucracy. "
  • For Ottmar Miles-Paul from, the film is an “excellent document showing how difficult it is for disabled parents in this country and how thin the line is between support and paternalism [...]”.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e European Court of Human Rights : 26/02/02 - Case K. v DEUTSCHLAND (complaint no. 46544/99). Retrieved December 3, 2016 .
  2. Barbara Sichtermann: Overconfidence of the offices. In: Der Tagesspiegel. July 15, 2005, accessed February 15, 2019 .
  3. a b c Freia Peters: In the matter of Kutzner. In: world. December 10, 2006, accessed February 16, 2019 .
  4. Peter Körte, Claudius Seidl and Harald Staun: TV scandal . Dulling with a system. In: . September 6, 2009, accessed March 5, 2015 .
  5. Overjoyed Offices - Facts film, suitable for Pisa: When social workers separate families , Der Tagesspiegel of July 15, 2005
  6. In terms of Kaminski - kobinet. (No longer available online.) Formerly in the original ; Retrieved June 12, 2009 .  ( Page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Dead Link /