Infectious laryngotracheitis

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The infectious laryngotracheitis ( ILT , " Infectious inflammation of larynx and trachea ") is a by gallide herpesvirus 1 caused (GaHV-1) viral disease of the upper airways in gallinaceous birds , which occurs worldwide. For this animal disease there is a reporting requirement in Germany .

Etiology and pathogenesis

Chicken herpes virus 1
Classification : Viruses
Area : Duplodnaviria
Empire : Heunggongvirae
Phylum : Peploviricota
Class : Herviviricetes
Order : Herpes viral
Family : Herpesviridae
Subfamily : Alphaherpesvirinae
Genre : Iltovirus
Type : Chicken herpes virus 1
Taxonomic characteristics
Genome : dsDNA linear
Baltimore : Group 1
Symmetry : icosahedral
Cover : available
Scientific name
Gallid alphaherpesvirus 1
Short name

The chicken herpes virus 1 ( gallide alpha herpes virus 1 , gallide herpes virus 1 , GaHV-1) is a species of enveloped viruses with double-stranded DNA of the subfamily Alphaherpesvirinae . It is classified in the genus Iltovirus (acronym from infectious laryngotracheitis-like viruses ).

The transmission occurs through direct and indirect contact with infected animals through a droplet infection . After infection , the virus multiplies in the epithelium of the upper airways. The virus migrates along the sensory nerves and can latently persist in the trigeminal ganglion . Animals that survive the disease remain latently infected.

The morbidity is high, the mortality is between 5 and 70%, but rarely exceeds 15%.


The pathogen causes a mild to severe inflammation of the upper airways, mainly of the larynx ( larynx ) and the windpipe ( trachea ). The disease occurs mainly in autumn and winter.

Clinically it manifests itself in coughing , wheezing and shortness of breath , where the animals can choke out a bloody-colored mucus. Mild forms due to less virulent virus strains show up in sinusitis and conjunctivitis .

Pathological-anatomically , blood congestion and hyperemia of the larynx and trachea can be seen, if the course is severe, cheesy, diphtheroid coverings or pseudomembranes can appear, similar to the diphtheroid form of birdpox . In the epithelial cells, intranuclear inclusion bodies can be detected pathohistologically .


Clinically, a suspected diagnosis can be made in more severe cases. The inclusion bodies are proving. An electron microscopic examination of tracheal swabs or the detection of antibodies by means of immunofluorescence are also possible. The virus can be cultivated in incubated chicken eggs and leads to thickening of the membranes and the formation of white plaques.


The control is based on strict hygiene measures in poultry flocks to prevent the introduction. A vaccination with live vaccines is possible, but does not prevent latent infections or the flare-up.

In Germany, infectious laryngotracheitis is one of the notifiable animal diseases . It is also subject to mandatory registration in Austria.


  • Norbert Kummerfeld: Infectious Laryngotracheitis (ILT) . In: K. Gabrisch, P. Zwart: Diseases of pets. Schlütersche, 6th edition 2005, ISBN 3-89993-010-X , p. 622.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e ICTV: ICTV Taxonomy history: Human alphaherpesvirus 1 , EC 51, Berlin, Germany, July 2019; Email ratification March 2020 (MSL # 35)
  2. Annex to Section 1 of the Ordinance on Notifiable Animal Diseases (TKrMeldpflV) in the version published on February 11, 2011 ( Federal Law Gazette I p. 252 ), last amended by Article 381 of the Ordinance of August 31, 2015 ( Federal Law Gazette I p. 1474 )
  3. § 13 of the Poultry Hygiene Ordinance of 2007