Inner Bärenbartkogel

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Inner Bärenbartkogel
Innerer Bärenbartkogel.jpg
height 3553  m slm
location west of the white ball
Mountains Weißkamm , Ötztal Alps , Eastern Alps
Coordinates 46 ° 48 '0 "  N , 10 ° 43' 12"  E Coordinates: 46 ° 48 '0 "  N , 10 ° 43' 12"  E
Innerer Bärenbartkogel (South Tyrol)
Inner Bärenbartkogel

The Innere Bärenbartkogel ( Italian Cima Barba d'Orsa di Dentro ) is 3553  m above sea level. A. , according to other information 3557  m high mountain in the South Tyrolean part of the Ötztal Alps . It lies on the Weißkamm, which runs in an east-west direction, and is completely surrounded by glaciers. The summit is also covered by firn . The mountain can only be walked on as part of an alpine tour with the appropriate experience and equipment.

Location and surroundings

The Weißkamm runs in this area in an east-west direction and separates the extensive glacier areas of the Bärenbartferner , which flows north into the Langtauferer Tal , and the Matscher Ferner , which drains south into the Matscher Tal . Neighboring mountains along the ridge are in the east, separated by a glaciated yoke approx. 3520  m high, the Weißkugel approx. 500 m away at 3728  m and in the west, separated by the Bärenbartjoch ( 3302  m ), the Outer Bärenbartkogel at 3471  m .

Bases and development

Support points for the ascent are the Weißkugelhütte ( 2544  m ) located about 3 km to the north-west as the crow flies and the Oberetteshütte at 2670  m a good 4 km southeast .


The mountain name does not derive from the presence of bearded brown bears . Rather, the part of the name beard can be traced back to an Oberinntal dialect word with the meaning "grove, forest tongue", whereby the beard can be interpreted simply as a bear forest .

Literature and map

Web links

Commons : Innerer Bärenbartkogel  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Federal Office for Metrology and Surveying : ÖK50
  2. Alpine Club Card 30/2 Weißkugel
  3. ^ Egon Kühebacher : The place names of South Tyrol and their history. The historically grown names of the mountain ranges, summit groups and individual peaks of South Tyrol. Athesia, Bozen 2000, ISBN 88-8266-018-4 , p. 26.
  4. Johannes Ortner: Matscher name hike . In: Experience the mountains - The magazine of the Alpine Association of South Tyrol . No. 1 , 2019, p. 62-63 .