Institute for Art Education (Leipzig)

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The Institute for Art Education at the University of Leipzig is a training center for the subject of art education . From April / May 1952, training for art educators began at the Institute for Art Education under the direction of the artist and educator Hans Schulze . From 1970 on, Günther Regel established a chair for the theory of fine arts . In addition to art theory and the methodology and didactics of the visual arts, the collaborating artists have had a major influence on the education of students since the institute was founded. Since 1993 the institute has been headed by Frank Schulz , a student of Regels.


Hall on the ground floor of the Geschwister-Scholl-Haus institute building

Before 1945, the training of art teachers at the University of Leipzig was determined by the group of drawing teachers of the pedagogical faculty and the practical department of the art studies section. However, there was no specific training exclusively for art teachers with their own timetable. Within the range of courses, the courses for drawing and art education were open to students from all faculties.

After 1945 instruction for drawing and art education took place in the drawing and art education departments. The students of the Pedagogical Faculty had the option of choosing the subject of art education.

The institute, newly established by Hans Schulze (artist) in 1952, was independent, but membership of a faculty remained changeable. A combination with a second subject was made possible from 1955.

1969–1982 the institute was headed by Gabriele Meyer-Dennewitz .

From 1970 to 1991 Günther Regel shaped art theory teaching as professor for art theory at the Institute for Art Education at the University of Leipzig. As the founder of non-conformist art education in the GDR , he had to face restrictions, breaches of trust and reprisals , as he had before as a professor in Greifswald . Among other things, this led to the ban on holding an international conference in Leipzig in 1977, due to his lack of commitment to the cultural policy of the GDR. After the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, Regel made a major contribution to the art-theoretical dialogue between East and West.

The following artists and educators worked at the institute: Hans Schulze, Elisabeth Voigt , Irmgard Kappler, Karl-Max Kober, Frank Ruddigkeit , Gabriele Meyer-Dennewitz , Siegfried Ratzlaff , Günter Berger, Karl Manthey, Günter Albert Schulz , Peter Schnürpel , Frank Neubauer , Günther Regel, Joachim Kratsch , Renate Herfurth , Erhard Kaiser, Harald Kunde.

The institute had its first seat in today's district court building on Bernhard-Göring-Strasse in Leipzig. After moving to Kurt-Eisner-Strasse, Goethestrasse and Paffendorfer Strasse, the institute was located in the Geschwister-Scholl-Haus in Ritterstrasse in 1995 8-10. The building was erected in the years 1908–1910 by Fritz Schumacher (1869–1947), co-founder of the Deutscher Werkbund , as the seat of the first German commercial college on one of the oldest properties of the university, the Große Fürstencolleg .


Today, the institute offers courses for the state examination teaching post ( grammar school , high school , elementary school , special education ) and extracurricular art education with a Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts degree. The two departments of the institute - theory and didactics of visual arts and practice of visual arts and design - are closely interlinked. Own artistic work takes place in the workshops of the institute and art educational practice with partners in Leipzig.


The scientific research at the institute focuses on creativity research and the basics of understanding and communicating modern art.

Publications of the institute

  • Frank Schulz, Ines Seumel (Ed.): U20 - childhood, youth, visual language . Munich 2013
  • Roland Meinel: Design - Think, Do, Learn . Art + lessons. Issue 371/372. Seelze 2013
  • Thomas Klemm: Not a day without a line ?. Research on art and design theory in the GDR between professionalization and politicization (1960s to 1980s) . Munich 2012
  • Frank Schulz (Ed.): With color! , Art + lessons. Issue 377/378. Seelze 2013
  • Andreas Wendt (Ed.): Font and design . Art + lessons. Issue 343/344. Seelze 2010
  • Frank Schulz (Ed.): Painting currently . Art + lessons. Issue 336/337. Seelze 2009
  • Frank Schulz (Ed.): Günther Regel. Communicate the artistic. Essays, lectures, statements and discussions on art, art teaching and art education . Munich 2008
  • Johannes Kirschenmann, Frank Schulz, Hubert Sowa (Hrsg.): Art education in the project of general education . Munich 2006
  • Günther Regel: Modern Art. Approaches to their understanding (for art classes from grade 11) . Leipzig 2001
  • Günther Regel (Ed.): Art teaching. Essays, lectures, reviews and contributions to the theory of form in art . Leipzig 1995
  • Günther rule: medium of fine arts. The artistic process and language of shapes and colors . Berlin 1986
  • Günther Regel: Color design as a basic pictorial problem . Berlin 1982

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d History of the Institute for Art Education Leipzig. Website
  2. Katja Weber: Early on in conflict with state doctrine. Art teacher Günther Regel celebrated his 80th birthday. In: Journal of the University of Leipzig. Issue 2. 2006.
  3. ^ List of former employees of the Institute for Art Education Leipzig