Irmgard Kuhlee

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Irmgard Kuhlee (2015)

Irmgard Kuhlee (born August 17, 1927 in Berlin ; † December 9, 2018 in Laubusch ) was a German - Sorbian painter and folk artist .


Irmgard Kuhlee was born on August 17, 1927 as Irmgard Lother in the Berlin district of Wilmersdorf . She grew up in simple circumstances as the daughter of a working class family in Berlin-Siemensstadt . She attended school from 1934, first in Berlin-Tegel and from 1938 to 1942 the three-class elementary school in Groß Buckow. In 1938, after her parents separated, she and mother Anna moved to her grandmother's house on the lake in Groß Buckow, not far from Spremberg . In 1943 she met Ewald Kuhlee, she in on August 27, 1949 Stradow married . They have two children together, the sons Werner and Lothar Kuhlee. Irmgard Kuhlee has been widowed since August 20, 1980 . On December 9, 2018, she died in a nursing home in Laubusch not far from Hoyerswerda .


On June 1, 1943, she began training as a photographer in Cottbus . With the approaching front , which reached the Spremberg area in April 1945, she had to interrupt this training on April 14, 1945 and was only able to continue it on April 1, 1947. On May 15, 1948, she successfully completed her training as a photographer. She found her first job as a photographer from February to July 1949 at a photo shop in Döbern . In the spring of 1953 she was employed by a photographer in Spremberg, where she worked until 1966.

In 1956 she took over the management of a handicraft group in the Radeweise school combine, which she held for over 40 years. Further circles and working groups followed. The skills shown or taught there ranged from painting and handicrafts to decorating Easter eggs (old Sorbian tradition). Later, techniques such as embroidery , knotting , appliqué , bead embroidery and also leather work and linoleum and paper cuttings were added to various circles that she led for adults .

Professionally, after a short detour to a local craft business, she worked for the municipal housing company until 1971. On January 1, 1974, she was able to accept a job that now fully corresponded to her real interests in culture and art. She was hired as a cultural-political employee of the council of the district and as an accompanying activity in a culture house , where she worked until 1976.

In 1975 she founded the Domowina branch in Groß Buckow . In the early 1970s, she exhibited pictures she had painted herself in public for the first time. On the recommendation of the district council, it was delegated to the Central Sorbian Language School in Dissenchen for further support . Over the next seven years, she completed three language courses there, one in Lower Sorbian and two in Polish .

In 1976 she took at night school a three-year study of art and painting, which she at in June 1979. Academy of Fine Arts in Dresden completed successfully. On March 16, 1979 she was one of the co-founders of the "Volkskunst Konsulatationspunkt", which opened in Spremberg on that day. With the successful completion of the course she set in 1980 as a painter, graphic artist and textile designer independently .

Works (selection)

During the time of her active work, Irmgard Kuhlee created several hundred pictures in different painting techniques, this is only a very small selection that should make this clear.

  • Lake at my house in Groß Buckow with the church tower, (around 1975), colored chalk
  • The Road I Don't Know Where To (1980), Oil
  • Fuchsienbrücke in Bad Muskau, (1982), watercolor
  • Last blossom in Groß Buckow, (1983)
  • The Power of the Park, Bad Muskau, (1983), pencil
  • Sorbin in Profile, (1983), Charcoal
  • Groß Buckow Dorfplatz, (1985), etching
  • The Excellent Brigade, (1987), 2270 mm × 1260 mm, oil on hardboard
  • Am Kollerberg, (1987), oil
  • Frieda Nakoinz chopping potatoes, (1993), brown chalk
  • Saint Barbara (2010), oil on canvas


  • "Merit medal for artistic folk productions of the GDR" (1985)
  • "Special merits for the city of Spremberg" (2004)


  • In 2014 a documentary film "My models must live" about the life and work of the painter and Sorbian folk artist was premiered. Immediately after this premiere, the film was awarded the special prize of the Lausitziale "Die Perle der Lausitz", a blue glass bead set in Morreich.
  • 2010 Book publication "Zeitlauf" in REGIA Verlag, memories of the artist Irmgard Kuhlee


  • Sebastian Zachow-Vierrath: Zeitlauf memories of the artist IRMGARD KUHLEE REGIA Verlag, 2010, ISBN 978-3-86929-155-0 .


  1. Spremberg painter Irmgard Kuhlee died. In: December 12, 2018, accessed December 13, 2018 .
  2. My models must live In: LR Online, March 14, 2006
  3. Lausitziale honors Irmchen Kuhlee In: LR Online, September 27, 2014
  4. More than a film about Irmchen In: LR Online, November 10, 2015
  5. Art portrait grows into a phenomenon In: LR Online, February 18, 2015