Ivan Vasilyevich Panfilov

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Ivan Panfilov ( Russian Иван Васильевич Панфилов * December 20, 1892 . Jul / 1. January  1893 greg. In Petrovsk ; † 19th November 1941 at Volokolamsk ) was a Soviet military . Major General Panfilov was posthumously awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union on April 12, 1942 .


Panfilov was drafted into the German-Russian front by the tsarist army in 1915 . In 1918 he joined the Red Army and took part in the civil war (1918-1920) as a member of the 1st Saratov Infantry Regiment of the 25th Chapayev Division. He fought against the troops of Dutov , Kolchak and Denikin as well as against the White Poles . In 1920 he became a member of the KPR (B) . In 1923 he graduated from the Kiev military school and was then commander of a battalion and later a regiment. In 1937 he became Chief of Staff of the Central Asian Military District, then in 1938 Military Commissar of the Kyrgyz SSR . In 1940 he was appointed major general.

During the Second World War , from July 1941, he commanded the 316th Rifle Division (later the 8th Red Banner Guards Rifle Division), which fought on the Northwestern and Western Fronts . On November 19, Panfilov fell in battle.

Panfilov is buried in the Novodevichy Cemetery in Moscow .

Propaganda legend

Panfilov gained notoriety through a war report by two editors of the newspaper Krasnaya Zvezda ("Red Star"), who reported an episode from the Battle of Moscow during the war , but which, according to investigations by the Soviet military prosecutor in 1948, never took place:

  • During the defensive battles in November 1941, according to the report, 28 infantrymen from Panfilov's division (the so-called Panfilowzy ) holed up near Wolokolamsk and withstood the attack of about twice as many German tanks on November 14 and 16 (Battle of Dubossekow). According to legend, almost all Panfilowzy died in this defensive operation.

In fact, Panfilov's unit was fighting at another point on the front. In the actual battle of Dubossekow, in which Panfilov's troops were not involved, many more died than the specified 28 soldiers. In 1948 the chief military prosecutor of the USSR, Nikolai Afanassjew, wrote a report on the creation of the newspaper report in the "Krasnaya Zvezda", criticizing the unclean research of the editors and stating that one of the allegedly fallen heroes had become a German prisoner of war and was a police officer I was involved in the deportation of forced laborers in German services.

After the hero cult around the 28 Red Army soldiers had been cultivated over many decades in the Soviet Union and later, the publication of the actual story of the "Panfilov heroes" in the summer of 2015 caused violent criticism from various parts of Russian society at the head of the Russian State Archives, Sergei Mironenko, and other historians who questioned the veracity of the propaganda legend. The television reported that in reality many of the admired martyrs surrendered to the Germans and survived. Andrej Schalopa, the director of a war film produced at the same time and with high subsidies from the state, which glorifies the heroic deeds of the Panfilowzy in an unhistorical way, criticized the historical revelations: "This unmasking and disenchantment of the heroic deeds is pointless and immoral."

Awards and honors

Panfilov Monument in Almaty

The Kazakh city of Jarkent was named Panfilov in his honor between 1941 and 1991. The village of Staro-Nikolayevka in Kyrgyzstan was also named after Panfilov. In addition, numerous streets, squares and parks (such as the Park of the 28 Panfilowzy in Almaty and the Park in Bishkek ) in the successor republics of the Soviet Union still bear his name. The rifle division he commanded was also named after him.

In 1963 the Soviet Post and in 2000 the Kyrgyz Post issued a special stamp in honor of Panfilov.


The events surrounding Ivan W. Panfilov's train in the Battle of Moscow were processed in the 2016 film Panfilov's 28 Men . This war film was directed by Kim Druzhinin and Andrej Shalopa.

Web links

Commons : Ivan Panfilov  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Nikolai Klimeniouk: The incredible lie of these heroes. Report in the FAZ on July 28, 2015, accessed on November 26, 2016.
  2. Udo Lielischkies : False heroes. TV report in the BR from November 20, 2016, accessed on November 26, 2016 ( video from the media library ( Memento from November 27, 2016 in the Internet Archive )).
  3. Dvadtsat vosem panfilovtsev (2016) on IMDb
  4. official website of the film Panfilov's 28 Men
  5. Russia chooses myth over history in new WWII movie. PRI's The World. 15th October 2016