Jörg Sader

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Jörg Sader 2011

Jörg Sader (born September 1, 1945 in Erfurt ) is a German writer and trainer for rhetoric and communication.

Live and act

Sader attended a polytechnic high school in Erfurt. After graduating from secondary school, he learned the profession of poster painter and decorator. He then worked from 1964 to 1966 as an editorial assistant at Thüringer Tageblatt . In 1966 he was drafted into the National People's Army .

In 1967, while still on duty, he tried to flee to West Germany . The attempt failed, Sader was sentenced to prison and ransomed by the FRG after 14 months. At the Hessenkolleg Rüsselsheim he made up his Abitur and from 1970 studied German , Romance languages and philosophy at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main and for a year at the Sorbonne in Paris . He completed his studies in 1977 with the state examination for teaching at grammar schools in German and French.

He then worked as a teacher in adult education, translator and second-hand bookseller, among other things. In 1994/95 he did his doctorate on Ernst Jünger's diaries from the Second World War and between 1997 and 2002 was a lecturer in modern German literature at Goethe University. Sader leads seminars for rhetoric and communication as well as poetics workshops for writers in business enterprises and at adult education centers . He gives lectures and publishes on literary topics and fine arts.

Sader's first volume of prose, Unter Tage , was published in 2010. Two years later, he published his second volume, Pictures and Lectures. Insights into literature and art with collected essays and lectures. In 2018 his second volume of short stories, Alba, Liebste, about everyday life in the GDR, flight and the after-effects of the totalitarian state on life in the Federal Republic of Germany was published.

Sader has been a member of the Federal Republic of Germany's circle of authors since 2003 and lives in Berlin .


  • 1996: In the belly of Leviathan: diary and masquerade. Notes on Ernst Jünger's "Strahlungen" (1939–1948) , dissertation, Königshausen & Neumann, Würzburg
  • 2002: exceedances. Dialogues between literary and theater studies, architecture and the fine arts. Festschrift for Leonhard M. Fiedler, editors Jörg Sader and Anette Wörner, Königshausen & Neumann, Würzburg
  • 2010: underground. Stories, Eisenhut-Verlag, Hagen-Berchum
  • 2012: Pictures and Readings: Insights into Literature and Art. Essays, Eisenhut-Verlag, Hagen-Berchum
  • 2018: Alba, Dearest and other stories. , Stories, Mirabilis-Verlag, Klipphausen / Miltitz
  • Articles and reviews on literature and the fine arts in exhibition catalogs, daily press and for literaturkritik.de

Web links

Commons : Jörg Sader  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Jörg Sader. www.literaturport.de, accessed on March 28, 2019 .
  2. Dr. Jörg Sader. www.autorenkreis-bundes Republik.de, accessed on March 28, 2019 .
  3. Information about: Dr. Jörg Sader. literaturkritik.de, accessed on March 28, 2019 .