Jürg Fleischer

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Jürg Fleischer

Jürg Daniel Fleischer (born December 23, 1974 in Winterthur ) is a Swiss linguist and professor at the Philipps University of Marburg . His main research interests are German dialectology , German language history and Yiddish .


Fleischer studied German , Russian linguistics and general linguistics at the University of Zurich . During and after his studies he worked as an assistant at the Swiss Idioticon and the phonogram archive of the University of Zurich . He received his doctorate in 2001 from Elvira Glaser with a thesis on German dialect syntax .

After visiting fellowships at Columbia University in New York (2003/2004) and at Humboldt University in Berlin (2004–2007), Fleischer was appointed to Philipps University in Marburg in 2007 , where he is Professor of Language History. Since 2010 he has also been a member of the Research Center for the German Language Atlas and since 2017 a member of the board of the association that publishes the Swiss Idioticon.


Fleischer's scientific interests are the history of the German language (from Old High German ), language typology , dialectology (especially Alemannic and Hessian ) and Yiddish linguistics.

Fleischer received the Hugo Moser Prize for his book West Yiddish in Switzerland and Southwest Germany . In this publication, the sound recordings that are available for West Yiddish in Surbtal in Aargau and Hegau in southern Baden are transcribed, translated and explained. A comprehensive introduction presents the dialectological and sociolinguistic relationships that were preserved up until the middle of the 20th century and summarizes the history of research. The project “West Yiddish in the Long 19th Century” was also dedicated to West Yiddish.

A completed project for which Fleischer is jointly responsible is “SyHD: Syntax of Hessian Dialects”, which deals with the analysis of the syntactic structures of dialects in Hesse . The results are presented online and are aimed at both experts and interested laypeople. This is the first completed research project in the field of German dialect syntax.

Fleischer's current project “ Morphosyntactic Evaluation of Wenker Sentences ” is supported by an opus magnum grant from the Volkswagen Foundation. It is about the evaluation of the forty sample sentences compiled by Georg Wenker for the development of the "German Language Atlas" and collected over several decades according to syntactic questions. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Wenker and his colleagues only exhausted these in terms of phonetic, morphological and lexical considerations. The project thus enables a first complete overview of syntactic phenomena in the dialects of the entire German-speaking area.

Publications (selection)


  • The syntax of pronominal adverbs in the dialects of German. An investigation into preposition stranding and related phenomena (=  Journal for Dialectology and Linguistics. Supplement 123). Wiesbaden / Stuttgart 2002 (= Diss. Univ. Zurich 2001).
  • (together with Thomas Gadmer :) Swiss recordings (German) (=  Sound Documents from the Phonogrammarchiv of the Austrian Academy of Sciences. The Complete Historical Collections 1899–1950. 6/1, 6/2). Vienna 2002.
  • West Yiddish in Switzerland and Southwest Germany. Sound recordings and texts on Surbtaler and Hegauer Yiddish (=  supplements to the Language and Culture Atlas of Ashkenazic Jewry. 4). Tübingen 2005.
  • (together with Oliver Schallert :) Historical syntax of German. An introduction (=  fool study books ). Tübingen 2011.
  • History, layout and implementation of the questionnaire surveys of Georg Wenker's 20 sentences. Documentation, discoveries and reassessments (= German dialect geography. Volume 123). Olms, Hildesheim / Zurich / New York 2017.


  • A typology of relative clauses in German dialects. In: Bernd Kortmann (Ed.): Dialectology meets typology (=  Trends in Linguistics Studies and Monographs, 153). Berlin / New York 2004, pp. 211–243.
  • On the sequence of accusative and dative personal pronouns in Old High German and Old Low German (8th / 9th centuries). In: Franz Simmler in collaboration with Claudia Wich-Reif and Yvon Desportes (eds.): Syntax. Old High German - Middle High German: a comparison of metrics and prose (=  Berlin linguistic studies. 7). Berlin 2005, pp. 9-48.
  • On the methodology of Old High German syntax research. In: Contributions to the history of German language and literature 128 (2006), pp. 25–69.
  • The predicative adjective and participle in Old High German and Old Low German. In: Sprachwissenschaft 32 (2007), pp. 279–348.
  • Dative and indirect object in German dialects. Evidence from relative clauses. In: Daniel Hole, André Opinion and Werner Abraham (Eds.): Datives and Other Cases: between Argument Structure and Event Structure (=  Studies in Language Companion Series. 75). Amsterdam 2006, pp. 213-238.
  • (together with Stephan Schmid :) Illustrations of the IPA: Zurich German. In: Journal of the International Phonetic Association 36 (2006), pp. 243-253 ( online ).
  • On the origin of the inflected predicative adjective in Höchst Alemannic. In: Zeitschrift für Dialektologie und Linguistik 74 (2007), pp. 196–240.
  • On the topicalizing doubling of the infinitive in German dialects: He doesn't drink drinking, but he smokes (with an excursus on Yiddish). In: Peter Ernst and Franz Patocka (eds.): Dialect geography of the future. Files from the 2nd congress of the International Society for Dialectology of German (IGDD) at the Institute for German Studies at the University of Vienna, September 20-23, 2006 (=  Journal for Dialectology and Linguistics. Supplement 135). Wiesbaden / Stuttgart 2008, pp. 243-268.
  • (together with Lea Schäfer :) The case after preposition in West Yiddish sources of the (long) 19th century. In: Marion Aptroot, Efrat Gal-Ed, Roland Gruschka and Simon Neuberg (eds.): Leket: yidishe shtudyes haynt / Jiddistik heute / Yiddish Studies Today (=  yidish: oysgabes un forshung / Jiddistik: Edition & Forschung / Yiddish: Editions and Research. 1). Düsseldorf 2012, pp. 415-436.
  • (together with Alexandra N. Lenz and Helmut Weiß :) Syntax of Hessian dialects (SyHD). In: Roland Kehrein, Alfred Lameli and Stefan Rabanus (eds.): Regional variation of German. Projects and Perspectives. Berlin / Boston 2015, pp. 261–287.


  • (together with Thomas Gadmer :) Enregistrements Suisses / Ricordi sonori Svizzeri / Registraziuns Svizras (français, italiano, rumantsch) (=  Sound Documents from the Phonogrammarchiv of the Austrian Academy of Sciences. The Complete Historical Collections 1899–1950. 6/3). Vienna 2002.
  • (together with Andreas Dufter and Guido Seiler :) Describing and Modeling Variation in Grammar (=  Trends in Linguistics Studies and Monographs. 204). Berlin / New York 2009.
  • (together with Horst J. Simon :) Sprachwandelvergleich - Comparing Diachronies (=  Linguistic Works. 550). Berlin / Boston 2013.
  • (together with Elisabeth Rieken and Paul Widmer :) Agreement from a diachronic perspective (=  Trends in Linguistics Studies and Monographs. 287). Berlin 2015.
  • Historical syntax. Special issue of the magazine for German linguistics (=  magazine for German linguistics. 43). Berlin / Boston 2015, pp. 377-563.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Announcements from June 21, 2017 on the Swiss Idiotikon website.
  2. ^ DFG project on late West Yiddish .
  3. ^ SyHD: Syntax of Hessian dialects.
  4. See the catalog of the Wenkerbögen on Regionalssprache.de.
  5. ^ Morphosyntactic evaluation of Wenker sentences.