Jürgen Wiersch

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Jürgen Wiersch

Jürgen Wiersch (born August 27, 1958 in Bochum ; † July 29, 2014 in Dortmund ) was a German writer , actor and educator .


From 1979 to 1981 Wiersch made his first experiences with theater and singing in the "Chorfantasie" in Castrop-Rauxel and as part of a theater internship in 1980 at the Westphalian State Theater . From 1984 to 1991 he was an actor at the Nausea Theater in Bochum and from 1991 to 2001 an actor and dramaturge at the pidi-Theater in Dortmund. In 2002/2003 he was an ensemble member of the Theater im Depot in Dortmund and from 2006 onwards at the Roto-Theater . He also worked as a teacher in the Dietrich-Keuning-Haus culture and meeting center.

In the early 1980s Wiersch was involved in the literary magazines Die Angler and Scherezâd . In 1984 he co-founded the author syndicate “Amusement Authority” and in 1990 the literature performance group “ca. 12 ". Wiersch is considered one of the pioneers of slam poetry . In his literary performances of live poetry, which often took place in unusual places, he combined literature, music, drama and performance. In 2003 he was awarded the prestigious Ernst Meister Prize for his lyrical work .

Wiersch is the father of the musician Rocco Wiersch.

The grave is located in Dortmund's south-west cemetery next to that of the Dadaist Richard Huelsenbeck .



  • Live broadcast . Hourglass-Verlag, Dortmund 1986, ISBN 3-925508-02-3 .
  • (with Ulrich Reck, Karsten Mewes) With German subtitles. Cracked Egg Verlag, Heidelberg 1988, ISBN 978-3-910067-08-0 .
  • Stupid alert: I ask for incomprehension. Vorsatz-Verlag, Dortmund 1986.
  • (with Willem van Dijk) German straight from the mouth. Poems & collages of a different caliber. Cracked Egg Verlag, Heidelberg 1989.
  • Odyssey in Lyrix. Spoken texts. Vorsatz-Verlag, Dortmund 1994.
  • (with Achim Hahn) Alfa & Romeo. Radio play. WDR 1995.
  • (with Eva von der Dunk, Thomas Kade, Ralf Thenior , Ellen Widmaier) Tongue on tongue. Chain poems. Grupello Verlag, Düsseldorf 2001, ISBN 3-933749-63-8 .
  • (with Konrad Pfaff) Peace in strife, poems and reflections. Mainz Verlag, Aachen 2003, ISBN 3-86130-423-6 .
  • Against beauty. Vorsatz-Verlag, Oelde & Dortmund 2013, ISBN 978-3-943270-06-8 .

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