Jacques Sarr

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Jacques Yandé Sarr (born October 11, 1934 in Fadiouth , † January 18, 2011 in Dakar ) was a Senegalese clergyman and Roman Catholic bishop of Thiès .


Sarr attended the small seminar in Ngazobil from 1948 and from 1951 to 1957 the Cours Sainte-Marie de Hann in Dakar. After studying philosophy and theology at the seminary of Sébikhoutane , he was ordained a priest in Ngazobil on May 28, 1964 by the Archbishop of Dakar , Hyacinthe Thiandoum . He then worked in the parishes of Palmarin and Thiadiaye. After a pastor's position in Rufisque, he studied Catholic social teaching at the Catholic University of Lille in 1966/67 . Back in Dakar, he was appointed deputy director of Catholic private schools.

Pope John Paul II appointed him Bishop of Thiès in 1986. He was ordained bishop on March 1, 1987, by the Archbishop of Dakar, Cardinal Hyacinthe Thiandoum ; Co - consecrators were Théodore-Adrien Sarr , Bishop of Kaolack in Senegal and later Cardinal, and Joseph Dao , Bishop of Kayes in Mali. His motto was "Ma lumière et mon salut, le Seigneur." (My light and my salvation, the Lord.).

Jacques Sarr campaigned time and again for Senegalese agriculture and emphasized the importance for society and development in Senegal. Together with the Archbishop of Bamberg Ludwig Schick , Sarr initiated a diocesan partnership with the Archdiocese of Bamberg in 2009.

He died in 2011 after a brief illness in office.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ "Crise du monde rural: Mgr Jacques Sarr en appelle à des états généraux" , Caritas Senegal , February 4, 2008
  2. ^ “To impart wisdom to the faithful in abundance” ( Memento of February 18, 2011 in the Internet Archive ), Archdiocese of Bamberg , accessed on January 19, 2011

Web links

predecessor Office successor
François-Xavier Dione Bishop of Thiès
André Gueye