Jakob van Hoogstraten

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Jakob van Hoogstraten (* around 1460 in Hoogstraten in Brabant ; † January 21, 1527 in Cologne ) was a papal inquisitor at the time of the Reformation .


Hoogstraten studied Artes liberales in Löwen and then entered the Dominican order in Cologne . In 1496 he was ordained a priest . In 1504 he completed his studies in Cologne as a doctor of theology . In 1507 he became the first rain of the general studies of his order in Cologne, then prior of the local convent . As Regens he was also professor of theology at the Universitas Studii Coloniensis . As Prior (1508) he was also papal judge for the archbishopric of Cologne , Mainz and Trier .

One of his first pamphlets dealt with the works of the lawyer Petrus von Ravenna, who taught in Cologne .

As an inquisitor, he persecuted Johannes Reuchlin for writing friendly to the Jews . In 1514 he ordered the public burning of Reuchlin's book Augenspiegel . When Reuchlin then appealed to Pope Leo X , Hoogstraten was rejected after a theological report by Speyer Cathedral Dean Thomas Truchseß von Wetzhausen († 1523) and had to bear the legal costs (1516). He was then removed from his post as inquisitor by the chapter of the order , but reinstated by the Pope in 1520.

Hoogstraten had to endure some contemporary ridicule, for example in the Epistolae obscurorum virorum . He himself wrote several pamphlets against Martin Luther , a collection appeared in 1526.



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