
The Jakober suburb is a historic district of Augsburg . It is located to the east of the fortified city. Its boundary to the west is the inner city moat, which today corresponds to the streets Oberer Graben, Mittlerer Graben and Unterer Graben. To the north, east and south, Jakobervorstadt is surrounded by the outer moat, with two bastions, Oblatterwall and Jakoberwall . Today the streets Bert-Brecht-Straße, Oblatterwallstraße and Jakoberwallstraße run on the outside of the trench; on the inside the streets Gänsbühl, Untere Jakobermauer, Obere Jakobermauer and Vogelmauer.
In Jakobervorstadt there is the oldest existing social housing estate in the world, the Fuggerei , which is walled up like a small town in the town and closed off with gates.
The Jakobervorstadt formed in the Middle Ages as a suburb outside the original city of Augsburg. Its center is the pilgrimage church of St. Jakob , which also gave it its name. From the year 1340 the Jakobervorstadt was included in the fortification ring of the city . The Barfüßertor was originally the eastern city gate of Augsburg, from which the road led over a Lech bridge built in the year 800 past the village of Lechhausen in the direction of Bavaria. With the fortification and addition of the Jakobervorstadt a new gate, the Jakobertor , took over this role, and the importance of the barefoot gate dwindled back to an inner gate of the city. A previous building of today's Jakobertor is mentioned for the first time in 1249, the Jakobertor itself for the first time in 1346. From 1415 the Jakobervorstadt was completely enclosed by a wall. In the 15th century, the outer moat around the Jakobervorstadt was deepened and widened.
In addition to the bridge at the Barfüßertor, there was a second connection between the city center and Jakobervorstadt via the inner city moat, a parapet walk called the Unterer Neuer Gang . This was located at the lower waterworks on the Mauerberg, where the house “zu den seven Kindeln” is and is now a cinema. To the south, the bird gate has served as an entrance to Jakobervorstadt since 1445 . To the north there was another gate since 1449, the Oblattertor , which no longer exists today. In 1485, the structural protection of the Jakobervorstadt at the connection points to the existing city was completed. The Jakoberwall was built from 1540 to 1542 and the Oblatterwall was laid out in 1543.
One of the Augsburg Lech canals , the Sparrenlech , was directed over the outer city moat into Jakobervorstadt. It combines there with the city of Bach , the (now its turn to the Lower New gear the inner moat in the Jakober suburb into it crossed under crosses it at him the Zirbelnuss Canal Bridge ). The city stream then leaves Jakobervorstadt near the Oblattertor, where it was once again directed across the outer city moat.
A Holy Sepulcher Church, built between 1120 and 1128, served as the nucleus for a Franciscan monastery in Jakobervorstadt . The Heilig-Grab-Kirchlein was demolished in 1611 and the monastery church was built above it, which was consecrated in 1613. In the course of secularization , the church and monastery were abolished in 1803 and the last Franciscans were removed by police force in 1808. Now the former church served as a salt store and the monastery as barracks. King Maximilian I Joseph of Bavaria raised the Franciscan Church to a Catholic parish church again in 1811. For this it had to bear his name as the church patron St. Max .
The lower fountain tower for water supply was located on the Mauerberg at the border between Jakobervorstadt and the cathedral city. Under the city architect Elias Holl , two more water towers were built to supply Jakobervorstadt, one of which, the lower St. Jakobs water tower , has been preserved. The Fünfgratturm , a former defensive tower , is located between these two water towers .
In the Jakobervorstadt mainly the social lower class of the imperial city of Augsburg lived. For this reason, the Fuggers built their poor settlement here and not in the upper town. Jakobervorstadt retained this status in the following centuries. In the age of industrialization, many factory worker families lived in Jakobervorstadt.
From 1856 to 1859 the old main hospital in Jakobervorstadt was built in neo-Gothic style. The Neptune Fountain with the oldest fountain figure in Augsburg has been in Jakobervorstadt since 1888 ; previously it was in other places in the city. The Vincentinum Hospital north of St. Max. Goes back to an old people's home founded in 1892 by the Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy of St. Vincent de Paul.
During the air raids on Augsburg in 1944, Jakobervorstadt was badly bombed and many buildings were completely or largely destroyed, including the churches of St. Jakob and St. Max. They were rebuilt after the Second World War.
Current condition
The outer moat near Jakobervorstadt has been largely preserved to this day and, unlike other parts of the Augsburg city moat, has not been filled in and built on or converted into new streets. A section of the water-filled city moat on the Oblatterwall is accessible by rowing and pedal boats ( Augsburger Kahnfahrt ).
Today Jakobervorstadt is part of the Augsburg city center planning area . This planning area is divided into nine city districts, two of which cover the area of the historic Jakobervorstadt: Jakobervorstadt-Nord and Jakobervorstadt-Süd . In addition to Jakobervorstadt, these also include a small part of the old town to the west of it, bounded by the streets Barfüßerstraße, Hoher Weg and Spenglergäßchen. This means that the following buildings, which are actually located in the Lechviertel, also belong to the Jakobervorstadt – Nord district:
- the city butcher
- the Brechthaus , the birthplace of the poet and playwright Bertolt Brecht
- the old city bath
Demographic structure
Compared to Augsburg as a whole, there are now a particularly large number of singles, fewer children and more people with foreign passports in Jakobervorstadt. Turks, Yugoslavs, Italians and Greeks are particularly common. On the other hand, the proportion of Germans with a migration background in Jakobervorstadt is significantly lower than in the entire city.
Fairs and festivals
The Jakober Kirchweih is an annual folk festival in Jakobervorstadt. In addition, twice a year, in spring and autumn, the Augsburger Dult , a traditional fair, is held in the street between Vogeltor and Jakobertor.
See also
- List of architectural monuments in Augsburg-Jakobervorstadt-Nord
- List of architectural monuments in Augsburg-Jakobervorstadt-Süd
Web links
- Jakobervorstadt in the Augsburg Wiki
Individual evidence
- ↑ Singles are drawn to Jakobervorstadt , Augsburger Allgemeine from September 13, 2012