James O'Reilly

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James O'Reilly (born October 10, 1855 in Lisgrea , County Cavan , Ireland , † December 19, 1934 in Fargo , North Dakota , USA ) was Bishop of Fargo .


James O'Reilly studied Catholic theology and philosophy at All Hallows College , Dublin . He received on 24 June 1880, the sacrament of Holy Orders . O'Reilly became a pastor in Belle Creek , Lake City, and Stillwater in the Archdiocese of Saint Paul . In 1886 he became pastor of the parish of St. Anthony of Padua in Minneapolis .

On December 18, 1909, Pope Pius X appointed him Bishop of Fargo. The Archbishop of Saint Paul, John Ireland , gave him on 19 May 1910 in the Cathedral of Saint Paul in Saint Paul , the episcopal ordination ; Co- consecrators were the Bishop of Duluth , James McGolrick , and the Bishop of Saint Cloud , James Trobec .

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predecessor Office successor
John Shanley Bishop of Fargo
Aloysius Muench