Jenny Rasche

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Jenny Rasche (born May 28, 1983 in Wernigerode ) is a German social worker . She is the chair of the Stackburg- based association Kinderhilfe für Siebenbürgen, which supports Roma families in Romania .


Jenny Rasche grew up with a sister on a farm in the northern Harz region . Rasche is a trained farmer and social assistant and attended the vocational schools I in Goslar , where she passed the technical diploma in economics in 2003 . Her father Hilmar Rasche was mayor for the party Die Linke in Stapelburg from 2008 to 2015 . Rasche is fluent in Romanian and obtained the general university entrance qualification in Romania . She studied Protestant theology and social work at the Lucian Blaga University in Sibiu . In 2012 she graduated with a bachelor's degree . As a 19-year-old she experienced the difficult living conditions of many Roma families on a private visit to Romania. She has been living with her family near Sibiu since 2008 and mainly takes care of children and adolescents. Her association, founded in 2003, which claims to be financed primarily by donations, also organizes school visits for Romanian students with good German language skills in Germany.

Rasche was reported in the press , on the radio and on TV on ARD , MDR , Deutsche Welle and WDR .

Their parents support their work by making themselves available as host parents for Roma children, accepting donations of clothing for the association and organizing aid transports.

Rasche is married and has eight children, two of whom are foster children.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Website of the Children's Aid Association for Transylvania
  2. Donation to Kinderhilfe für Siebenbürgen eV - BBS 1 Goslar -Am Stadtgarten-. Retrieved November 17, 2019 .
  3. "At the local mayor Hilmar Rasche (DIE LINKE), his daughter Jenny presented Children's Aid Transylvania." The party leaders on a summer tour , Disput , September 2012, p. 7
  4. Hilmar Rasche new mayor of Stapelburg ,, July 2, 2008
  5. ↑ Mayoral election in ... Detlef Winterfeld follows Hilmar Rasche , Volksstimme , May 22, 2015
  6. program ARD de-ARD Play-Out-Center Potsdam, Potsdam Germany: Gypsy life. December 4, 2010, accessed November 17, 2019 .
  7. Out of misery - Jenny fights. In: Werkblende Leipzig | Film and television production. January 2017, accessed November 17, 2019 .
  8. Day Center Sura Mare 2008. Accessed November 17, 2019 .
  9. a b "We are reaching the limits of our capacity". In: Hermannstädter Zeitung, issue 2632. July 12, 2019, accessed on November 17, 2019 .
  10. Portrait of Jenny Rasche - Children's Aid Transylvania. Retrieved November 17, 2019 .
  11. Christmas donations for projects to help children - BBS 1 Goslar -Am Stadtgarten-. Retrieved December 19, 2019 .
  12. a b Between the worlds. In: Kinderhilfe für Siebenbürgen eV June 12, 2016, accessed on November 17, 2019 .
  13. ^ Christoph Wagner: Dirty Kingdom . In: Die Welt Kompakt . February 2, 2015 ( [accessed November 20, 2019]).
  14. WESTFALEN-BLATT: Project helps neglected children. Retrieved November 21, 2019 .
  15. Jenny and the forgotten Roma children, January 13, 2019. In: Das Erste (Production: WDR ). January 17, 2019, accessed November 17, 2019 . [1] [2]
  16. ^ Out of misery - A German fights against poverty flight | God and the world | The first. February 23, 2017. Retrieved November 17, 2019 .
  17. Mdr at twelve Kinderhilfe für Siebenbürgen 2010. April 13, 2014, accessed on November 17, 2019 .
  18. World Stories: Romania: Help for Roma Children , , May 18, 2019
  19. The Misery of the Roma in Sibiu ,, May 9, 2019
  20. Children are like light - Jenny fights for Roma families , people up close , WDR television , March 7, 2019
  21. Farewell to the Harz Mountains and the host parents , Volksstimme, 31. July 2012
  22. Mühlenbergschule donates textiles for “Kinderhilfe Siebenbürgen” , , June 28, 2019
  23. ^ A house for the children of Sibiu , Neues Deutschland, February 9, 2013
  24. The nominees 2018 ,
  25. Martin Riess, Volksstimme Magdeburg: Magdeburg honor for humanity. November 24, 2019, accessed November 24, 2019 .